Author Topic: How fuckin bad is this?  (Read 3438 times)

Offline OneLeftMastia

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am i the only one here with this kind of Gyne? (only gyne on my left )

right side view

front view

left side view

Hey everyone how bad is my gyne? I had this for about 4-5 years. Im 18 now and im so fuckin tired of living my life with this. Everytime i talk to my mom about getting surgery she talks around it but she know how i feel. The reason she does this cuz we have no money to pay for this surgery. I live in Camden New jersey having this is hell i dont even take my shirt off at home so fuckin tired of havin this shit. what should i do? i seen a few doctors and got my blood test a few years ago but i jus havent gotten surgery because i got no money to pay for it. Help me out please
« Last Edit: February 11, 2007, 02:35:41 AM by OneLeftMastia »

Offline headheldhigh01

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unilateral is the exception, but it happens.  pictures aren't visible for me, but the fact you can tell one side from the other probably means you have it.  can't make your financial situation go away, but if you hate it bad enough, a second job for half a year or whatever works for you might seem a lot more like worth it.  and yes it sucks.  welcome to the boards. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline OneLeftMastia

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unilateral is the exception, but it happens.  pictures aren't visible for me, but the fact you can tell one side from the other probably means you have it.  can't make your financial situation go away, but if you hate it bad enough, a second job for half a year or whatever works for you might seem a lot more like worth it.  and yes it sucks.  welcome to the boards. 

i knew i had it for a while like i said at the top. pics are working now

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Unilateral gynecomastia is more common that we may think.  I had it only on my right side and the PS I used said he saw a lot of one sided gyne.  Women of course often have one breast slightly larger than the other, but I think it is rare for a woman to have only one developed side.

I don’t have the answer as to why some men have unilateral gyne.  I could make a few guesses along the lines of .... more oestrogen receptors one side of a mans chest, or .... more sensitive oestrogen receptors one side of a mans chest, but as I say they would only be guesses.

I believe surgery is your only option and I accept the financial problem that that causes you.  All I can suggest is that you start saving.  I know that means you will have to wait and live as you do a little longer and that is hard.  However when the day finally arrives that you have the money for the surgery .. what a day that will be, and you will have done it off your own back.

Good luck and keep us posted as to how you get on.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline OneLeftMastia

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Wat do u think tha price range would be for jus removing one side Gyne?

Offline headheldhigh01

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less than half cheaper since the surgeon's fee is only part of the total price, which includes fixed costs like hospital cost, anesthetic, etc.  but from the pic, looks to me like your right side has just a little also, which you'd want to lose at the same time.  be ready for 4-5 k more or less, but get a couple of different quotes. 

Offline OneLeftMastia

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less than half cheaper since the surgeon's fee is only part of the total price, which includes fixed costs like hospital cost, anesthetic, etc.  but from the pic, looks to me like your right side has just a little also, which you'd want to lose at the same time.  be ready for 4-5 k more or less, but get a couple of different quotes. 

How do u know if i got it on the right side too? Because when i saw a doctor last year he aint say nothing about my right side. Maybe because my nipples aint hard in these pics, and also i dont got nothing behind my right breast no lumps or tissue its flat.

Offline headheldhigh01

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can't say why the doc did or didn't say anything, either he didn't notice or figured you had worse to worry about on the other side.  you don't have to have solid tissue to have it there, you can tell from the conical shape in the last picture, which is flat by comparison but still not true flat.  obviously not as bad as the right, but if i were you i'd get them to get it at the same time, you could even wind up looking flatter on the left than the right or something, just worth doing. 

Offline Mr_Nip

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I'd have to agree with headheldhigh01.  I think that if you remove the gland/fat from only one side, then you'll be left with a flat side and a conical and puffy nip on the other side because of the gland still in there.    For the difference in money I think you would be well-advised to do both sides.  Just my opinion from looking at the pics.

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