Author Topic: is it or is it not?  (Read 2708 times)

Offline supersteve2181

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could somebody please confirm if link to pics are working.

Offline Viper_BR

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Yes, the're working... =P

Offline headheldhigh01

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weight loss won't help, i'd rate that a gyne 4.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Gavin

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Ehh... I say weight loss would help a bit, but yeah, I don't think it would remove it entirely.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I think people are having a right laugh here/know very little about what they are talking about.

That is moderate-significant gynecomastia- I’d say about a 6-7 out of 10.

Some people seem to think that it is fat unless someone has a very low level of body fat (partly due to many peoples obsession with weight training/bodybuilding which is a cross over interest on the site) but that is simply not the case.

I remember one person making a crude but very apt remark on this site;

"If your chest comes through the door before your stomach it is gynecomastia".

Of course it isn’t as cut and dry as that but it is a crude starting point and gets across something very important.

The fact of the matter is, even if you are carrying a little extra weight, your chest is completely out of proportion to the rest of your body.   It is the comparison between the two that highlights the nature of your problem.

I would bet your main issue in fitting shirts is your chest not your stomach- something else that is a pointer to the problem.

I would also describe that level of gynecomastia as moderate-severe because as you know only too well it cannot be hidden by shirts….maybe not even by heavy fleeces, possibly only by a coat and that means it often carries with it a higher psychological burden.

Weight loss will absolutely not elevate the problem.  Surgery is without question the only thing that is likely to help remove it if it is getting you down/an issue for you.


It always gets me when people have very small glandular gynecomastia and low body fat (the type of gynecomastia that can easily be hidden in shirts) how so many people regard that as bad.  But as soon as a guy is of average build or carrying a few pound (no matter how bad the gynecomastia) appears the problem is downplayed and weight loss is invariably emphasized by the exercise zealots (and that is coming from a former pro tennis coach- no slouch).

Offline anonguy

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I agree with Hypo. Moderate to Servere.  Chest way out of proportion to rest of body.

Good luck


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