Author Topic: Dr. said I don' have it but... Also, questions about Kleinfelters.  (Read 11435 times)

Offline worriedyoungman

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Hello everyone,

I went to a urologist a few weeks ago to get checked up(I have that feeling of my bladder always being full and always having to pee for a few years now so I decided to get it checked out just incase your wondering why I went to one) and also to ask the doctor if I had gynecomastia. He asked me to lie down and to pull up my shirt, once I did he got a look at my chest and said "Pfft, gynecomastia, no" very sarcasticly then examined my chest with his hands. He told me I didn't have it then did an ultrasound to check my kidneys and said I was fine and just had to train myself not to go to the bathrom so often. I asked him if he was sure I didn't have gynecomastia and he said he was. I also asked if it wasn't then would my chest look normal if lost weight after a while but he didn't answered and just ignored me...  :-[

Anyway, I've posted some pictures above hoping to get a second opinion from you guys. I think I developed it when I was around 12 or 13 years old and have had it ever since. Like a lot of people, I've been made fun of and have avoided going swimming or to beaches. At first I thought it was because I was chubby so I started to try and lose weight and have gone from 70kg(154lbs) to 57kg(125lbs) over the span of 12 months. I am 5'7''(170cm) tall and 23 years old with 16% body fat(last I checked was 2 weeks ago). Do you guys think I have it? Because it looks like it to me.

Also if I do have it, should I get checked out for Kleinfelter's Syndrome/XXy Syndrome? I've been reading up on it and as much as I'de like to believe that I'm just a paranoid idiot, I can't help but notice some similiarties I've had in my life that are similiar to that of Kleinfelter's syndrome symptoms. Some of which include always being an outsider, learning to walk and read slower then other children, not being as atheletic as other children and well having gynecomastia? Physicly my body is completely normal aside from the gynecomastia(if I have it) although I might have broad hips? What do you guys think from the pictures?

Anyway please let me know, any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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"Train yourself not to go to the bathroom as often" OMG! Get another Urologist dude! Sounds like a kwak to me. Have yourself checked out for Diabetes. A tell-tale sign of Diabetes is the urgency to have a pee.

Yes, you have a mild case of Gyne. Look at the shadow on your RHS in the fist pic. Looks like a breast to me...

Can you post RHS and LHS profile pics?

Opps, sorry, now I can see the LHS profile... Mush have been slow loading.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2006, 04:35:55 PM by Grandpa Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline keelo

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Its nothin man. Dont get yourself worked up. You're perfectly fine, nobody would ever say anything.

Offline worriedyoungman

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Thank you both for your replies, and yes the doctor does sound like a kwak and a moron he probably is but I don't really have many choices. I live in Singapore and all the doctors/specialist here are very rude and don't give a crap about their patients. They just want you in and out as fast as they can so they can squeeze as many patients as they can in one day to make money. They don't look at you when you speak to them and they don't answer your questions either, they also ask "Anything else?" all the time which is code for "Hurry up and go already."

Granpa bambu I've retaken a bunch of pictures and the RHS and LHS side pictures as you've requested. I've taken some standing up strait and some with my back hunched because you can really see it when I'm hunched. Picture one and two are of the LHS and three and four the RHS. I've taken the pictures in daylight this time instead of the harsh bathroom light I took with last night. You can really see it in the last picture with my back hunched. It sticks out most on the side and measures a little less then 3cm out from my ribs as you can see in picture two(I've made a marker of what I mean in the picture). I know standing strait makes it looks like nothing but I can really feel a handful of fat if I squeeze it. The middle of my chest is pretty much flat and even boney but gets fatter when going on the sides.

Keelo I hope you're right but people do notice and I've been made fun of a lot when I was younger. Around when I was 15 years old I remember going swimming with some of my cousins when I took of my shirt, my 6 year old cousin saw me and said "Wow he's got muscles!" then his older sister came and said "Ben those aren't muscles." It was one of the worse experiences I have ever had. Nobody has seen me without a shirt on for more then 8 years now. I recently bought a neoprene swimming vest and went swimming but people still noticed, again I went with anotehr cousin and he said "Wow I can really see them now."

Anyway everyone here has probably gone through stuff like that. I hope you guys can help me out and let me know if I have it as the doctors here don't seem to have many gynecomastia cases and are very inexperienced in that field. Please feel free to comment and speak your mind. Thanks.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 11:17:58 AM by worriedyoungman »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Around when I was 15 years old I remember going swimming with some of my cousins when I took of my shirt, my 6 year old cousin saw me and said "Wow he's got muscles!" then his older sister came and said "Ben those aren't muscles." It was one of the worse experiences I have ever had. Nobody has seen me without a shirt on for more then 8 years now.

I don't understand why you cousin would say "Ben those aren't muscles". You have a very minor case of gyne, if at all dude. Who am I to say. I'm not a PS... However, you can get a major psychological complex when people make comments like that of your cousin.   :-\

To me, and prolly many others, you look okay. But it's tough to shake the thoughts of the cruel remarks that people make about your chest.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2006, 02:13:00 PM by Grandpa Bambu »

Offline wolfman

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I dont think u have gyno your chest looks great and nothing like breasts.
thats my opinion

i finally feel like im a man

Offline kenyo

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Very slight case if anything... Don't worry about it.

Offline worriedyoungman

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Hello, I guess after being made fun of like that I've always thought that my chest wasn't normal and felt horrible about it. But now since the doctor says I don't have it and also because of what you guys said, I should be able to stop thinking about it that way but it would take some time. Thank you all so much for your help and for saving me thousands on an operation I probably don't really need! You have my utmost gratitude.

Also if anyone else has any comments please feel free to speak your mind. Thanks.

Offline **Gynefor**

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Honestly, it's hard to tell. If there is gyne, I can hardly see it. If I were you, here is what I would do for the time being. I'd do some sports, weights to build up your chest. I'd see what happens and if it is not better, then, I would think of going further in the research to know if it is real gyne or not. Just try and see.
But whatever you can read here, only you can do what you think to be the best for you.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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But whatever you can read here, only you can do what you think to be the best for you.

Agreed 100%....


Offline headheldhigh01

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agree with that too.  i've begun to suspect they can vary in size over time too, a gp might not always detect anything more than a severe case, and i don't think the sister's comment was an accident.  it hides well in the photos but i think i see a basic 4-5" extra mass, it might even feel a little more solid.  so if you can't be happy with it, feel free to get a consult/second opinion from a ps. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline worriedyoungman

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Ah I knew it was too good to be true when you guys said it was nothing. I had em when I was very young before I started working out so it probably is gyne as I don't think anyone can have such a big chest without working out. Now that I have been working out for the past year though I guess there is also muscle mixed in there which gives them shape and makes it hard to tell. I think I will try and get it smaller by continuing to work out and try to get to 11% body fat and see what happens, if it's still like that I'll probably go for surgery if a plastic surgeon  recommends it. I hte to have to go through life with a 4-5  :-[

Is there a better choice of a type of doctor instead of a plastic surgeon that can properly give me a check up and diagnose me with gynecomastia? I hate to have to go to a plastic surgeon and have him tell me I need surgery even if I didn't have it just so he or she could make some money. As awlays thank you all for your help! 

Offline oyelad

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wonder when people will learn that saying "you have a very mild case... don't worry about it" has pretty much the same effect as bluntly saying that the said person has it.

personally i don't think you have it. keep in mind that 80% of the people that give their diagnosis are morons and don't understand that pectoral muscles reside in the chest, OR that hunching your shoulders forward forces more flesh towards the chest area thus making it larger (i swear to god its like you people that take hunching pics WANT us to give you a confirmed diagnosis)

listen to your doctor because his opinion is pretty much better than any you'll get on this forum.

I'm not just saying this to make you feel better. i'd almost rather say that you do have it for having the nerve to post your perfectly normal chest here and make me jealous.

oh and about the Kleinfelter's Syndrome... stop being so damn paranoid. you don't have it either.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 09:45:22 AM by oyelad »

Offline headheldhigh01

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wonder when people will learn that saying "you have a very mild case... don't worry about it" has pretty much the same effect as bluntly saying that the said person has it.
for good reason.  they mean exactly what they said:  the person has it, a mild case, AND they think it hides well.  at that point i tell people they just have to decide whether they think they can live with it or not.  i have a fairly "mild" case, and it screwed things up close to as bad for me as any severe case.  there is a difference between having a mild case and not having it at all, whether you recognize it or not.  i also look for certain contour details that might be lost on you. 

keep in mind that 80% of the people that give their diagnosis are morons
...oh and about the Kleinfelter's Syndrome... stop being so damn paranoid. you don't have it either.
including you, apparently.  we can't pick out the signs of gyne from pics, but you can diagnose klinefelter's.  ::) 

and don't understand that pectoral muscles reside in the chest,
instead of 80% not understanding that, since we can tell by the cases on our own frontsides, i'd say 90% of us probably do. 

edit:  now wait a minute.  i assume what you REALLY mean is not that the pecs reside IN the chest like you mistakenly claim but that they're physically separate from the tissue above them in which gyne forms.  but whether i'm giving you too much credit or not, a blunder like that hardly positions you to go calling other people morons.  fess up, you're not blatino or jake under a different name now, are you? 

OR that hunching your shoulders forward forces more flesh towards the chest area thus making it larger
somehow you think we can't possibly factor that in, and as if i didn't know what either a hunched overweight or normal figure looks like.  i'd bet in most cases they're trying to make you see something they can already feel without pictures anyway.  it's possible for a pretty large gyne mass to almost hide if it's flat enough.  gyne cases vary in the z axis too, not just the x and y. 

listen to your doctor because his opinion is pretty much better than any you'll get on this forum.
including yours again?  i wish it were better, but, based on the kinds of reports i've seen come in, as imperfect as pictures are compared to an exam, i think i'd take the diagnosis of most non-professional gyne sufferers here, who have examined more cases and have more first-hand experience, over your average general prac.  i await the day when that's no longer true, but we're not there yet. 

« Last Edit: January 02, 2007, 04:18:04 AM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline worriedyoungman

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Oyelad, I don't know whether I have gyne or not but I would say I have to agree with headheldhigh01. As much as I would like to agree that I have a perfectly fine looking chest I can't overlook the fact that many people in real life have reminded me that I don't. And if sarcastic and humiliating remarks don't qualifiy a person to post their pictures here and ask for help, then what does? I have seen some people on the forum post their pictures asking if they have gyne when they have perfectly normal looking chests but I really don't think it's to make people jealous. I mean, why would a perfectly normal looking guy come to a "man boob" forum to post pictures of his chest? To make people jealous you say?

I think everyone that comes here asking for help or if they have it must have good reason to even if they don't have gyne. As for kleinfelter's syndrome you are absoulutely 100% right that I'm being paranoid but just as how I have my reasons for wondering if I have gyne, I have reasons too for suspecting Kleinfelter's syndrome only they are too embarrassing to say.


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