Author Topic: Weight lose and gym  not solution  (Read 4409 times)

Offline curengin

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Hai I was 90kg I do gym and diet now I am 74kg but mygyne looks worst now.I go do surgery there is no other option I think.I want to know your comments guys is that dangerous getting surgery?please let me know...

Offline boomheadshot

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The reason your gyno looks worse to you now is because you've lost quite a bit of fat. Seeing as how it is probly breast tissue or gland that is behind your nipples it does not go away with exercise. There is less fat there now to mask it and this 'tissue' sits on top of or your pectoral muscles making it impossible to hide.

All other surgeries come with risk just as surgery for gynecomastia does. I had the surgery last thursday myself and I have no regrets. The results are great and I would highly suggest looking into it if your gyno bothers you daily and effects your self-esteem.

Offline silly_guy

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Hmmm I dunno.  Unless its a bad angle on them shots, I'm not sure that he could lower his body-fat too much more.

I'd say the biggest risk with surgery is not being satisfied, like there's still some puffiness left over after you get it.  But yeah, there's definitely the risk of scarring and deformation.

Heh, you don't need the world's greatest surgeon.  One of the well-known, recommended ones from this site will do.

Although rob900 is trying to make a good point, imo his opinion is slightly skewed.  Everything does not have to be so absolute, surgery=bad, acceptance=good.  Its more about risks and compromise.  

Is it worth it to have surgery given your condition?  Will it really improve your life to spend all that money?  Thats a more realistic way to look at surgery as an option.  And its completely your call.  You're not weak if you decide to get surgery, but just know it might not come out how you'd like, even with a top-notch surgeon.

Good luck!

Offline curengin

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heey rob900 I am 25 years old and Body Fat percentage is: 19,weight is: 160 pounds,You gave me  much knowloedge thanks maan.but I really feel myself bad I see that nipple are not belong to me I put hard type on them when I wear tight t-shirts.I am doing gym and diet totaly for 1 year but mygyne makes me depressed,I got so much nice life I wanna do surfing and swim relax on the beach with friends but with mygyne I dont want to be naked on the beach.I got that nipples from 12-13 age so I didnt have chance to get surgery till this time cause of money but I keep surgery money and thinkin its the solution at this time.I dont know maan I cant decide at the moment what I have to do:(so much thanks rob900 for ur comments...

Offline tuscan440

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i think your nipples are fine man, i think you have the same issue i have is that its just a bit puffy, even after working out in an attmpt to remove it.
you look like you have a pretty good physique and im not sure if further weight loss is an option. for me i feel like it robs me of a masculine chest because it ruins the contour, i dont think for a second that your nipples need to be altered, if anything its just the slight puffiness behind it. just to let you kno im in exactly the same position as you so your not alone, im considering surgery and ive finally talked to my mum who is a counsellor and has suprisningly still given me an unbiased view! it really is down to how much it bothers you and wehter you can justify the money. this is something i am still thinkin about and im not going to rush into

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
dude you're looking great. Keep it up. Go to the gym, pack on some muscle, you supermodel.
I love your chest. You could drive any girl or guy crazy. You're awesome.


and your sounding more gay by the minuite
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline headheldhigh01

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gay's not a crime, but abusing a gyne support site for turn-on pics and cyber definitely is, and jake refused to answer my earlier question about whether he had it himself.  i agree, i smell a troll. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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