Author Topic: Airport security  (Read 1732 times)

Offline blad

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Experiences at the airport to break a slow news week.

In late August I will be off to France for a few months. I travel to Europe at least once a year. 

I know some have concerns about wearing their bra through airport security. I leave mine on as I definitely want the comfort of my bra as I shuffle through all the hoops of security, sitting on the plane for hours, and all the pressures of disembarking and getting to the first location. 

For Europe travel from Canada, and in Europe itself, I have only had metal scanners which seemed to be trained not to pick up bra hardware, (or they would have to check every female ). But the body scanners to and from the US do flag my bra. A quick putdown then occurs where I then declare that I am wearing a bra after they discover the bra straps and hardware. After which I am sent off on my way without any further issues.

Your experience? 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline blad

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When I fly I wear a pullover bra with no hardware. Just easier that way for me.
Has the full body scanner ever picked up your pullover?

Offline Justagirl💃

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When I fly I wear a pullover bra with no hardware. Just easier that way for me.
Has the full body scanner ever picked up your pullover?
A body scanner picked up an undergarment I had on that had fringes along the bottom. No metal or plastic at all.

They pulled me to the side and asked me what it was, so I pulled out some of it and showed them the fringes. They let me to right through after that. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline curiousk

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When I flew in February, I was scanned and pulled aside.   The security guard told me that he detected metal on my back and shoulders.  I told him that I was wearing a bra and he let me go without a problem.  

Offline JKing

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Body scanners are programmed and the operator selects male and female when you step into it. This is the same for US and Canadian Airports that use them.  So even with a pullover and no hardware you will often get flagged as there is "extra" material it is not expecting on the scan of a male.  I've just told them its an upper back brace and they swabbed my shoulders and straps for explosives and sent me on my way.  

Its even more difficult for some transgendered women. I know one who 100% passes as a woman but is not doing bottom surgery. So when she steps through a body scanner the operator automatically selects female and well... you get the idea. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Its even more difficult for some transgendered women. I know one who 100% passes as a woman but is not doing bottom surgery. So when she steps through a body scanner the operator automatically selects female and well... you get the idea.
One of the reasons the day-center requires I used the all-gender restrooms. 
If I were to use the men's room I don't fit in "at all" even dressed in "conservative" button-up blouses, but I have to use a restroom somewhere. 

Offline Sophie

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I can say that I've had a few different experiences over the years. Before the body scanner, it was always straight forward and through the metal detectors. When the body scanner came to be, my chest would consistently get flagged. I would get pat down, verify that it was a bra that was supporting real breast tissue and be on my way. A few years ago, I started living full-time as myself, Sophie. This time, it was my groin that did not match my feminine appearance. At least this time they escorted me to a private booth to verify that it was attached and part of me. Finally, I got that taken care of and I no longer have any problems or fears of getting frisked every time I fly.


Offline gotgyne

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My last flight was 15 years ago. A bra wasn't necessary at that time. But now I'd wear one without fear. By the way: Is it possible as a male to get a pat down by a female? I'd prefer this since I'd be more comfortable if a woman detects my bra.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Step aside please...we need to check those boobies!
Fly the friendly skies🤣🤣
I once flew wearing an undergarment with fringes along the bottom. I didn't figure it would show up because it's all fabric. 
Sure enough I got pulled off to the side and asked to show it to them. 
I simply pulled out the bottom hem containing the fringes and other than confused looks, nothing more was said. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Well, I will be traveling to Nevada to visit family in July. I'm in expecting a bit of confusion at the security checkpoints. I fully intend to be wearing my underwire bra as it would be uncomfortable to not do so.

My Texas ID still shows male as that cannot be changed, but I don't have the body or looks to match it. A 42 F cup really doesn't go with my identification. LOL

Oh well

Offline Traveler

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Nevada ain’t Texas. It’s tough outside of the urban and suburbs, but we have a Democratic legislature and a “mind your own damn business” attitude. Welcome!

Offline Justagirl💃

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Nevada ain’t Texas. It’s tough outside of the urban and suburbs, but we have a Democratic legislature and a “mind your own damn business” attitude. Welcome!
I'll be flying in the Reno then heading into Carson City to spend 5 days. While there we'll drive by the old house at Lake Tahoe as well.


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