Author Topic: 10 years and now getting help  (Read 2086 times)

Offline XxAricxX

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I'm a 22 year old man (still a boy with the jokes i say :-P) and have lived with gynecomestia for at least 10 years. All during high school i would wear 2 shirts which was really hard. I put off the required Swimming class till 12th grade but didn't get much attention to my chest. Tho it was noticeable i tried to hide it. It was never the size of my chest but the fact that i had puffy nipples. I wouldn't mind having breast tissue if they didn't stick out. Anyway during high school i thought it was just that i wasn't the guy that worked out that i had a bigger chest because i was a little "chubby" in middle school, but not that big. I was about 160 and 5 foot in middle and went to 5'9 and 135 and as low as 130 during high school. After high school i got really into nutrition and upped my weight to 140-145 with 5 percent body fat and a 8 pack going. But i still had boobs. I recently stopped working out as hard (prolly last 6 months) because i had built up my pecs so much that it now really shows and is quite embarrassing for me. I don't even like to be shirtless when I'm alone which is really really depressing.

This week it finally got to the point where i felt that if i didn't get help for it i was going to drive my health into the ground. I had become lazy and my 8 pack is gone because whats the point of having a sweet pack with messed up pecs? I left my house that I'm sharing with my fiance and called my mother as i headed home. Currently I'm still under there insurance and had to get a check up for Migraines and changing my med for that. I called my mother and she said as always "whats up babe?" and i said "well nothing just gotta get my migraine medicine on Monday. I have been reading alot on the internet and thinking alot and wondering if you can go with me on Monday because of my......." and thats when i just started crying like i have never cried before. At this point she just said shes leaving work right now and to meet her at home so we can talk about whats so upsetting. I really didn't think i was gonna get so emotional with my mom who i tell everything to and who all my friends think is a friend of theres. But we all know how it is in this situation, and for me something i haven't told another about. Well i got home, we talked and i took my shirt off. She was very reassuring hoping I'm not concerned with such things as cancer and can see why i would be so upset. for the first time i was happy the room was warm so she could see how inflammed the nipples got. so we went to the doctors and joked with the doctor about my migraines and asked if theres anything else and i said "yes I'm concerned with the breast tissues on my pecs" and she said "well we all have breasts" and i took off my shirt. She looked at it and said "well Kay this is different, and i see your concern, this is gynecomestia and well.....let me order some blood work" so they took my blood and I'm suppose to get the tests back on Tuesday. My mom and dad are in full support and are going to do anything financially to help this. Anyone have a idea of what they would test for? I'm so happy only because i believe this will change my life, no more having to wear 2 shirts or hopping i can get into the pool (that i hope is cold) before anyone sees them I'm even pulling out the small shirts i have and going  "god soon ill be able to wear this and rip it off without concern" am i jumping the gun on this and if these tests come back this week does that mean surgery could be within the next few weeks?

sorry for my poor writting I'm kinda just ranting my thoughts, finally talking about it with my girlfriend and parents and even friends is lifting weight off me, i feel better that they know but i still want them gone :-)

Offline Merangue

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Gratz for taking the first step. The blood work is testing for hormone imbalance and generally nothing to worry about. In terms of time till surgery since you are going through your GP it may take months till surgery. If u want to get surgery sooner you could consider private PS's who are more expensive but require less waiting (generally).

Good luck and keep us posted

Offline XxAricxX

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got my blood tests back, and of course "everything is normal" thats what my doctor said after asking "do you smoke maryj" which i dont and she said then its just something that happened, you can wait it out and see if it changes. And I just said "i have had it since i was 12 and when i was 18 and only went from 125-135 pounds so she had me call a specialist which i go to on Thursday, when at first they said to come in June 30th, to far for me to sit around with it being on my mind that something can be done


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