Author Topic: Possibly Gynecomastia? Need confirmation  (Read 3370 times)

Offline sceleris

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I feel like my chest has had this problem since my teens. I was into multiple sports, gained a bit of puberty weight, lost it out of high school, and seem to have looked the same since. At the beginning of this year I have pushed myself very hard to lose weight and so far have lost about 20 pounds.

After all is said and done, I really grow tired of wearing multiple shirts, feeling my skin rub against the fabric so much, and feel as if my nipples are pointing into my armpits. It feels and is noticeable. I do have the money ready for the operation as I have my assumptions that I am right, but I feel this is the best place to ask to get the best advice; everyone has been very helpful in other threads!

Offline sceleris

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Two front shots when my skin is more contracted.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Well, Yes. but as a matter of degree I don't know what to say. I know of guys with  much larger breasts that simply ignore the condition while I also know of guys with less that are totally overwhelmed by it.

There only way to judge how bad it is, is to ask how much impact it is having on your life. If it has little to no impact, then it is not at all bad. If it is troubling to you, then that emotional impact makes it bad.

This is a very personal issue and only you can decide if it is bad enough to need surgical reduction.
Grandpa Dan

Offline sceleris

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It is having enough impact for me to seek out opinions of a forum/site dedicated to the support and helping effort for people concerned with gynecomastia. It limits me on what I wear. It reminds me that no matter how fit I get that it will never go away. It aggravates me tremendously because I can actually feel it disturbing my clothing and being apparent.

It doesn't help being harassed at younger ages about it either. Though I am sure that I am with like minded individuals here as far as some of these problems go.

It isn't my intention to make this come off snarky or aggressive. It is just a sensitive subject for me. I hope that I can find a solution and the best course of action here.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 08:49:26 PM by sceleris »

Offline igotum

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I am kinda like Paa-Paw. I really don't know what to say except welcome to the forum. There are several of us that having boobs, moobs, breasts or what ever pet name there is don't let it bother them too much. I am one of those. How you handle the situation is entirely your move. We can identify with you though. Maybe some of the guys that opt for surgery will chime in. All that said there are several that have had surgery that are still not happy with the results. So I recommend you read many hours on this forum as well as surf the WWW for answers. Then when you are satisfied with your decision....go for it. I sound like a politician talking from both sides of my mouth!

Offline sofa

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I understand your feeling, however I would think you would really want to think about it.  Not minimizing the situation but your not to bad yet.. I would probably wait..  Surgery is a big deal and would be a very minor change at your stage... I have lived with it for many years, it all started when I was 5 and had puterity glad issues. I have lived with it for almost 20 years.. It got slightly worse but no where close to where theses other guys are at..  I am a 42B/44B not to big however big enough since I have lost weight to hurt when jogging or walking fast. So for excerstize I am investing in a good sports bra.. What are your measurements? There are calculators out there.   This one seems like a decent one.. I am about 40 inch bellow, 43inch Bust and 41inch above.  You look like an A maybe borderline B

There are much worst things out there. Like I have an AVM that can cause aneurisms and epilepsy..  I mean its all up to you. Those who have had surgery may want to chime in, however from my understanding even after surgery it may grow back.. Also at your point is it really worth it you may look worse?

Surgery is a big deal.. Most likely wont be covered by your insurance. I have read it can be as much as 6k or more..  There are also compression shirts out there if you dont feel conferrable going the way of a sports bra..  Although I have read some negatives or pluses.  I am married and my wife was surprisingly supportive well somewhat of me getting a bra for jogging..

Offline sceleris

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I was hoping some people who had had the surgery might pop in, or someone who offered more information on the other side of the topic. So far, I have sat the fence on this issue for about 5 years. I didn't even know that there was a surgical solution until about that long ago (naive). The thought of wearing a compression shirt or bra is not even in the picture for me as a long term solution really. I feel that they would be just as much of a burden as the issue itself.

I have read up on a few other sites where people have had very positive experiences with surgeries and many different doctors. This is my first time to even discuss it publicly so it is quite the challenge for me. I appreciate everyone's help so far and look forward to more responses.

Offline troubleddoc

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Bro we all are similar to you or even worse. This site is a blessing in disguise.Look first consult a plastic surgeon of your area. The good ones. They will explain u their approach. The important thing is to find a good surgeon. U need liposuction plus excision of gland as in fat plus gland removal. Third ask ur surgeon about his approach ,his experience and photos of patients he operated. Having this procedure will remove the puffiness for sure .go realistic . also ask them how they will tackcle saucer deformity. I had my op last month n am happy. U can do it all gym n all in a month. But complete results take months as healing take place based on individual
Operated by Dr hari Menon on 16 June 2014☺☺☺😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Offline sceleris

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Thank you troubleddoc! I appreciate you explaining some of the questions I should ask whenever consulting with the plastic surgeon. I still have to lock down a surgeon in my area. This site has shown me the severity of some cases and the outcome of their procedures. I feel more confident in the process now for sure. I still am sitting the fence on if I will go through with it, but the more I look into it and push myself to improve the appearance, the more I am certain I want the procedure.


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Troubleddoc, is right that you want a very experience doctor when it comes to having this surgery! The price should not be a deciding part of this decision.

The reason that you don't get many replies from many that had surgery is those that have and are happy go on their way and we never hear from them again after a short time after surgery!

The ones that are not happy are here complaining about the job. Very few that are happy stick around very long!

I'm one of the old guys that have had breast all my life, and have learn to live with them!

Offline sceleris

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I am glad for anyone who is around to help spread awareness of solutions and experiences with this issue. Having parties from both sides giving their opinions is extremely helpful to me. As for money, I do have my limit on how much I would spend to fix this, but I do not plan to go cheap only to wind up disappointed. And I completely agree about the people post surgery being happy and no longer lingering around; it only makes sense!

Offline shreyas24

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I feel like my chest has had this problem since my teens. I was into multiple sports, gained a bit of puberty weight, lost it out of high school, and seem to have looked the same since. At the beginning of this year I have pushed myself very hard to lose weight and so far have lost about 20 pounds.

After all is said and done, I really grow tired of wearing multiple shirts, feeling my skin rub against the fabric so much, and feel as if my nipples are pointing into my armpits. It feels and is noticeable. I do have the money ready for the operation as I have my assumptions that I am right, but I feel this is the best place to ask to get the best advice; everyone has been very helpful in other threads!

You need not worry about it because it is not sign of Gynaecomastia and but have some little bit chest. So you can easily get rid of it by doing regular physical exercise.

Offline troubleddoc

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Hammer is right. During my search my surgeon a lot ppl got operated but they r so happy they forget bout it.I m here to help. I remember surfing here everyday at least 6-7 I come twice or thrice a week. My opinion get a good surgeon go for it. It changes ur life. I tried accepting it but couldn't. I appreciate the courage of ppl to live with it

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You appear to have mild to moderate gyne.  You have already lost weight and worked out -- so what you have is residual tissue which will not disappear without surgery.

Suggest you do your research and find a gyne specialist in your area.

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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