Author Topic: A slight marring of my appearance, any hope?  (Read 3443 times)

Offline _Edward_

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I'm 15, about 140lbs (lean, but maybe dont look it in the pictures haha), 5ft 10in, have had gyne for about 3 or 4 years now, the doctor won't do darn all about it. Tell me, how bad is this?

« Last Edit: September 01, 2005, 12:33:00 PM by _Edward_ »

Offline joker261

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well ur only 15, i'd say the same thing too if i was the doc.....u only have puffy nips so u have alot of years to let that subside....just dont get fat though that could help breast tissue grow i think

Offline _Edward_

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yes yes,  fat increses the amount of estradiol E2 in your bloodstream, I know like everything about it :P (btw, no chance of me getting fat)
But, what do I do in the meantime, It makes me feel so self-conscious, it really sucks...

Offline joker261

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yes yes,  fat increses the amount of estradiol E2 in your bloodstream, I know like everything about it :P (btw, no chance of me getting fat)
But, what do I do in the meantime, It makes me feel so self-conscious, it really sucks...

dont do anything, i never even knew what real gyno was until i got it...i jus thought some other guys nips jus looked lik tht...i always assumed gyno was giant breasts.  im pretty sure girls and most other guys will think the same way unless u had really fucked up nipples

Offline nothingworse

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Ya, you are very lean and at your age and your body type yours is likely to subside. I would wait it out another year at least. If you don't see a difference a little after a year from now then go see a doc again. Once your a little older and come back talking about the same thing the doc will know to do something and you will be alright. I am guessing a good chance of yours going away though. But, you said you had it for about 3-4 years now. I would wait it out one more just incase if not because of time length I would then say you have a mild case of gyne. I had it when I was 10 and now I am 17 so I have had it for 7 years. But, another thing is usually after having it for about 3 years it will probably remain. Mine sure did. It is up to you and I understand waiting is tough but, there is still a slight chance. I would guess yours is mostly glandular tissue because of how lean you are. So do what you feel is right either wait a bit more or since you have already had it for a fair amount of time usually past the disapearing deadline go see a Plastic Surgeon. Even though you have a minor case it can definetely be bothersome. Getting the surgery you would most likely have minor scaring but, usually mild cases achieve the best results. So it is up to you. Take action according to what you feel but, think it over though. Review the facts and make a decision. Good luck and hopefully you will be gyne free soon.

Offline Spleen

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Real mild and 90% of cases will resolve by 18 years old.  Don't sweat it.


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