Author Topic: Re: Is this fat-gyno?  (Read 3436 times)

Offline Texan

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From what I know about gyne, I dont think you have it.

My only suggestion would be to work out your pecs a little. Just do some wide armed push-ups.
Man Boobs Gone In 3 Weeks.
Hopefully It All Works Out.

Offline Direlect

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hrm..but something's up...Any other suggestions?

Offline marcus28

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most people on here would die to look like you stop bieng so vain

Offline Direlect

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Ugh..I'm sorry if I came across as such.

You see at 5'7 190 get very discouraged with the way you look.  When I dieted down and (aerobically) exercised...and realized that I didn't quite look the way I wanted, you would get discouraged again, too.

I have been watching everything I put in my mouth for the past 3 years, and I'm fully aware that anyone who would "die to look like me" is just as capable as I was to lose weight, and even better (if they incorporate strength training).  I just asked if there was something wrong with my breasts, because I think there might be.

I don't think the "You look fine..." "Other people would..." or any of those helps other people, because it's all relative.  They simply want an answer to the empirical question, "Do I have gynecomastia?"

That's all : /

Offline Vanatu

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I'd say no, you don't have gynecomastia

Offline marcus28

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sorry mate,didnt mean to b rude,i dont think you have gyne enjoy the summer,sorry again mate

Offline Direlect

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It's no problem, bro.

Offline Texan

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I gave you a straight answer. ;)

If that is all fat that's making your chest puff out, and not muscle, then something could be wrong.
But I doubt it's gyne.

How old are you?

Offline Direlect

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20 - there is some muscle..not alot..but I still have fatty breasts..I guess my Bodyfat % is high, i said, I do have a belly.  I was just wondering if it was a proportionately high amount for my chest area.

Offline Texan

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Well just so you know, I could barely tell there was much fat on your body. At first look, you look muscular. The only shot I can see stomach fat on is the side shot.

I think someone else already said this, but Cardio burns fat well. That should lower your body fat percentage.

Offline Direlect

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I appreciate it, it makes me feel better.

Thanks, friend. : D

Offline Texan

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Heh, no problem.

I'm glad I found this forum, it's a lot easier to talk about this over the net, with people that are going/have gone through what I'm going through. Kind of a relief, a big one.

I read a mom's story on here, about wanting to talk to her son about his gyne. I swear, her son could've been me the way she described him, except I've talked to my parents about this for a while, it was only just recently that we found out losing fat wont cure my breasts.

Offline Texan

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Updating this thread and others to knock "admin." threads to the second page.


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