Author Topic: I know its bad, BEFORE PICS surgeons in South cali?? ORANGE COUNTY COMMENT PLEA  (Read 10073 times)

Offline speedway121

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Hi I am 25 6'2 215lbs. I lift weights 3 times a week and am pretty strong. I know im not a small guy, but I dont feel fat. Even at 200 lbs, these things were huge (almost same size). Makes me think its mostly tissue. Have had these things since  I was 13. I can remember the first time I was so embarassed, my friend and I were in Hawaii when I was 13, he said damn you have huge breasts as I was running along the beach topless. I hate them and am ready to get rid of them. Thank god for this forum.
I know I am not a small guy, but I dont feel like im fat. I feel like people think im huge because of these breasts, and without them and a flat chest, i would look buff, and not like a woman.
Most recenly i was having sex with a girl and she started shaking them and told me I had huge breasts and I was so embarassed. This has ruined my sex life and my whole life.
I saw Dr. Nguyen in Brea (or Costa Mesa). He was a joke. Didnt know too much about the procedure and showed me 2 before / after pics. all the girls in his office had huge breasts and slim waists. looks like they had surgeries for free.
Anyway the girl who explained the surgery told me I could get my Aetna HMO (Southern California, Orange County, btw) to get it covered if I say it is a LARGE Or growing PAINFUL MASS. IS THIS TRUE?
I have Aetna HMO and am trying to get it approved through them.
I have yet to go to an Endocrinologist, but I have gathered these are the blood tests I need:
Testosterone- free testosterone as well if possible
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Free T3
Thyroid antibodies


I cant afford it at the moment, but I need to get it done. Im sick of this. Huge nipples, huge breasts, so embarassing.
I am thinking of going to Dr. Delgado in SF, but he is so far away and I dont know about 1 week off from work.
My questions
1) What do you think about getting Aetna HMO to cover this??? based on info above
2) Anyone had gyne like mine, had surgery with Delgado???
3) Recommendations (apart from sanders, etc in Orange County?)

I am thinking of going with this guy:
Dr. Dr. Cruise in Newport Beach. any feedback? he apparently said he dosent do tissue excise anymore, or for a much larger price.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 07:36:58 PM by speedway121 »

Offline speedway121

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Ok Now DR Weiner looks good, but NOBODY has active pics up. Please post some pics!

Offline gynogone

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Yeah, you could use a good doctor. 

About the endo, if you have insurance get a referral to an endo, he'll know the tests to take.

Most likely it's not endo related.

Just go to a surgeon with alot of experience...maybe the one up in SF, Delgado.  Don't know what to tell you.  Maybe try to be in as good a shape as possible so it has less skin to shrink.  My pics are below...I was about like you.  Looks good post-op, but when I flex it looks a little weird.

Offline speedway121

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gynogone, do you have some before pics? It looks like dr bermant didnt smooth the chest out... ??

Offline speedway121

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sorry but quick question could use a response, is mine considered PUFFY NIPPLES???

Offline gynogone

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I'm kind of like this guy before...maybe smaller overall.

I went to Dr. Jeffords, not Bermant. 

When I don't flex it looks better.

Offline Hux

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sorry but quick question could use a response, is mine considered PUFFY NIPPLES???

You don't look like you have puffy nipples to me..
To see puffy nipples, check out my pictures :'(

Who knows though..
I'm no expert..
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 05:47:02 PM by Hux »


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I'm kind of like this guy before...maybe smaller overall.

I went to Dr. Jeffords, not Bermant. 

When I don't flex it looks better.

A natural chest should look good both at rest and in motion.  Looking good when flexing and while during sports with the shirt off are important.  That is why with my Standard Pictures for Gynecomastia Surgery has views that bring out deformities of flexing.  When only a few views are show, you have no idea what the chest looks like from the other angles or when flexing.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline hope2recover

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dude i did all these stuff( testosterone,liver,..... and so on)
this doctor isgood keep it up dnt worry

Offline skyhawk

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Speedway, I understand your frustration with the financials of getting this done. I struggle financialy just to pay the bills. So comming up with thousands for gynecomastia surgery isn't easy.

But here is one solution to the problem of money. I remember this from when I was in sales. "You won't get it if you don't ask."  So yesterday thats exactly what I did. I called up an old buddy who is an airline captain and explained my embarrasing situation. I said I needed help, that there was no way I could afford this surgery. I explained how it was impacting my life, my confidence, etc. I said I could never pay him back, and simply asked for the money.

He replied, "Get your health issues in order first, and when the time for surgery comes, you got it."

I felt a real peace after that. Its a done deal.

Offline speedway121

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tomorrow is the big day. I am having surgery at 10:45 AM.
I want to thank you all for the support and advice. I finally got Kaiser to pay for the surgery.
I have gained 20 lbs and the doctor was a freakin a**hole, maybe because I was telling him how to do his job (from all the good info you guys have posted on here)..
He suggested lipo only and would in turn automatically remore alot of the tissue and gland. One incision. I tried fighting with him tellling him i didnt care how many incisions he made and that I just wanted all the fat, tissue, and gland removed!
He kept stressing to me that I didnt want scars (he said to trust him). And I see his point now.
He is using Vaser Liposuction and told me that he will be removing fat, tissue and portions of the gland.

Is this true? does Vaser cut up the gland and remove it?

Offline Advent

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Wow you got Kaiser to cover your surgery? Stunning,.,. i'm also in the orange county area but i'm 20 and have no money for the op. i do have a car i can sell and i am fully prepared to sell it, so long as i know i can afford the full cost of the op of course. I want to go with Cruise, but i don't think i can afford over 5 grand.. anyway how did you approach kaiser to pay for it?

Offline Dr Kapoor

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    • Dr. Kapoor, Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon
tomorrow is the big day. I am having surgery at 10:45 AM.
I want to thank you all for the support and advice. I finally got Kaiser to pay for the surgery.
I have gained 20 lbs and the doctor was a freakin a**hole, maybe because I was telling him how to do his job (from all the good info you guys have posted on here)..
He suggested lipo only and would in turn automatically remore alot of the tissue and gland. One incision. I tried fighting with him tellling him i didnt care how many incisions he made and that I just wanted all the fat, tissue, and gland removed!
He kept stressing to me that I didnt want scars (he said to trust him). And I see his point now.
He is using Vaser Liposuction and told me that he will be removing fat, tissue and portions of the gland.

Is this true? does Vaser cut up the gland and remove it?

Well congratulations on getting Kaiser to pay for it. I perform a fair amount of gynecomastia surgery, and no matter what type of liposuction you do (Vaser, UAL, PAL) - there is ABSOLUTELY no way that this method alone will remove glandular tissue. I have performed both VASER lipo and PAL on gynecomastia and to get an optimal result, you still have to surgically remove the gland through an incision under the areola. Inbox me if you have any further questions. Good luck.

Offline RyanMace

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Well congratulations on getting Kaiser to pay for it. I perform a fair amount of gynecomastia surgery, and no matter what type of liposuction you do (Vaser, UAL, PAL) - there is ABSOLUTELY no way that this method alone will remove glandular tissue. I have performed both VASER lipo and PAL on gynecomastia and to get an optimal result, you still have to surgically remove the gland through an incision under the areola. Inbox me if you have any further questions. Good luck.

What if the glandular-tissue is mixed with fat? How do you guys systematically remove that? (Not a solid piece of tissue, but not pure fat either).

Kind regards,



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