Author Topic: Help! Please!  (Read 2690 times)

Offline DK1220

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Hey Y'all

This is my 3rd time trying to post this because everytime I press back *b/c of an error* all my text is gone, lol. Anyway, I am 18 yrs old-165lbs-5'11".  Ok my story is I was fat as a kid. Until I was in the 9th grade I was about 5'6" and about 180lbs.

I started eating right after that, and hit a growth spurt -in a matter of 8 months I was about 5' 9" 1/2 @ 135lbs.  I started working out then.  

Even being pretty skinny I still had a chest that was noticeable.  Long story short I kept working out, gained some weight back, remaining skinny but this chest never seemed to flux.  I got the occasional man boob jokes which led to all kinds of paranoia.  I read into this whole gynecomastia thing and it said that breast tissue could actually be in there.  I just don't know, lol.

I managed to tone um up a bit. I've been working on it for while.  I read if it is gyne, then the breast tissue can't be toned.  I don't want to add any muscle mass to my chest if it is just going to get rounder.  ??? Maybe just stisk to push ups and scuplting exercises.

I come to y'all asking for opinions*help*.  I'm expecting the worst, but hoping for the best- I reckon it's time to face the music. :-[

Thanks Guys

Offline dav242

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at first glance - not gynecomastia - at all.
quick question, though - is any of the pinchable part of your chest (if even pinchable) hard or fibrous? like right under the nipple? (if it is, then maybe there's some glandular tissue, but if so, not that much - hard to tell from photos, though)

otherwise, is the pinchable stuff fairly soft?

while i don't think you need surgery, i sort of understand your situation. i have more body fat than you, but even when i was skinnier, i had a disproportionately fuller chest - mainly soft, pinchable fat (no hard breast/fibrous tissue). saw several docs, who told me, no gyne but i could have lipo done if it really bothered me. the cause of this weird fat distribution -- probably developmental, slow testosterone growth during puberty, causing fat cells to accumulate in the chest area.

you might fall under that header. definitely not gynecomastia, but maybe a little excess fat in the chest area. and the big tip off for that there is mild fullness in your chest (nothing too noticeable by anyone who isn't familiar with this stuff) and that you have little body fat elsewhere (judging from your abdominal area from the front view). even then, the fullness of your chest isn't bad at all.  it looks good.

i'm definitely no expert, but - you're young - you're still 18, you're probably still increasing Testosterone levels -

my guess is that with continued weight lifting (not just chest but all over - lower body too, since that boosts testosterone levels more than some upper body stuff), some cardio, and a good diet, it'll all settle out. you'll probably lose more of that fat in the chest area and surgery will hopefully be something you never have to consider

if it doesn't settle out and still bothers you, then check back with some of the other guys on these boards or do a freebie consult with a board certified PS.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2006, 05:55:00 PM by dav242 »

Offline DK1220

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Hey Thanks alot Dave! ;D As you can already tell this is a slightly embarassing subject for me.

I can flex my pectorial muscles and make the muscles buldge and tight, but when relaxed the area around the nipple itself is a little bit squishy-while everythign else underneath is harder.  I'm kindda just hoping this is a little bit of baby fat I can burn off...  :-/

Offline GodWasAngry

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sorry but it looks like gyne to me. especially in that third picture

Offline markashleigh1979

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u look god,stop wasting your time on here  ;D

Offline dav242

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Hey Thanks alot Dave! ;D As you can already tell this is a slightly embarassing subject for me.

I can flex my pectorial muscles and make the muscles buldge and tight, but when relaxed the area around the nipple itself is a little bit squishy-while everythign else underneath is harder.  I'm kindda just hoping this is a little bit of baby fat I can burn off...  :-/

ok - so obviously my opinion is no substitute for a real doctor's (especially since i am just going by your photos)

but, if, when relaxed, the area under your nipple or near your nipple is pretty squishy, it's probably subcutaneous fat, possibly mixed with some glandular (doubtful, but no one will really be able to tell you that until they cut you open and look under the hood)

the side pics are always the kicker, it seems - the whole profile view puts things in better perspective, and GodWasAngry's post might hold some validity -

you definitely don't have full-on gyne (i didn't either, but it still bugged me). if you don't feel any fibrous/glandular tissue around the nipple area (not talking the muscle part, just talking the area above the muscle), then it's just fat cells that you're pinching.

those fat cells probably got distributed to that part of your body when you hit puberty (probably due to your increased weight when you were younger, as you said in your post, which also could have contributed to slower testosterone growth during that same time).

so - as i said before - because you're still pretty young, continuing to lift weights should help boost T and all the weight training could possibly change the look of your chest (along with your entire body). of course, there's no guarantee and the problem with fat cells is that they can't be "spot reduced" to decrease in size... with time, you might be able to "burn it off," as you said, along with other fat cells on your body, but - again - no guarantees

even if there isn't an improvement, you don't hvae a very bad case at all. i think you look fine as is.

but, if you hit your twenties and are still at square one and just cannot deal with it, lipo could help (for me - it was more of a mental boost than physical).

just know that, since there doesn't seem to be much there, the change you'd see from lipo might be pretty marginal (as doctors had told me). for me, though, any change was better than no change. (and surprisingly, even though most docs told me there wasn't much fat in my chest, my PS apparently took out 400cc's of subQ fat cells - which was alot, especially given my small frame)

best wishes
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 02:27:48 PM by dav242 »

Offline DK1220

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Hey thanks guys, really  :)

I'll give it a little time *a few months* to see if these workouts improve things...and as you can see I am not extremely hairy on the torso, chest, or facial hair---soooo maybe the testosteroine levels haven't quite stabilized yet...

But I have a pretty big body frame so the larger chest is refered to as pecs more often than man boobs, lol. I can pass it off now, but I just don't want um to get old and saggy when I get older  :-/

I had no idea gyne affected between 40-60% of males, that is nuts

Anyways, I wanted to thank all of y'all for your opinions, and if anyone else wants to share-I 'm still more than happy to receive new thoughts.  ;D

Thanks guys!

Offline crow

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Hi DK1220,

Looks good to me ::)........I think you look good and problay many would like to look like that......... 8).....You may have a small case but if your worried and it bothers you then go to a PS........But it is not that bad from the pics but in real life the size thing looks differn to each of ust.....
All the best 8)
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........


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