Author Topic: Same question as everyone else  (Read 2325 times)

Offline syncmaster305t

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I am 25 years old and I was very scrawny when I was younger, when I graduated high school I weighed 125 lbs.  My first year of college I gained 50 lbs!  The weight was both muscle and fat, guess I was just a late bloomer lol.  Well, when I gained the weight I noticed my chest grew alot, I began working out and my chest seemed to get bigger and bigger, it was very firm at the top but fatty at the bottom.  My nipples began to be visible through all my shirts.  I figured If i kept working out it would get better.
I got to a pretty muscular 190 lbs, I could bench 315,  but the bottom of my chest was still very flabby.

Well I quit working out and ballooned to 205 and lost a lot of muscle mass my arms shrunk, but my chest and belly kept growing..

A few months ago I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I was gonna change things.  I became more educated in fitness and began to do cardio, eat 6 small protein packed meals a day, as well as intense weight training, this was very different from before.  {back then I would just do a few chest and arm exercises, with no cardio and a horrible diet.} 

Well I now weigh 178 lbs and my arms are bigger than ever, even beginning to get a decent set of abs. (still have a long way to go tho)   I'm easily in the best shape of my life!

But there is one very frustrating problem:  The damn chest fat!, I've got separation in my pecs, they are rock hard until i get to the nipple, about and inch and a half down they are as flabby as ever!
There are small lumps under each one and are very puffy, a little larger than a quarter, the flesh under them protrudes as well.  When my nipples are erect, my chest looks amazing, but otherwise it looks like I have breasts.

What I wear every day is completely dependent on how my nipples look in it.  The more sculpted the rest of my body gets, the more noticeable it is., I have a crease on my upper stomach where my breasts lie, I,m getting to the point where I am about to quit taking care of myself because Its getting more noticeable by the day. I cant be proud of the body I am working so hard for because anytime I wear something fitted my small breasts are extremely noticeable.

Please Help!! >:(

Offline syncmaster305t

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« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 01:05:44 AM by syncmaster305t »

Offline Personal1

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To me it seems like you have a classic case of puffy nipples. If it bothers you, you have an alternative, which is to undergro surgery, if you're not sure about that at this moment, maybe you can try to buy a undergarmet from It doesn't seem too serious and it should be an easy fix.

Best of luck to you and keep on bench pressing man, don't let gynecomastia hold you back.

Offline drag0590

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dude..u should lose some weight my opinion..then make the decison of surgery..thats what i did

Offline syncmaster305t

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That's what I'm doing, I've lost 27lbs.  Do you guys think I need to drop another 15 or so before I make the call.  That's me a little less than 2 months ago, and again last week.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 01:14:35 AM by syncmaster305t »


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