Author Topic: most likely huh?  (Read 4760 times)

Offline Tibunsay

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hey guys im new, im 17 years old(so i dont think it's a puberty thing anymore) on a scale of 1-5 can u guys rate the severity of this gyne, and the risks im taking by getting it removed. Thanks guys!

also i am on a program to lose weight, and im getting great results, do u guys think i would look weirder if i lowered my bodyfat low? Would the size of my boobs go down even a little? at least the fat around it? thanks again..
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 01:33:55 AM by Tibunsay »

Offline Tibunsay

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i also want THE best specialized doctor out there(as long as he is in or near hawaii, california is ok too) if i'm gonna live w/  the results i had better make a worthwhile investment(money is really not an issue because im so passionate about my gyne, whatever it takes). You guys are great.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 01:33:04 AM by Tibunsay »

Offline nonini

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Well on a scale of 1-5 thats like a 10! Your definately going to have to get surgery even though your overweight i doubt they would go away if you loose the weight, although they would definately shrink.
There might also be some loose skin issues once u have surgery so ask the doc about that, I dont know anything about surgeons in hawaii/US.

Offline Tibunsay

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really? a 10? yah i think its here to stay so id better consult someone abt surgery later on.

how do the doctors usually deal w/ loose skin?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 08:49:37 AM by Tibunsay »

Offline headheldhigh01

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good advice, i'd call it a 5 too.  weight loss will prep you better but not get rid of it, you can identify it by shape and larger areolas.  skin can be dealt with but may not have to be, but a good ps can advise.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline jc71

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my gyne was predominately fat, with a little gland.  

weight loss did help reduce my gyne a little, but certainly not enough to be happy with.

Offline hernan_corsten

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Why can't you keep it to yourself BLATINO?  Why? Have you ever thought about that?  Have you ever thought period. . . about anything? The kid is 17. 
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 12:23:31 AM by hernan_corsten »

Offline hernan_corsten

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Yeah, I sometimes get a kick out of him as well.  But he should pick and choose how and to whom he expresses himself. If he's gonna respond with "Wow's" and exclamation marks to peoples' bodies, then maybe he should reserve his exaggerations for adults, not kids impressionable kids under 20. 

« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 01:42:14 AM by hernan_corsten »

Offline oldspice

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sup dude. yeah if I were you I would lose about 10-20 lbs before i get surgery. just to be healthier overall. as for the rating, on the scale of 5, its a 5, on a scale of 10, its a 10. sorry dude but you have a severe case. losing 20-30 pounds will improve it a lot, might even make it a moderate case. but yeah like some others  said, you should lose some weight before surgery. and dude blatino your pretty fucked up man. relax on insulting ppl like that dude, some ppl take it REALLY personally.

Offline outertrial

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Youll get much better results from surgery after the weight loss.

Offline jackmac

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people you should not OPEN your HOLE if you can't say anything positive and serious.

don't worry dude i have had same surgery and i am ok. now.. all though i lost 10lbs i was 170LB during surgery i was 160.. so it was from my exams + surgery = 10LB cut haha. but yes i did loss some.. i am now almost recovered i had same chest but only on my right side . and now i might have 2 months to get my results to about 98%. all brusing and swelling takes about 3 months.

but you doo need a surgery sorry bro.. just take it as a positive and move on.. you can't do much.. don't be depressed and don't let your self esteem burn away.. 100s-1000s have survive and you will too.

hope you find your answers. here Good Luck.

Offline outertrial

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Its a pity so much of this young chaps thread has become off topic. Also a pity if there is a minority of people who are using these pictures to 'get off' in someway. Partly because its sad for them that theyve fallen so far down the food chain that they have to troll around a site for unhappy people suffering from a medical condition to get some cheap thrills; mostly its too bad for the people who come here for help and support and dont feel they can post their pictures or talk honestly because of this.


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