Author Topic: My Pics - Surgery Questions and Advice Needed  (Read 4100 times)

Offline fltmedguy

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I recently stumbled across this site, and I have learned a lot from reading, but now I have a few questions of my own.  Sorry for the low quality pics, I'm currently in Afghanistan and don't have a camera so I had to use my webcam.  I've had gyne since I was about 10 or 11, but it's never really bothered me until the past 5 years or so.  I'm 30 now, and the past few years I've gained some muscle, which has only made the gyne worse.  And then over the course of this year, I've gained about 5-10 lbs of fat on top of that.  So now I'm thinking its time for surgery.  I plan to lose some fat and then go in for a consult when I get home next month.  Just a few questions:

I'm worried about loose skin after the surgery.  Given the severity of my case, do you guys think I'll have a big problem with loose skin?
Has anyone on this board successfully got tricare insurance to cover this surgery?
Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in Louisiana?  I'm thinking I'll have to go to Texas, which isn't a problem.
Did anyone have a case similar to mine?  Would you mind sharing some pictures with me?

Thanks again for all the help and support!

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 05:45:39 AM by fltmedguy »

Offline fltmedguy

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So, over 100 views and the only 2 replies are mine?  What a joke.  It's bad enough being over here in Afghanistan for a year.  Great community you guys have here.  I'm out.  Good luck to everyone out there and I hope others find this site more useful.

Offline pokeweed

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Sorry for the delay in responses!  This really is a great resource for you!  My case, from the looks of your chest, was very similar to yours. More than just 'puffy nipples', you've got feminine type breasts. I struggled with mine from the time I was in Junior High. Now in my 50's I had them removed in the fall.  My plastic surgeon opted to make smile shaped incisions in the natural curve of my pecs. Lipo the area and remove the breast tissue. That's a bit more agressive than just an incision on the edge of each nipple and going in that way.  I wore a compression vest for a month and still wear compressions shirts at the gym. I am now flat chested, especially when the shirt is on at the gym. Best of all, I feel better about myself.

My doc did what he could to deal with any sagging of the skin. You appear to be in maybe your early 20's and your skin will bounce back nicely!! There is a place on this site to locate doctors in your chosen area of the county. 

You can look up my before pictures by doing a search for POKEWEED and then going back through my posts.

THANK you for your service to all of us.  Be patient and I'm sure  others will post.

If I can answer any other questions, just shoot them to me though this chain.  BTW, insurance doesn't pay for this.  Mine ran around $3500 her in the KY area.

God bless you and keep you safe.


Offline improving

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I'm worried about loose skin after the surgery.  Given the severity of my case, do you guys think I'll have a big problem with loose skin?
Has anyone on this board successfully got tricare insurance to cover this surgery?
Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in Louisiana?  I'm thinking I'll have to go to Texas, which isn't a problem.
Did anyone have a case similar to mine?  Would you mind sharing some pictures with me?

Hi mate.

I wouldn't worry about loose skin, you appear to be young and it'll bounce back into shape. I can't answer your specifics on surgery as im from the UK. My case is similar i guess, i didn't know i had any gyne whatsoever until i started building my chest. I went to the gym to improve my appearence and ended up making things worse after much hard work. Very frustrating.

In fact i've added a little too much fat in the same way as you. I invested in a compression garment for the odd t shirt where i don't like the profile of my chest but i find it uncomfortable so stopped wearing it. I'm going to stop weight training my chest (as much), diet, do cardio and see where i am at the end of the year.

All the best and stay safe in Afghanistan. I've attached one of my pics, but have a browse of the pictures board :) Don't give up on this resource just yet, as many of the views are probably non forum members, you just have to wait a while for replies.

Offline thetodd

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definatley gyne, why dont you get it done via the military i thought that was a perk of being in the US army.

Ive seen some usa lads on here getting diagnosed by military medics and being reffered, give it a whirl
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline bmwcro

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Mine was similar to yours.  I am day 7; I will post pictures when the swelling goes down. 

Offline DenverGuy

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You're young and in good shape - you won't have a problem with loose skin at all. If you see any loose skin immediately after the surgery, especially on your left side which seems more gyne-like, it will be fine within a couple days.

You have a moderate to minor case, I think. Congrats on staying fit - that will make recovery much, much easier and you'll have much better results!

If you choose not to go for surgery, you still look all right in my humble opinion. I don't think you'd get many second glances at the beach. Best wishes and THANK YOU for your service!!!

Offline shaker

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So, over 100 views and the only 2 replies are mine?  What a joke.  It's bad enough being over here in Afghanistan for a year.  Great community you guys have here.  I'm out.  Good luck to everyone out there and I hope others find this site more useful.

sorry was in a surgery at the time you posted this but i believe you have mild case of gyne, it all depends on u if u want to get surgery, but i  do not think ur chest looks too bad, i dont think people will notice it !

Offline morpheus11

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whoa. be patient buddy. we don't all sit around this site all day long.  as for me, I need to sneak on. which means i'm not typically on in the library or the coffee shop.

anyhow,I'd get surgery if I was you. actually, i am you--but about 30 lbs slimmer. so, do your research, try to drop some weight, and if it still bothers you, just get the surgery done and get on with your life. you're young and i'm sure you don't want this stuff chasing you throughout your whole life.

anyhow, take care and thanks for serving.

Offline hang_lo

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Don't think your chest looks that bad.  I can see you work out, but you have fat left in the pec area.
Bigger nipples, but I don't see that as a problem either. Some overall fat loss would help. Keep workin
out, fat loss and the skin will shrink.


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