Author Topic: 2 weeks post op  (Read 2104 times)

Offline meswc

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I have viewed this board for months before making my decision to have gynecomastia correction surgery.  I'm 32 years old now.  It started developing it at the age of 12.  Like many, I hated taking my shirt off in front of anyone, but mostly in front of myself.  I wasn't the most athelitic or the thinest.  My mom is adopted so I don't know her family history, but everyone on my dad's side is obsese.  In high school I was 5'10' 170 lbs, which is a decent BMI, but I always had a little gut and just attributed my large breasts to being a little chubby and my father's genetics.  I was teased a little that I would end up looking like my father.  I would notice in the locker room that no other male's chest looked like mine, but it never bothered me enough to research it.  I just thought I needed to do more pushups!  I stayed pretty active throughout most of my adult life and noticed no matter how thin or heavy I got, my breasts refused to diminish.  When I was 24 I dropped all the way down to 140 lbs.  My breasts protruded even more!  How frustrated I was. >:(  No matter how much I worked out and ate right the breasts did not subside.  I did end up putting on weight after I got married.  At my worst (4 years ago) I weighed 220 lbs.  I was certainly fat and happy.  My breasts actually looked more proportionate to my stomach/body.  Then I decided it was time to get healthy again.  In 2 years I dropped down to my high school weight of 170 lbs.  I felt great, but my breasts were back to looking as if I were hiding 2 bananas under my shirt.  I finally decided to do some reasearch and see just how this was possible.  I started with youtube to see what workouts/exercises I could do to target my chest.  Then I found one that showed the difference between fat and breast tissue.  The trainer explained how (other than surgery) there was nothing anyone could do to reduce breast tissue not casused by medication side effects.  He called it "gyno-something or other".  I had never heard of such a foreign term.  Then I googled it.  I saw hundreds of thousands of pictures of men just like me and how surgery gave them confidence to bare their chests and to look as good as they feel.  I talked to my wife about it and even though she did not think I actually "needed" surgery and she thought I was perfect just the way I was, she understood and supported my decision.  We saved the money and I had the surgery a little over 2 weeks ago!

I'm still numb around my nipples and near the incision point (more on the left side than the rigth) and I can feel scar tissue developing and from what I've read on this forum both seem to be fairly common.  Although I can't necessarily feel my nipples at this point and them it does feel great to look down and not see moobs.  This feeling comes in a close second to the feeling of getting married!  :') 

To those who are still considering surgery I will say you should ONLY make that decision yourself and not to fit some ideal image of how you think other people should see you.  I was tired of looking down and seeing it every day for 20 i made the choice.  I am happily married and the only person whose opinion matters to me is my wife's.  This was for me and me alone.  I don't know what the future will bring, but 2 weeks after surgery I can say this is one of the best decisions I've ever made!

Good luck to anyone with it and I'm sincerely glad this forum exists to support everyone living with this condition!

Offline chiguy10

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Great post.
Congrats and best of luck moving forward.

Offline meswc

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Thank you!  Just passed the 4 week mark and finally able to take off my compression shirt and work out!

Offline tommyt

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Great write up... well done
have you started to massage the scar area yet to break it up? I was told this by my surgen. 

Offline Your Friend

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super... congrates,  my surgery would be less than two day from now, can you pls advice something before surgery. do and dont do's, if any. thanks


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