Author Topic: Lipo only? Not feelin' it..  (Read 1921 times)

Offline crossfit99

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Whats up fellas. I am 27 years old and, like all of you have battled this crap since I could remember. Dodging each and every pool party, water park get together, beach trip etc since about 6th grade. When I graduated HS I had enough, I was about 6' 230 and chubby. Got into construction and started lifting 5x a week. I shot all the way down to 185 and looked pretty damn good with a shirt on. The problem was I STILL would not take my shirt off for the life of me.

Through the years I have continued to work out, diet has gone on and off, but I keep in the gym at LEAST 2-3x a week; I now have a Wife and Child so time isn't as easy to come by. I recent picked up crossfit hoping to shed a few lbs, which I have but again, the chest is, what it is. I am 6' about 235 right now but MUCH more solid and strong than I was back in the hs days. -- I take HORRIBLE photos, which in this case is good because it exaggerates my chest and even makes me look a little heavier than what I appear on a day to day basis. Anyway, I have seen 3 docs now. 1 seemed like he didn't know wtf he was talking about, other was way high in price, and lastly the one I went to yesterday said he thought that lipo only would do the trick. The only reason I even gave it the time of day is because he did this procedure on my buddy and it actually came out really nice.

When I mentioned (to doc#3) about excision, he said yea but then you have to worry about the scarring etc etc. When I told him i've seen hundreds of before/after photos and that wasn't a chief concern he then said sure, we can do excision. At that point I said what about excision+lipo, and he started to agree again. I felt like I was the doc at this point. He's a board certified plastic surgeon, but I just get the feeling he isn't all that comfortable with doing the excision. He didn't have ANY before/after photos which didn't make me feel good either, I think he was just hanging his hat on the fact I was referred..not sure.

Anyway, for those that maybe only had lipo, do you regret it? Maybe docs can chime in after seeing my photos to let me know. -- My main concern was the fact it seems the gland is what pushes the nip out and makes them more puffy, so losing the fat would be great, but I do NOT want puffy nipples anymore after the surgery.. Let me know what you guys think. I also posted a pic with my shirt on (notice its a compression like shirt to hold chest tight) to put things in perspective, because I really don't feel as fat as some of these pics make me look lol.

Input is REALLY appreciated!

Offline crossfit99

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Really guys? Jesus, better off posting everything in the 'Ask a doc' section, seems to be the only way to get a response.

Offline thetodd

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You need excision, go to a board certified surgeon!

dont go for lipo only!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline hitchcock

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It's funny because I went to a board certified ps in NJ and he told me all I needed was lipo (that he was 99 percent sure of it, and if he needed to do excision he would since he was doing lipo via the areola). Needless to say I won't be moving forward with this particular doctor.

You will definitely need both done or a doctor who will be ready to perform excision during the operation if need be.

Offline crossfit99

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Thanks a ton guys...that's what I thought.

Thetodd, the 3rd doc was in fact board seems that gyne surgery isn't all that common around here, so even if you get a board certified PS, there certainly is no guarantee they know what they are doing when it cones to our stuff.

Offline morpheus11

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Welcome to the site, man.  Regarding your situation, I wish I could say it's unique, but as you browse the site, you'll find everyone on here has been through what you have.  I was there myself.  Working out constantly, and still never being able to take off my shirt--even when I was at my absolute lightest.  We know what you're going through.

Regarding your chest, go with the lipo and excision. I'm not a professional, but it definitely looks like you have some gland underneath just by looking at the diameter of your areola. When the gland gets removed, that goes down as well.  It begins to take on a smaller appearance--unless of course you form some scar tissue underneath after the surgery. 

Good luck. Get it done. Get on with life.

Offline crossfit99

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Welcome to the site, man.  Regarding your situation, I wish I could say it's unique, but as you browse the site, you'll find everyone on here has been through what you have.  I was there myself.  Working out constantly, and still never being able to take off my shirt--even when I was at my absolute lightest.  We know what you're going through.

Regarding your chest, go with the lipo and excision. I'm not a professional, but it definitely looks like you have some gland underneath just by looking at the diameter of your areola. When the gland gets removed, that goes down as well.  It begins to take on a smaller appearance--unless of course you form some scar tissue underneath after the surgery. 
Good luck. Get it done. Get on with life.

Great! I agree about the size of the nip, and I HATE it lol..thanks for the input

Offline crossfit99

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Well I am BOOKED! Super excited. The high priced doc (Frederick Corbin) matched the price of the other certified doc I went to see. It all worked out great so far, got the doc I wanted at the price I wanted. March 8th at 9:45am I go under the knife, at last!

Excited, but nervous as hell. Corbin does drains which i am not looking forward to, but all his work looks great so that part is exciting.

Offline morpheus11

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Congrats! You're halfway there.  The operation, is a breeze, and takes no more than an hour.  The recovery wasn't too bad either.  I wouldn't be the least bit worried if I was you.

Also, just be sure you clearly discuss your expectations with your surgeon.  And also be sure to have all your materials ready (vests, pain killers, etc). Let us know how it goes.  It's a life changer man, believe me.  I had mine done in December and almost backed out.  In retrospect, I should have got this surgery over with years ago. 

Offline crossfit99

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Congrats! You're halfway there.  The operation, is a breeze, and takes no more than an hour.  The recovery wasn't too bad either.  I wouldn't be the least bit worried if I was you.

Also, just be sure you clearly discuss your expectations with your surgeon.  And also be sure to have all your materials ready (vests, pain killers, etc). Let us know how it goes.  It's a life changer man, believe me.  I had mine done in December and almost backed out.  In retrospect, I should have got this surgery over with years ago.  

Haha, I could feel the feeling of backing out.. Like, "ive dealt with it for 27 years, what the hell"... But honestly, it will be the best summer ever, being able to take my son to the pool and not have a worry in the world! Or at the river/ocean and walk around shirtless while NOT in the water for the first time in my life.

Honestly, the only thing that really scares me is the GA. I am a complete wuss when it comes to health/doctors. My BP is always elevated when I go in for even a simple check up, then it goes down as my heart stops racing and I calm down a bit. So, its really easy for me to think I won't wake up lol.. I just want it here and done, gonna be a slow 2 weeks I can feel it already.

I go in for my pre op on Thurs, I'd assume that's when they would let me know about the vest and pain pills?


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