Author Topic: Severe Case due to weight loss/gain/loss/gain - advice needed from Dr. - Pics  (Read 6648 times)

Offline MAXIMUS96

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I am 31 years of age. Gyno has been a serious issue in my life since early childhood, and with weight gain and loss over the course of my life, it is at it's worst now.

I am currently pretty over weight now, in the process of getting back in gear to trim down. At this time in my life, my breasts are larger than they have ever been, and cause me some pain due to the way they hang, especially the right one which is larger than the left.

Even at my height of fitness in my life playing sports as a teen, they were still present (I put a picture of them at that time, next to them in their current state on this post).

My question is, with the severity of my case, with weight loss, extreme chest/upperbody workouts, and surgery, what are my chances of having a normal, muscular looking chest? Also, is the pain they currently cause me by hanging so much putting me putting me at risk for cancer or breast related other issues?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 02:21:51 PM by MAXIMUS96 »

Offline balalayka

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Jeese man don't know what to tell you. Your picture when you played sports is just amazing. Even with the gyne, you had a great looking chest. Now to answer some of your concerns, I think you can get back to where you were. But still, the gland is there and to have a normal contour, you have to get surgery. I don't think you're at risk of cancer (well not any different from any male who has breast tissue) so I don't think you should worry about that too much. If you can get back in shape, go have the surgery. I don't think you'll regret it.

Offline MAXIMUS96

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Thanks Balalayka for the great words. I am getting my nutrition in order and ready to start a new eating/workout regimen, I am going to focus on and dedicate to. After I can do that, as you said, then I'll look to surgery.

Im no fool, I understand I need to drop about 100 lbs, as you can see in those pix, to even have a chance at a decent looking chest, and overall decent physique like I used to have in my late teens/early 20's. Im just curious to see what my chest will look like after I get back in shape (have I streched them so far out by being this heavy that they will never even look halfway normal again?) fear is that it will be even worse than it was before - and it was an issue for me before at that weight as well.

Im just hoping it wont take like 2-3 surgeries to get them looking "normal" after I have lost weight and murdered months of monstrous upper body workouts. I'm trying to figure out how im gonna pay for just one surgery...well, i've got some time...the time it takes me to get this weight off me.

Offline MAXIMUS96

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4 the record, I am 6'3'', 235 in the lighter/in shape pictures. you can guess what my weight is now from the newer pictures.


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I am 31 years of age. Gyno has been a serious issue in my life since early childhood, and with weight gain and loss over the course of my life, it is at it's worst now.

I am currently pretty over weight now, in the process of getting back in gear to trim down. At this time in my life, my breasts are larger than they have ever been, and cause me some pain due to the way they hang, especially the right one which is larger than the left.

Even at my height of fitness in my life playing sports as a teen, they were still present (I put a picture of them at that time, next to them in their current state on this post).

My question is, with the severity of my case, with weight loss, extreme chest/upperbody workouts, and surgery, what are my chances of having a normal, muscular looking chest? Also, is the pain they currently cause me by hanging so much putting me putting me at risk for cancer or breast related other issues?

Dr. Bermant,

Hello. If you could take a look at my post, story, pix, and post any advice, I would be very grateful. Thank you so much. This situation has hendered me my entire life (I am 31), any advice would be super greatly appreciated.

Thank You.


A major weight gain can result in devastating contour issues. There can be Stress and Emotional Issues Living with Gynecomastia.

Men Tend to Put Fat Around the Chest and Stomach Bands first, and take if off those regions last. Weight Loss can help with the fat of gynecomastia, but the skin and gland components often remain. In addition, living with fat seems to generate more gland tissue. So with weight loss, lost fat may unmask an even larger gland than was there before gaining all of that weight. Additional breast growth can also be from many Medical Problems Causing Gynecomastia beyond the fat issues.

Getting the problem stabilized first can be critical to minimize risks of recurrence or need for revision surgeries to deal with new issues after weight loss. If the breasts are growing and there are Red Flags, I refer my patients to an experienced Endocrinologist. Sometimes the breast growth and fat gain are part of the same problem. For my patients not happy with their current overall fat contours, I recommend getting to a weight they are happy with before considering surgery. Unfortunately I have seen too many patients who had other doctors jump in with early surgery who then came to me unhappy with the loose skin, residual fat, and contour issues after further weight loss.

As a surgical sculptor, I prefer to use a coarse tool first and then one of refinement. The Endocrine stabilization and weight loss are the coarse tools, plastic surgery can then serve for refinement.

The options for surgery and how good tissues can look depend on what the problem is (endo issues), how the weight comes off, how well the skin shrinks, how much gland is there at that time and other factors best explored during a consultation. Male Mastopexy can deal with excess skin with the compromise of scars where the skin comes from.

Until that time Body Shaping Compression Garments can offer temporizing contouring and a major emotional band-aide that many of my patients have told me helped them not feel rushed into too early surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline MAXIMUS96

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I have started a new workout/fatloss regimen, and have dropped 16lbs since the photos were posted. I will be posting updated pictures as the weight loss continues, to track to improvement of any of my gynecomastia. I am aiming to lose 100lbs total, and get as lean as possible - and then gear up for the surgery. Wish Me Luck!!


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I have started a new workout/fatloss regimen, and have dropped 16lbs since the photos were posted. I will be posting updated pictures as the weight loss continues, to track to improvement of any of my gynecomastia. I am aiming to lose 100lbs total, and get as lean as possible - and then gear up for the surgery. Wish Me Luck!!

Don't forget to keep track of your fat percentage with a Body Fat Analyzer. I like the simpler (but less accurate) electric impedance devices. Fat analysis can help when fat is converted to muscle and the scale does not budge.

Good luck on the weight loss!

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline MAXIMUS96

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Thank You so much Dr. Bermant, I will take heed to that advice and get a body fat analyzer.
I just today received my Compression Light Weight tank-top to help stop the bouncing during my cardio workouts, the bouncing was causing pain and distraction during the workouts, and was plain uncomfortable. The Compression Tank seems to do the trick to help that.

At my age, 31, would you believe my skin may still snap back to a workable countour after the weight loss?
Or should I just count on having skin removal in addition to the other procedures?


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Thank You so much Dr. Bermant, I will take heed to that advice and get a body fat analyzer.
I just today received my Compression Light Weight tank-top to help stop the bouncing during my cardio workouts, the bouncing was causing pain and distraction during the workouts, and was plain uncomfortable. The Compression Tank seems to do the trick to help that.

At my age, 31, would you believe my skin may still snap back to a workable countour after the weight loss?
Or should I just count on having skin removal in addition to the other procedures?

After Major Weight Loss how much skin shrinks depends on age, how long it has been stretched, and many other factors. It is just not predictable.

Male Mastopexy is best for those whose nipples are sagging and displaced below the pectoral muscles. Excess Skin of the Male Chest Reduction involves a scar compromise.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline xoxoxoxo

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yeah you have a goodlooking nice chest @ the second pic even thought it's not a perfect.. :)


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