Author Topic: 1st time it got noticed  (Read 3019 times)

Offline Nyaacoleptic

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Well if any of yous saw my old post you'll know my boobs are quite small so I thought people wouldn't really notice. I have shaved my chest since then so maybe that makes a bit more noticeable, I don't know.

Anyway my gf wanted to see a shirtless picture of me (we are not physical, she had not seen me topless before) so I took a picture and sent it and her 1st reply was "oh boobs" XD

Luckily she was ok with it just curious why I had them. Now I'm kinda self conscious people will notice again XD
I don't think they've grown 😅

Offline blad

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Breasts on a guy stand out if at all visible. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline brock123

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Hard to tell what your desired response is here?  Do you want or not want to be a man with breasts?  If your GF is good with it, but curious why "that is", have you explained gyne to her?  Are you "true" or "pseudo" gyne?

To me, shaving your chest and the desire to post pictures to that end (to me this is "bragging" (sorry)) about your condition implies acceptance.  If your GF asked for these pictures, she has clearly noticed, accepted, and is intrigued and maybe even attracted by your chest fat.  In my life, my wife goes between WTF and "these are nice to play with" :)

If I may ask a leading question ... do your find yourself desiring a more "female" outward expression than you did before?  Nail polish, earrings, etc.?  While there is certainly nothing wrong with a male desiring to express these attributes (most, if not all, of them were originally male things - look it up!), I think that these desires may help to expose an underlying hormonal issue that could be fixed medically if the individual wants it to be fixed.

Posting this, I am personally wearing a female Sports Bra, and feel no shame to that end.  It's "underwear" to me, and my need to wear it varies from day to day, based on how "heavy" my moobs tend to be on that day.  My wife is (finally) 100% onboard; the trick was explaining to her and showing to her how "moobs" can also become heavy and uncomfortable like a young woman might experience.

It might take some convincing for women, but if you can break through that wall, women are the real experts here.

Offline Nyaacoleptic

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Haha yes I don't even know what my desire response would be 😅
I have very mild true gyne, got diagnosed at the breast clinic. I only shaved and posted a picture because my gf likes smooth bodies (I was also kinda curious to see what I'd look like less hairy) and asked to see a topless pic of me. I have come to accept it, as for the female outward appearance I dont go very feminine. Just medium length hair and clean shaven, which has made me be mistaken for a girl before (my face is quite young looking and a little effeminate), but very rarely.
There are no hormonal issues as I've had these checked a few times and I an actually on the higher normal end for testosterone, but also on the high normal end for SHBG. It doesnt cause any issues though. They think it's my medication causing the gyne, but all the meds for my stomach condition can cause that and without it I cant eat anything and get terrible stomach pain eventually 😆
Sorry if it came across as bragging, I was just surprised that it was noticeable because they are really small

Offline Rich meier

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Haha yes I don't even know what my desire response would be 😅
I have very mild true gyne, got diagnosed at the breast clinic. I only shaved and posted a picture because my gf likes smooth bodies (I was also kinda curious to see what I'd look like less hairy) and asked to see a topless pic of me. I have come to accept it, as for the female outward appearance I dont go very feminine. Just medium length hair and clean shaven, which has made me be mistaken for a girl before (my face is quite young looking and a little effeminate), but very rarely.
There are no hormonal issues as I've had these checked a few times and I an actually on the higher normal end for testosterone, but also on the high normal end for SHBG. It doesnt cause any issues though. They think it's my medication causing the gyne, but all the meds for my stomach condition can cause that and without it I cant eat anything and get terrible stomach pain eventually 😆
Sorry if it came across as bragging, I was just surprised that it was noticeable because they are really small
you would be suprised how mant meds cause breast growth in men. I also take stomach meds that do that.also zocor and Bph meds my doctor just gave me meds for muscle spasms that also does that as as well as lactation

Offline MarcoB

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you would be suprised how mant meds cause breast growth in men.
over 90 prescription medications, last I read.

Offline Rich meier

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that there are, and the are all commonmeds for various condtions and ones that most of us have to take

Confused old man

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Medication, our food, plastic bottles, shampoo and soaps, herbicide and pesticides. We are exposed to so much now. Huge hormonal changes in men because of all this stuff. As my doctor put it...involuntary femininity....I guess the first time it got noticed is when people would look at me funny sometimes. And then my grandson asked me...grandpa, why do you have boobies?...that’s when it hit me and started paying attention to my growth. I really do hate all of this. But I’m learning to accept it. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.


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Between medications, food additives and everything else, I think it is true that something is causing us to grow breasts.  Maybe it is my imagination, but watch a few old Columbo and Perry Mason reruns and count the number of women with large breasts.  Now take a walk through Walmart and do the same thing.  I think it is definitely "something in the water".

Confused old man

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My 90 year old mother has noticed that also. This summer she said why do so many women have big boobs and butts now? answer was it’s the environment it which we live now. Estrogen laced!

Offline SideSet

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And more and more men developing breasts. 

Offline taxmapper

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A long series of article and books I have read over the years points to several VERY specific items in our food chain that is responsible for this including the old standby soy. 

I also believe that nutrition does play a HUGE role in this given that most folks from the 1920-50's ate like birds because that is how they were raised. After the start of the 1960's there was an explosion in food available in the US and clear evidence of nutritional aspects are on display with the height of North Korean solders. (Not a broad-brush, but a clear indicator of malnutrition.) 

But the additives in the food, herbicides, pesticides et-al are defiantly a factor where most have a strong estrogenic effect taking place. 

However, this is not a be-all answer because if it was the sole source of our boobs, you would see a huge portion of the male population with them. 
I think we just happen to be on one end of the extremes end of things and the effect is hitting us harder. 

Whereas even without the nasties out there we would probably still have breasts, just that the poisons are enhancing the effect. 

Offline Moobzie

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Interestingly, malnutrition can also cause gyno.  A significant number of American POWs who survived Japanese prison camps had gynecomastia.  And from the photos it definitely was not pseudo-gynecomastia.

An Air Force medic I knew said (in the early 60s !) the incidence was 30% of men had or would have the condition, and they fairly regularly did removal surgeries on Airmen who requested it.

One of the benefits of the time we live in is the almost immediate and wide spreading of all kinds of info, including about our condition.  So...maybe we're all becoming more aware of how prevalent it is / has been.  Also, longevity - with its associated "conditions" - has increased substantially over the last 50 years.  A lot of medical patients are living long enough to develop gynecomastia, whereas not to long ago we'd have died before it developed (pun intended!).

Offline brock123

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Haha yes I don't even know what my desire response would be 😅
I have very mild true gyne, got diagnosed at the breast clinic. I only shaved and posted a picture because my gf likes smooth bodies (I was also kinda curious to see what I'd look like less hairy) and asked to see a topless pic of me. I have come to accept it, as for the female outward appearance I dont go very feminine. Just medium length hair and clean shaven, which has made me be mistaken for a girl before (my face is quite young looking and a little effeminate), but very rarely.
There are no hormonal issues as I've had these checked a few times and I an actually on the higher normal end for testosterone, but also on the high normal end for SHBG. It doesnt cause any issues though. They think it's my medication causing the gyne, but all the meds for my stomach condition can cause that and without it I cant eat anything and get terrible stomach pain eventually 😆
Sorry if it came across as bragging, I was just surprised that it was noticeable because they are really small

The best advice I personally feel I can provide is that "you are you".  If you're good with that and your GF is also good with that (assuming that's part of your collective "good with that" stance, of course), I don't see there being any problem that you need to address. Men with enlarged breasts, either from true Gyne or pseudo Gyne are apparently still in the "extremely close to 0% chance" of developing any clinical problems; for us it seems to be more emotional/cosmetic based on our perceived self-acceptance of our condition.  If you manage to find a partner that feels the same way that you do, grab tight and don't let go of her!  Bonus if she actually likes "them"; we aren't "plumbed the same" but what guy would turn down MORE physical affection from their spouse?

It's legitimately still "not normal" in this day and age, but I think you'll find that nobody, or close to nobody, will notice or care about any underwear you happen to be wearing.  Those that do and render judgement aren't worth your time moving forward.

I will admit that while my wife is both knowledgeable of and (generally) supportive of me wearing underwear on my chest from time to time, things can still get weird.  She's 32G, I'm 40A (at best).  She has nothing to worry about and will always be the "boob queen".


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