Author Topic: PLEASE HELP by giving your opinion  (Read 4253 times)

Offline ToniB

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I am already pretty certain that I have gynecomastia.  When I was looking around this site, I noticed that the vast majority of the guys on this site are like encyclopedias when it comes to this topic.  I don't know how severe my specific condition is, I need to know if my gynecomastia will go away if I loose a lot of weight, or if it will remain and continue to haunt me.  So before I go out and dish out an arm and a leg for the procedure, I need to be absolutely certain that it is necessary for me.  This is where I was hoping I could get some MUCH needed help.  Please take a look at my photos and let me know if I need a surgical procedure done. 


Thanks a million.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 11:36:35 PM by ToniB »

Offline Dave_8

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If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Will weight loss improve your condition? Yes, Slightly.

Will weight loss get rid of your gynecomastia? No.

Will any pills, potions, or exercises help? No, Surgery is the only way to get rid of it.

Will a compression garment help conceal it? Yes, and there are several brands available.

Good Luck! and welcomd aboard, we are all in the same boat.
Grandpa Dan

Offline ToniB

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Thanks guys for the responses so far.  I really appreciate it.  I encourage anybody who views this thread to add a quick comment.  Thanks again.

Offline impervious

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I would reccommend that you begin a dieting and fitness regimen before you consider gyne surgery.

Offline zilverkatt

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I would reccommend that you begin a dieting and fitness regimen before you consider gyne surgery.

I agree.  If I were you, I would set some very clear goals in re fitness and move to achieve them one by one.  Only then, would I consider surgery.  By doing this, you will have something (surgery) to keep your motivation level up.  Surgery is very expensive and it looks like you could make considerable improvements by spending a fraction of the cost on changing diet, working with a personal trainer, etc. 

Offline darknips2

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excellent suggestions guys...Its scary how they  toss around  "surgery"  in this forum -- VERY glad  u told him about other  alternatives and that  SURGERY  IS NOT the only answer. 

Offline ToniB

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Excellent suggestions guys.  I have started a regime thanks to the good advice.  Please continue to add your thoughts.

Offline tunguska

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Any gynecomastia requires surgical removal
Exercise may certainly improve the appearance of gynecomastia, but surgery is the only way to alleviate the condition.

All men have some natural breast tissue
Men's breasts consist of a combination of naturally occurring breast tissue and adipose tissue (i.e., fat).  When men develop gynecomastia their breasts become similar to women's because of an increase in the amount of breast tissue.  This may or may not be accompanied by an increase in adipose tissue.

While exercise may reduce the adipose tissue, it will not reduce the breast tissue
Consider women who experience moderate weight loss through cardiovascular training or sports: Their breasts may get smaller (through reduction of adipose tissue) but they will never end up as flat as the average male chests we all covet because the human body does not "consume" breast tissue for fuel the way it consumes adipose tissue.

We men need some breast tissue though
Apart from any anatomical or evolutionary need for breast tissue, it supports our nipples!  A good surgeon will never remove all of your breast tissue; they may remove all that causes the aesthetic presence but some breast tissue must remain in order to support the nipple.  There are several pictures throughout the forums where nipple collapse is plainly visible.  Although there may be a variety of reasons for such a result, I strongly urge everyone to quiz their surgeons on the method(s) they employ to avoid nipple collapse.  This should primarily consist of leaving a supportive layer of breast tissue.  I would be wary of a surgeon unable to articulate such a countermeasure.

I hope the docs will correct any flawed science but this is the basic layman's picture the biology of (y)our situation(s) and just one of the things you should discuss with your doctor prior to surgery.


Offline darknips2

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Tunguska, EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT  POST !   thank u sooooo much for that information..  your post says it ALL   -- "MEN  do need  SOME breast tissue".....      we have said it countless times,  a mans chest should not be FLAT as a board, it needs contour (aka breast tissue)
Thanks again for this post   

Offline ToniB

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I have always had this annoying condition.  I am 22, and when I was 16 I was thin and it was still very visible. I've never been overly muscular, and I've never taken any supplements or drugs.  However, someone once told me it can be due to excessive milk drinking in the adolescence as the hormones given to cows (to enlarge their breasts for milking) find their way into our drinking milk.  Now I'm thinking maybe working on some pec exercises will lessen the severity after the weight loss.  But I know it's a long shot.

BTW: Thanks for the great posts guys, especially Tunguska, keep them coming.

Offline tunguska

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Thanks for the kudos on the post, guys.  I think I'm actually going to put together a more detailed FAQ for those of us who are a little more curious as to how this works.  Many of the responses in this thread are sparking lots of ideas regarding questions that need concise and detailed answers.  Thanks again for the kind words.

Offline johnnybot

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not true you can look at my pics from before i started working out and there is a HUGE improvement with bench pressing its fact just check my pics. Man your number one thing is to get your hormones checked one of the signs is having your waist line above your belly button go see the hormone doc (endo I think) the stuff he will give you will also help with you losing weight....


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