Author Topic: Pic opinion/hairloss/advice  (Read 2396 times)

Offline Worsethingshappen

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Hi everyone!

New here, but have lurked from time to time. 32 yrs old.

My pics

Always been thinish but never had a great chest, nips always kinda puffy, but never to the extent it was a problem for me. Been taking Avodart for hairloss over last couple of years and it seems to have caused gyne.  Would like some opinions please...

1) Have I got it/how bad have i got it?
2) If I stop taking the avodart will it go?
3) If I get the op can I carry on taking avodart, or would that make it come back over time?

While theorys are welcome I would appreciate it if you can let me know when its just a theory or hunch. Dont mean to be rude but I like to separate theroys from facts on online forums. I'm sure you guys see your share of BS here and other places too, so hopefully you know where I'm coming from.

Thanks in advance :)

Offline Worrier

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you're right to be objective on advice you are given here. While an opinion from a 3rd party is useful it does not subsitute from advice given by a doctor.

All we can give here are opinions but due to having suffered from gyne myself I spoke to several doctors and PS's and also read up from medical sites on the web (know your enemy ;D) Many others on here have probably done the same.

1 Yes I would say you have Gyne , you have a moderate case .I would say it is a mix of gland and fat. I say gland as you have puffy nips. (although sometimes big nips can be caused by fat also which is when it gets confusing)Can you feel any hard lumps behind the nipple or around the breast area?.

2 Possible. my gyne was drug induced. I spoke to a PS and an endocrinlogist about it going. They said that stopping the medication should make the growth stop in their experience, IF it is the med that caused it and not another factor. They also said sometimes the gyno will reduce or even disappear. Your chances rise if yoiu have not taken the med long. My gyno has almost gone a year after withdrawing the offending med and I was on the med two years. All drugs are different in how they work and for a definate answer it is best to see a doctor and /or consult the company that makes the drug.

3 It is possible for a wide variety of reasons for gyne to come back.This is why many PS's like you to have a  hormone test done to reduce this chance.My PS said that if the gyno did not go and surgery was required I would need to be off the medication and stay off it. Or it might come back.  

Offline Worsethingshappen

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Thanks for the response.

In answer to your question  there appears to be no hardness under the nipples....all pretty soft in fact.

Oh in case that link does not work for anyone, this one should

Guess my next move is to see a PS then. Or I could ditch the Avodart and see what affect it has. It's a real catch 22 situation though, as although no baldness miracle cure, the avodart in combo with rogaine has stopped the progression of baldness.

If only I could have my cake & eat it! Ah well.  


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