Author Topic: My case  (Read 1972 times)

Offline newtothis

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Hi all. I'm a 24 year old male and certainly on the stocky/overweight side. Since I was 17 I started building a ton of fat rapidly around my chest and even with lots of exercise it won't go down. I've got a lot of muscle in the shoulders but clearly still have a lot of work to do! I'm only 5'7" and weigh 180 lbs. I went to a doctor recently for a completely unrelated problem and he wrote in my chart "Possible mild Gynecomastia". I never knew what this was and thought that my breasts were just flab that would go away with more exercise. I've lost about 10 lbs and generally feel and look better but hardly any of it came off of my chest...I don't want to have any kind of surgery but am embarrassed to go to the beach and friends are always commenting how much my chest sticks out in a t-shirt :(

I have a photo on Flickr but it won't let me upload it

Will more exercise and getting down to 165lbs help with the breast size? A trainer said do more bench press to make the area firmer...Not sure if it will help :(

Thanks in advance!!

Offline Raider Fan

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Welcome to

Since there are no pictures, it's hard to say with any certainty whether you have gyne or whether weight loss/exercise might solve your breast problem.  But suffice it to say that for most guys, it doesn't help very much.  If you think you have gyne, then you probably do.  Pictures would help give a more definitive opinion. 

If it is gyne and it has been stable for several years, it's not going to improve significantly with exercise or weight loss.  The gland underneath the breast becomes fibrotic and it's no more likely to simply "go away" with exercise or weight loss than a female's would.  It's the same type of tissue.  The only way to get rid of it is to have it surgically removed.  Since you said you were overweight, losing weight can improve the overall look of the chest, but that alone will not resolve the problem of gynecomastia.  While waiting for surgery, compression shirts have proven to be a decent way to hide gyne and improve the hardship of living with it. 

Offline newtothis

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Thanks for the advice. Is there any way to upload a photo on this website?

Offline randomlygothere23

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there is a topic at the begining telling you various ways
simply go to photo uploading web site such as
upload ur pic
grap the link that says : direct link for layout
and when writing the post on the left second icon above the emotions there is an image icon when u press it it adds some thing like this this to ur post -> [ img ] [ img ]
just insert the link between the two brackets with no spaces .. it should upload

ex [ img ] *link* [ img ]


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