Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 2766 times)

Offline GynecoMan

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... living with this for a long time. please tell me what you think

what exactly you think you have?
coz i see no gyne... ???

Offline Simonk

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Are these post-op photos are are you on the wrong site?  If you want to see your competition have a look at the post added before yours and let me know what you think....

Offline Worrier

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If this isn't a right wind up, I feel sorry you believe there is anything wrong with your chest.

If you can't now from reading what these people posted forget this I suggest you see a doctor as there is a psychological condidtion called BDD which either distorts peoples view of their body or even completely invents a problem.

Good Luck

Offline ybsaf

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I didnt mean to offend anyone, I seriously thought/still think I have a problem.  I am going to see a doctor about it.

Maybe these photos do not clearly depict what i "see"/"feel".  The reason I think I have gyne is I can feel lumpy-squishy tissue surrounding the nipple if   Ipress real hard with my fingers.  I cant find this feeling anywhere else on the body.  So if this isnt gland/breast tissue what is it?  it almost feels like short strands...

when i was younger kids would comment on it..thats what started it.  I definitely think my chest is larger than normal.  Like I said maybe better pictures w/arms on my side or even sitting would help depict it.

Thanks for your help.

Offline Murder_City

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well it comes in all shapes and sizes, this can be a very touchy subject especially when the male ego is involved, get checked out and see what the doc says. good luck, lets hope it is nothing

Offline nonini

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There is nothing there. If you are serious than you should either get over it now that you know your fine or if you cant than seek mental help.

Offline headheldhigh01

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ignore the mental help stuff.  the photos don't suggest anything, but what you describe is not impossible.  you'll just want to get an exam by a doctor to be sure either way.  
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 05:43:08 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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