Author Topic: How many times would you do the surgery? For me, one more, 4 in total.  (Read 2898 times)

Offline BigLouJr

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Give me your opinions.

I had a major, major case, used to be 225lbs at 5-8", now I am 185 obviously at the same height.

1st- 2001- Lipo of right side
2rd- 2003-Direct incision on both sides
3rd-2005-Direct incision on both sides, again.

Now I am about to do it again for one last time. I am thinking about going to Argentina or Costa Rica. Sick of paying US doctors a lot of money. Both of the following doctors seen many pictures of me, and both agreed to remove all of the glands and will do lipo to keep the contour. They are both very experienced in this area. One of them has a new Lipo machine named VEERS or something like that.

Option 1:

Positive: Direct incision, hospital fees, anesthesia, 1 full day at the hospital with care, total $1400 US,
Negative: Plane ticket is $700 round trip and the ride is 10 hrs, hotels average $150 daily with no food.

Option 2:

Costa Rica
Positive: Airplane round trip $ 280 (just 5 hrs), surgeon's fees includes anesthesia, direct incision and follow up as needed $1300 US, hotels in the area avg $ 50 daily with food.
Negative: Hospital fee is an additional $400.

Both countries are very safe to US Citizens, especially me since I speak English, Korean and Spanish fluently (born in Cuba).

Here are the pics:

Offline flex1appeal

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That is a ridiculous outcome after 3 surgeries. But I will agree that possibly it is the surgeon you went with as to where the problem lays? I assume you went to the same surgeon each time or were they 3 different surgeons?

Offline **Gynefor**

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  • 37 yo - 184 cm - 82 kg
Terrific !  :o Three surgeries for this outcome. Gosh ! Hope that the last op is gonna be the good one ! You're brave man ! Whatever the decision you take is, I do hope that you're gonna be happy with the final result ! All the best.


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