Author Topic: 37 year old. 1day post OP and ongoing updates  (Read 3887 times)

Offline BobD

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Hi, I'm new here.

I will not give a long background here save to say I developed pretty bad Gyno in puberty and have lived with it until now.  My wife was accepting but supported my decision to go ahead with the Op.  As a hairy guy I never really recognised how big I was until i shaved my chest pre Op. It quashed any doubts I may have had.  

Now one day later and I am preparing for a second night  in the hospital. Tomorrow my drains should be removed and I will be able to head home to my family.

The Op itself was plain sailing.  Fairly painful getting the drip needle put in my arm, then a short discussion about whisky and I was under.  Woke up feeling ok, some pain, more acute from the drains than the lypo or gland removal.  Dr said that he removed 400ml of fat, so quite a big one, I think..

Had a ibuprofen to help sleep last  night, I'm not sure if I will need one tonight.

The pain on day one is better than post Op, but more than a hard work out that is sometimes quoted here.  Limited range of movement, but I know that will improve over the next weeks.

Swelling evident above the compression belt around my chest/back and I know that will continue for a while.

The results look great through the bandages and compression belt.  It's strange, but I don't feel a great elation having done this, but a quiet satisfaction that I have finally done this and no longer need to hunch my shoulders or be embarrassed with my top off.

I am off work next week but then back, I hope, although i can work from home if required.  I need to be able to drive to work, so that may be the limiting factor. I'll see.

I'll try to upload some pics later, and keep this thread updated with progress.

Keep strong brothers!


Updated with pre Op Picture
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:03:54 AM by BobD »

Offline bran1992

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Congratulations!  I am 38 and had surgery on 1/18.  I hope everything works out great for you. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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For those of us who are hung up on the old English tradition of Pounds and Ounces that would be about 14 ounces or 7/8 of a pound of fat removed. That would be enough to give the breasts a fairly full contour.

Congratulations that it is now over. Hope your recovery is quick, smooth and uneventful.
Grandpa Dan

Offline BobD

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Thanks for the good wishes.

@paa_paw, thanks for the conversion. WhileIi am a Brit, I have used kilos since I was a sportsman who needed to be under 70kg so always needed to measure using metric.

Day 2 today. Drains out and that smarted a bit, but generally feeling much better and more mobile.
Have been given 800mg ibuprofen and some antibiotics and told to go and see my Dr next friday.

Heading home soon.



Offline BobD

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Day 3

Now back home and feeling ok. Some swelling evident and v tired after not sleeping so well.  I found sleeping on my back in the elevated hospital bed much easier than our flat bed. It seemed to get better after adding a few more pillows to prop up my shoulders. 

I 'showered' last night but kept my bandages dry. Hair over the side of the bath and lower half in the shower.  I was begining to smell pretty bad.

Went without pain killers last night and was ok.  Strange ache in my arm where the drip needle was in for a couple of days in the clinic.

Looking forward to getting back to normal in a few weeks.


Offline BobD

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Day 4/5

Sleeping much better, and still off painkillers.

Day 4: Changed bandages a couple of nights ago. Drain hole on rhs was still open, but the lhs was already dried up and closed. No change of nipple bandages yet.

Day 5: Today I had my first shower. Used special waterproof plasters from the chemist. Covered nipples and the open drain hole.  Feel much better after my first shower in 5 days.  I left both drain holes uncovered this time.  I am pretty confident that they will be ok.  Swelling also seems to be down a bit and some dark bruising appearing near my armpits but a general yellow tinge over a wider area.

Generally feeling good, and if the results only get better with time, I think I will be very happy with the results.

Might try driving today.

Updates will be less often now, next one in a week's time aft my first check up with my PS. 

Thanks for reading and thanks to all who contribute to this excellent site.  It is the 'go to' place for information and advice relating to gynecomastia online.

Keep strong!


Offline BobD

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Almost at the 2 week stage.

Swelling down, bruising minimal, quite itchy but not sure if that is healing or hair growing back.
Went to the PS today for a follow up and he cut the stitch 'loops' and put some tape over the remaining stiches. That was ok and he told me to come back in 1.5 weeks to get the remaining stiches out.
I no longer need to cover up with bandages nor do I need waterproof bandages for the shower so I will be much cleaner from now on ;)

I will be wearing the compression band for the full 6 weeks. It is strange, but when I take it off now to shower, I feel too 'open' and have gotten used to the support it gives. I'm sure I'll get over that soon enough.

Still happy with results, just worried about my growing belly as I avoid the gym and eat too much. I'm undoing the good gyne work already!


Offline bran1992

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Glad to hear you are doing well... I am just a half a week ahead of you... been advised today that I will wear the compression vest for 8 weeks rather than the normal six.  I totally agree, it will be strange when we give up the vest!  Keep the updates coming! 

Offline BobD

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Sorry, no updates recently.  I'm now at the end of week 7 and happy with the results.  Swelling has  gone, but scarring has appeared.

By week four, my range of movement was almost completely back to normal, only feeling something in my chest when stretching high above my head was evident, but no significant scaring. Pictures below.

At 6 weeks, the swelling was almost all gone but scarring was much more evident.  Again, pictures below.

Now, I have no swelling but feel lumps under my nipples making them look a bit puffy and incision scars under my nipples.  I am not doing anything to the scars to aleivate them as I think that time will solve the issue.  Is that correct, or will I still have scarring in 6 months if I do nothing?

Anyway, that will likely be the last update before my 6 month check up in August, barring anything noteable.  I'd just like to encourage anyone unsure to go for it.  Find a reputable surgeon and schedule an appointment.  Strength to those recovering and good luck to those planning their op.


Offline McGilli

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Even with the scarring - wicked results!

Offline Paul998

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Sorry, no updates recently.  I'm now at the end of week 7 and happy with the results.  Swelling has  gone, but scarring has appeared.

That's awesome, you look fantastic! Congrats:)

I'm heading for my surgery in less than 3 weeks - if i can get to your results, I'll be blessed.

Offline bran1992

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Wow...I think your results are excellent!  I would be very pleased!!  Congratulations. 

Offline gynecomastiauk

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Great results! I am 39 and had my surgery 2 weeks ago, no looking back - great to see so many guys on here finding themselves after living with Gyne for so long.

Continued success with your recovery

All the best


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