Author Topic: what do you think  (Read 3590 times)

Offline depressedman

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Picture taken in the morning. I am 16 almost 17 and i have had a fat chest since i was like 11-12. I dont remember what it was like back then though. I am 204 pounds and 6'2. My brother who is 20 also has a fat chest area but he is overweight and never managed to work any fat off. I myself am trying to lose wight but im not sure it I can lose these party hat burdens. I went to the doctor a year ago (15) and he asked me if i was embarresed by them, then he asked me if he could take a blood test. So he took a blood test ( i dont know why) and thats the last i saw they usually call if something is wrong? But anyways...hopfully i think most of this is fat and i can burn it off because i couldnt get surgery.. =(

Offline hope2recover

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dude if u have the blood test u must look in it
the docs asked for the blood test for the sake of hormones to see if the cause is hormonal or not
if it was after the teen age the must go away
and if not they willstay and the only way the surgery

Offline gettingrid

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I think your case is somewhat similar to mine I also came down to 204 pounds at 6"2 and althought the fat was a little bit less it was very prominent. Looks like you have a disposition to store any extra fat out there.

Maybe try to come down to around 195 if you really can't have the surgery but i would think it will most probably be required

Offline gyne35

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Sounds / looks about like my case in my teen years...I was about 6'4 / 200-210 pounds...most all of it in my stomach and chest.  I agree with the other posts...the blood test was probably for hormones or other blood abnormalities - did they ever tell you the results?  I had blood work and a CT scan done in my teens and all came back "normal" and that was the end of that.  20 years later the boobs are still here. 

If your hormone tests came back normal, sorry to say the boobs are probably there to stay.  If they bother you, I'd look into surgery while you are young, then get on with a normal life.

Offline Don Won I

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You have a somewhat severe case. Even if you lost weight you would still have the extra sagging skin. Like most of the posters have said, surgery is probably the only way to correct your problem.

Offline depressedman

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Looks like i need surgery.

few problems to this.. do i tell my parents
2.will they pay? much will it cost?

Sigh...anyway to get something like this payed by insurence? im guessing no but it doesnt hurt to ask? ( I live in california )

Offline Don Won I

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You can try insurance, but I always tell people it's a waste of time. Only a few people on this board have gotten it taken care of that way. I tried for almost over a year and never got anywhere. It's very slim chance they'll cover it.

Just sit down and tell your parents you're unhappy with yourself. I'd pick the one you're closest with and tell them first. As far as the price goes, you're probably looking at $6,000+ and most likely more because your case is severe. However, you won't really know until you go in for a consultation with a surgeon.


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Well, what can I say, those pictures remind me of EXACTLY how I used to look.


Then consult a surgeon.

My gyno was EXACTLY like yours, and now im flat, BUT, my chest will never be normal or 100% what I mean by that is, even though it's flat, it looks quite odd because you have to imagine the amount thats been taken out! ... and ive come to terms with that, im just glad the only person that will ever find out is the girl I intend to be with all my life and no one else.

All I or you or any one with such a severe case can really do is try and improve the appearance of the rest of your whole body so everything else is fine and the best way to do that is reduce bodyfat and tone up.


I mean look at this guy, I WOULD NEVER THINK HE HAD GYNO, if I can look like him after a year i'll be in tears of happyness!,11252.0.html
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 04:27:41 AM by GynO_DuDe »

Offline **Gynefor**

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We all wish gyne would go away with diet and sports, but in many cases, it does not. The only solution in your case is to get surgery. So as to answer your questions : if I were you, I'd tell your parents and see if they can pay the surgery. I think you need to talk to them about it. I hope they can understand it can disturb you ! Let them know.

Offline depressedman

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yeah i figured it would cost more than usual, will surgery make me flat, or will it leave the fat? or whatever..and how much for it to be completly gone ( fat and gland )

Offline user name

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my case is more severe than yours, but im expecting gland removal and loose skin to be snipped out, and nipple resized.

Offline outertrial

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Losing weight will help bro, but you need to look at surgery for the longer term.

Remember youre more than just some stupid body and things will turn out right in a few years regardless of your parents.


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