Author Topic: I am new here and need to Know what I have?  (Read 2759 times)

Offline Enzo52

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My life has been turned upside down. I have lost my Job, I suffer from low self esteem and depression and I am due to start seeing a mental health nurse later in August. I have hit a brick wall and I nearly left my wife on Sunday, to literally runaway from the pain I have felt. My wife has been nothing but supportive of me. Contributing factors. Family greivence and Man boobs since age 13. Now 27 and I dont know where to turn. Please help. Im unsure if its gyno, fat, glands etc? Thanks

Couple of photo links.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 02:03:43 AM by Enzo52 »

Offline Worrier

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Hi to me it is mainly fat.There could be some gland under there when you lose weight but looking at the second pic seals it too me. The tissue goes under your arms which suggests more of a fat problem. The last pic is good as it shows the rest of you for comparison.  

You say you suffer from depression etc well exercise is good for that. I have suffered from depression a bit in the past myself and exercise helped me.Plus you could get some muscle on you which I would think would help your self esteem. Another thing are you taking any meds for the depression? as they do cause weight gain and some even can cause gyne which I doubt will help.

I would also suggest if you haven't already getting a doctor to have a look at your chest as you will get differing opinions on here. Plus there are some hormone conditions that cause gyne it might be worth checking up on that, as one symptom of low testosterone is depression. Although to be honest I am not surprised you are depressed anyone would be with manboobs.

If you are unsuccessful with exercise in helping the gyne there is surgery available but given you have depression I would give exercise a go first.As it could have two important benefits. If you do see a doc and he says it is breast tissue than surgery is the only way to get rid but get exercising as it is proven to help with mild-moderate depression.

There is a test you can do by checking under the nipple and breast for hard lumps but it can be at times subjective as gland (breast tissue) can be hard or soft and so can fat.

It is great you have support and I wish you luck.    

Offline Enzo52

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To Worrier. Thanks so much for your kind words and support. It was hard to take the photos and post them along with my short story but seing a reply as supportive as yours makes it worth while. I started training this week on Monday, as Sunday was a pivotal day for me, a bit like a do or die really. I will see what progress I make with some good cardio and regular fitness training. Thanks again

Offline yumurta

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don't mess with them bro, they are just fat and could be easily removed with an operation, don't get yourself upset because of your titties!

Offline Enzo52

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Offline ddaavviidd

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at least u don't have puffy nipples and a good PS would make u look terrific

Offline Enzo52

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Thanks so much again. If I can make a change to my body be it thru Lipo or training then I think it would definately affect my mental state. Yes, there are other issues I am tackling, but this is way up there in the top three. I think that this is partly because I was the brunt of all the jokes from the lads around me and got brutal comments by people who did not even know me from my early teens. Ie, bra jokes, squeezing my top half, name calling the list goes on.  Anyhow, sod them!! Im on a new mission.

Daavviidd. You say a good PS? What do you mean by this?

And to Jologs. Thanks. Im sure that your sincerity will win over a great new lady in the future. Im sorry to hear about your split.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2006, 06:52:20 AM by Enzo52 »


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