Author Topic: 15 Yr Old w/ Gyne  (Read 4178 times)

Offline Joey77

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Hi. I wasn't so sure about whether or not i should post about  gyne in here, but i figured, what could i lose. Anyway, I'm 15, 5'8", about 160 lbs. I started noticing changes around my chest area about 2 years ago. They haven't bothered me until now. My nipples are clearly visible when i wear a shirt, which doesn't help with my self confidence.  It's hard when im playing basketball with my friends, or going over to the pool because im afraid of being laughed at or 'talked about.' Anyway, I was wondering if this will go away. I'm cutting back  on food from fastfood restaurants, and I'm beginning to excercise regularly [thought it's a bit tough to stay committed.] i really hope this gyne goes away before summer.

I'll probably post my pics when I get the chance. Oh, God, I hope this goes away... without the need of surgery. Advice is totally welcome. Thanks a lot  :)

Offline eddiejrsdaddy

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Hey Joey,

My name is eddie and im 22 yrs old, I've had this problem since I was 13 yrs old believe it or not I was dumb enough to wait this long to do something about it. I went to the doctor on Jan, 3rd of this year and here I am Feb 24 and I have taken care of it and unfortunately I did have to have surgery. Alot of doctors say that this will go away on its own but most of the time it doesnt. The only thing I can tell is dont wait to long it was a breeze for me and I am very proud that I had the courage to go on without it I hope you can too good luck..

Offline jc71

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Joey, not sure if it will go away, but probably not by summer. You're very young, maybe too young for a surgeon to work on anyway.  At your age, i think your best bet is to see an endocrinologist and see if you can get treated with meds. When you get older and your hormones have calmed down, surgery or acceptance may be your only two options.

Offline Joey77

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hey would working out a bit help shape my chest? I mainly have just puffy nipples, but I've heard that working out wasn't a very good idea for some people in this board. They claim to have made the gyne more noticeable. I dunno, but I think it's already noticeable right now. I just need some affirmation from some of you guys to see if it's really okay.

Offline vaio

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Yes working out the upper chest, and shoulders will help disguise it. I got it at age 13. I waited all these years and finally got it taken care of. Throughout the years I never knew what it was . I just though it was fat. I began to workout since I felt bad about my apperance.

I bench pressed at least 4 times a week. I could bench 2 times my body weight +15 pounds. I had extream amounts of motivation to work out just because of the gnecomastia. I just had the surgery, and the doctor said my muscular build made the surgery much easier  and made my results better, because he could easily tell the fat and gland from the muscle. I also had no brusing or little swwelling post of.

My advice to you, start a heavy, hard,  routine weight training workout. Focus mainly on military press, incline bench press and shoulders. FLat bench press will make the gynecomastia stick out more temporary, but its still good to do it. You need to build thoes muscles up.
Get in good shape. Than when you are around 18 or so, get the surgery.

Pictures below. Im not even a week post op yet and feel great.
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Offline jc71

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I'm a big proponent in lifting weights. I agree with vaio, do incline presses only.  Maybe flat, never, never do decline presses.  For me it was better lifting lighter weights with more reps. I'd say experiment and do what's right for you.


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