Author Topic: Is this pubertal gyne/ your opinions on my case (pics)  (Read 3067 times)

Offline Mark102

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Please give me your opinions on my case and let me know if you think this is pubertal gyne.
Some helpful details:
I'm 15
143 lbs.

Bonus question: The tissue in my gyne feels like the tissue in my "tricep flab", why is this so?
(put your arm out and pinch the fat hanging from your arms.)

So here are the links to my pics:

1) Front view arms up
2) Left view
3) Right view
4) Front view arms down

Also, do you think that losing help would help with the sagging skin AT ALL, even if I lost weight and did push ups to raise my upper pecs?

Any suggestions would also be helpful as to what i could do to improve my appearance, besides surgery, because my doc said i have to wait till i'm 18 to see if it grows anymore or stablizes.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Some of your photos were not viewable.  However, from the two that I observed and from your history, it appears that you are overweight and that is contributing to your gyne.  And, if I remember correctly, you were once even heavier than now.

Being overweight is a double whammy.  First, some fat goes to your chest (and abdomen as well).  It goes there first and is the last area to leave.  Second, when you do have extra fat, the fat tissue, through a series of metabolic maneuvers, produces estrogen which in turn stimulates your breast tissue to grow.  Now you have both fat and excess breast tissue on your chest.

Losing weight is your first priority.  I do believe, due to your youth, that your skin will be able to tighten by itself substantially -- but there is no way to tell until you have actually lost the weight.  I also predict that when you lose the weight, you will still have some noticeable gyne.  It will then become your choice as to live with it, mitigate the appearance with snug compression garments, or opt for surgery to remove it.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Mark102

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Thanks dr  :)

ok so my first priority is to lose some weight..
Ill get right to it.

As for my "bonus question" can anyone answer that because its confusing to me...

I will keep you guys up to date as much as i can on my progress.

Bye and feel free to keep posting on this.



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Please give me your opinions on my case and let me know if you think this is pubertal gyne.
Some helpful details:
I'm 15
143 lbs.

Bonus question: The tissue in my gyne feels like the tissue in my "tricep flab", why is this so?
(put your arm out and pinch the fat hanging from your arms.)

Also, do you think that losing help would help with the sagging skin AT ALL, even if I lost weight and did push ups to raise my upper pecs?

Any suggestions would also be helpful as to what i could do to improve my appearance, besides surgery, because my doc said i have to wait till i'm 18 to see if it grows anymore or stablizes.

Something does not add up. The pictures are of someone who has a global fat problem. The numbers just do not compute for anything but a normal BMI. Using a pediatric BMI calculator for a 15 year old male:

The should be in the normal range. That just does not seem to be right, something is wrong with the story. That is the problem with replacing a forum for a propper evaluational by an experienced gynecomastia surgeon.

If weight is a global factor, then losing weight first is the proper first step. For gynecomastia to be pubertal, it should be caused by the imbalance of hormones seen at that stage in life. If gynecomastia is from the weight gained during puberty, then there can be more than one factor at issue here.

Weight Loss can help with the fat component of gynecomastia but will not help with residual gland and localized fat. While losing weight, Body Shaping Garments are an effective temporizing tool to minimize embarrassment until the problem has stabilized.  Waiting until stabilization or weight loss is the smart first step before considering surgery. But age alone is not a factor. Making a stable 13 year old wait years for contouring makes little sense.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Mark102

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Something does not add up?
I'm not sure what you mean. However, those pictures do make me look a little heavier than i think i look in real life.

I did have a brief evaluation by my doctor and she said that i should weigh about 125. I'm sure that at about 20 lbs lighter than i am currently, there may probably be a big difference.

My first priority does still remain to lose weight and do whatever i can to help with the appearance of my gyne.

If you need me to post more pictures, just ask and i will try to post clearer ones. The pictures that were removed (left and right), were probably the best out of the gallery. I don't know why they were deleted... do i look that womanlike? haha

Anyway, thanks Dr.



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