Author Topic: Persistant pubescent gyno. Can I exercize it away?  (Read 2401 times)

Offline Lotofmangoes

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I began to develop these when I was about 12. I'm 20 now and although my doctor told me when I was 15 that they'd go away sooner rather than later, they haven't. It's not a terrible case of glyco, but it obviously is one. I have the solid mass under both nipples, although my right is slightly worse than my left.

As stated I'm 20 y/o; I'm also 220 lbs, 5'10.5", waist 36". I've recently begun to exercise more regularly although I could stand to increase my training.

I'm interested in knowing if in my case it would be possible to simply exercise it away somehow. Based on previous research, I figure it would help my general physique, but the glyco would remain and become more apparent with weight loss. If there's a possibility it would help otherwise though, I'd be glad to hear it.

A thought I had on reducing them another way came to mind as well. In the same way that I break down muscle and bone through wear, would I be able to break down the breast tissue through vigorously beating it over an extended period of time? I don't know much about it in-depth, but I assume it's mostly consolidated fatty tissue and would disperse upon being broken down. On the other hand there's a possibility that might make it worse. I got this idea from watching a video where an individual went around to different nations and underwent their methods of training. One asian method was to take wooden rods and repeatedly smack them against a persons abs. I wouldn't try something so severe immediately on the breast tissue, but the general idea stands.

As for surgery, I'm in no way able to obtain that at this time and would want to explore alternative options first anyways.

Any advice you could give me other than more exercise would be great.

Thank you very much for the time you spent reading this,

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 02:15:21 PM by Lotofmangoes »


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I'm sorry to tell you that the surgery is the only way! If you want to start beating yourself you may want to find a different kind of doctor to talk to because that is just down right crazy!

Offline Lotofmangoes

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Please refrain from criticizing my idea on the basis that you may think I enjoy inflicting pain upon myself. It's a legitimate thought process. Cells can be broken down; normally, when fat and other kinds of cells are broken down they simply disperse into the bloodstream. Typically these cells are broken down either directly through the body's functions or through the aid of external chemical elements, but even the chemicals mostly work directly through the body's system of breaking down cells. My thought is what if you worked on breaking them down through an external physical method. You'd be able to directly target the area of cellular growth and if done correctly it should eventually completely destroy the breast tissue; since it's not designed to grow back without certain hormonal imbalances, as long as I'm doing more forms of cardio and targeted exercise then I should be golden.

Don't tell me I need help. I'm completely serious about this as a method.

Offline s00ntobe

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mine kind of looks like yours, i would say try to build muscle there and lose some fat, it won't go away completely but it might help, but if you want it all gone your only option is surgery.

Offline Alchemist

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Please refrain from criticizing my idea on the basis that you may think I enjoy inflicting pain upon myself. It's a legitimate thought process. Cells can be broken down; normally, when fat and other kinds of cells are broken down they simply disperse into the bloodstream. Typically these cells are broken down either directly through the body's functions or through the aid of external chemical elements, but even the chemicals mostly work directly through the body's system of breaking down cells. My thought is what if you worked on breaking them down through an external physical method. You'd be able to directly target the area of cellular growth and if done correctly it should eventually completely destroy the breast tissue; since it's not designed to grow back without certain hormonal imbalances, as long as I'm doing more forms of cardio and targeted exercise then I should be golden.

Don't tell me I need help. I'm completely serious about this as a method.

Hi Lotofmangoes

There was a recent news story about a whole lot of men of an army drill regiment were developing one sided gyne from smacking their chests over and over with a riffle butt.  Also vigorous massage is said to cause breast growth from at least some who practice it.


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If memory serves me right it was in the German army!

As a person who was very strong and very fit but has had his health go totally go down over the last 20 years, have had to have several surgeries, live with lots of pain and arthritis, looking at another surgery this fall or winter has no idea how anyone would ever want to to inflict any kind of beating on themselves!

Now mind you I've lived a very full and fun live! I was a Navy diver, trained to jump out of helicopters, do amazing things that I sure wish I could still do, then in the Army Reserves after that and leaned to things that where just to fun to even talk about. Own my own construction company, my dream job. Father five, grandfather of three, still happily married to the best girl I've ever known!

Oh hell, my life was normal! Maybe I need to beat my chest!

Offline Lotofmangoes

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Thanks for your help so far everyone.

But Hammer >.> you're being more counterproductive than anything. I'm not trying to find some kind of perverted masochistic lifestyle (although that doesn't mean I'll give of my dream of being Donkey Kong). I came to a medical forum because I had a serious scientific inquiry, not for personal attacks on my normality.

As it stands though it's looking like the idea doesn't have a lot of potential; it seems more likely to have negative repercussions than anything. I'll wait a bit to see if any experts have an opinion to share before I don't make any more decisions though.

Thanks again :)

Offline ladiesman69

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Thanks for your help so far everyone.

But Hammer >.> you're being more counterproductive than anything. I'm not trying to find some kind of perverted masochistic lifestyle (although that doesn't mean I'll give of my dream of being Donkey Kong). I came to a medical forum because I had a serious scientific inquiry, not for personal attacks on my normality.

As it stands though it's looking like the idea doesn't have a lot of potential; it seems more likely to have negative repercussions than anything. I'll wait a bit to see if any experts have an opinion to share before I don't make any more decisions though.

Thanks again :)

No need to be so butthurt about everything.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Hammer gave you the straight story. He was not being diplomatic, but he was being totally honest and true. While it is not what you wanted to hear, It is absolutely correct.

Using traumatic force to break up Gynecomastia will only result in the tissue being made more firm by the addition of sear tissue.

Surgery is the only effective way to get rid of this preblem.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Jaxed23

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