Author Topic: Looking for feedback on my pics  (Read 4921 times)

Offline jhn

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Hi everyone.  I'm spent some time going through this site and looking at everyone's pictures and trying to compare them to my own.  But as most of you know, if you are feeling insecure about your chest, it's very hard to be objective.  So let me post my images and I'll let you guys respond as you wish.  

I'm 30 years old, about 5'10 tall and weigh about 175 lbs.  I have always been skinny all my life.  The last 5 years my weight has fluctuated due to the fact that I thought putting on a lot of bulk would correct this problem.  It has not.  The problem is, losing weight does not seem to help either.  

Now I don't think my nipples are my biggest problem.  What causes me the most insecurity is this curve in my chest.  It is driving me absolutely nuts.  You know that diagonal line you are suppose to have that goes down from your shoulders to your nipple.  Well, I don't have that.  It appears as though there is fat deposits around the nipple that is throwing that line off.  It's really weird as I don't see a lot of people on here complaining about it, but rather more so the nipples themselves.  Anyway, let me post my pics and get some feedback.  

BTW, I workout very hard at the gym 4 days a week, and I eat fairly healthy. What I mean by that is almost no junk food, lots of fruits and vegatables.  My only problem is I still eat too many carbs.  That's about it. These pics are not the best quality so if you think I need to redo them, let me know.

This first one you see a little fat on the side of the nipples.

You can see again on this one that my right breast is puffed out, the left one is harder to see from this angle.

Here is me leaning forward trying to show you the curve under my arms I told you about.  

Here is the other side of my chest.

Here is another pic where you can see this curve.  Again, my theory is that it must be fat deposits there that is causing the chest to sag like that.

Leaning forward again here, can't see much from this shot except you can compare my chest a little bit to my abdomen.

This is a great shot, leaning forward all the way so you can see the breast sagging down.  Also you can see the curve again coming in from the side.

Another view of the curve from my shoulder to the nipple area.

This is just a closeup of one of my nipples.

And last one, me bending over again, showing the indentation problem from breast.  

This really bothers me because I do not have a weight problem, I workout very hard and have spent a lot of money on nutritional supplements to get stronger and I can't get rid of this.  

So my questions are one, is this gyno?  Two, Do you think I just need lipo around the breast area or is this tissue that needs to be removed from the nipple.  Three, do you think if this fat is removed that my breast will look normal or will they just be smaller?  And last question, is it possible my nipples are too big?  

I really appreciate any feedback I get here.  


Offline Pferdestärken

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Take a look at my pics; do these answer any of your questions?
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline jhn

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Pferdestärken,  where are your pictures located?  Thanks.


Offline jhn

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Stupid me.  I didn't see that link on the bottom that said pics.  It looks like everything went very well for you.  Although my breasts don't look quite as pronounced as your was pre-opt.  I'm still up in the air on mine.  

BTW, you seem to have a lot of bruising after your surgery.  Is that normal?  How soon are those bruises suppose to heal up?  Did you have lipo and incission?


Offline Pferdestärken

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Yes, I did have a lot of bruising didn't I!

It's dispersing now, thankfully. I've seen some pics of someone else who had the same op by the same surgeon with a similar build and he didn't show any bruising at all at this point, so it isn't always the case. We're all different! I suspect with me I had (have) fairly high blood pressure - they checked it twice pre op as it was too high to operate to start with - and that may have been the cause of the bruising, especially as most of it appeared livid purple to start with.

It was excission and some lipo, through the armpit as in Mr Levicks technique.

I think I am carrying a  bit more bodyfat than you, and I have a fair amount of pec development underlying the gyne - I think you can see that on the after pics - but they are not that dissimilar. It's for you and your doctor to tell you if thats gyne or not, not me!

Offline jhn

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Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.  Anyone else care to comment?  One of the things I want to know is if it looks like I have just too much fat around the breast area or if you guys think there is a gland causing the sagging?  This will have a large difference in cost and in recovery time.  When I feel my breast I don't feel any hard tissue, it just feels very jello like, maybe like a lot of water retention or something.  So I would like others to comment if they could.  Thanks.


Offline jhn

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Has anyone tried the drug Nolvadex before they opted for surgery?  I know bodybuilders swear by this drug for the treatment of gyne.  Just curious what everyone's thoughts are of this drug?  Certainly for many, this would be a cheaper and safer alternative.



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Looks like you have a mild case, it doesn't look too bad but if it bothers you get the surgery.  I wouldn't try any of those drugs without talking to a doctor, your body's chemicals are not something you should mess around with.

You don't feel any hard tissue at all?  Are you feeling under the nipple right next to your chest?  That's where I feel hard tissue.

Offline jhn

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Hi Alex,

No, it does not look too bad however when I have tight shirts on, I think it shows a lot more.  And like I said, what bothers me the most is not so much the nipple area, but rather the area from the armpit to the nipple.  It just doesn't look right.  I have felt around my nipple and I don't feel any hard tissue, I think it's all fat.  

Out of curiousity, if you just do lipo, how much cheaper is the surgery and does that make it safer?


Offline tonysoprano

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Dude u totally have gyne

there is no doubt.
Ill make this brief:

you will have to live with it or get surgery.

do your research and goodluck!
... and the saga continues

Offline jhn

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I know I have it but do you think I will need both lipo and excission or perhaps just lipo since I don't feel any lumps under my nipple?


Offline jhn

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Anybody else care to comment about the questions above?


Offline jhn

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OK, let me ask again.  Does it look like I need to have a gland removed or just lipo?  Surely somebody on this site can offer some advice.  Thank you.


Offline Blitz

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Hey my gyne brother.  It sounds to me like you're doing everything that most guys do just before they realize that surgery is the only answer.  Like you, I worked out like a beast and ate well.  After I lost 17 pounds, I noticed that my gyne was becoming more pronounced.  I liked most of my new body but I couldn't show it off.  

You should really go see a doctor for an opinion.  A lot of guys on this site usually need lipo plus incision.  I don't think you're any different.  Neither am I.  I need both.  The smartest thing you'll do is get a professional opinion and decide from there.  If you're too embarrassed to make that first step, don't be.  I was there to but once I started getting the ball rolling, everything started falling into place.  The doctor touched my moobs, measured it and he gave me his opinion.  He told me what I already knew and I'm now having surgery on July 13th.  

If you don't know of a doctor in your area, post what city you live in and I'm sure someone will respond.  

Take care and good luck.

Offline Pferdestärken

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Blitz has it covered basically.

Lipo will remove fat cells, permanently, but will not affect any glandular tissue, which would be more prominent as you drop bodyfat. Diet and excercise will not affect the glandular tissue. Incision will remove gland, permanently, but without some lipo might create an unnatural shape (cratering).

It's my belief (and I am not a doctor) that glandular tissue attracts fat cells. If you happen to put on bodyfat during puberty when the gland is developing, your fat cell deposits will tend to follow a more female than male pattern, in so far as fat will be deposited around the gland. If the gland does not regress and gyne remains when hormones have settled, and you later remove the gland alone, the surrounding fat deposits will look odd.

Some folk just develop gland with little fat accumulation. This may be because they were not generally depositing fat when the gland developed. They are the otherwise skinny guys with "puffy nips". Incision alone may be enough for them.

Yet another group might be considered those who had "transient" gyne during puberty which later regressed naturally of its own accord, leaving little or no residual glandular tissue but some fat cell deposits. Lipo alone (or maybe "flab jabs" if they really work) can work for this group.

Obviously these three groups are not completely distinct, as the degree of gyne/pseudo gyne varies by individual. With a doctors expert help you can determine your make-up and if incision, lipo or both can help attain the look you want.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2005, 04:02:50 AM by phil.short »


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