Author Topic: Bad experience with girl....  (Read 6689 times)

Offline Worrier

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Hi I haven't posted here in a long time. I have been very busy and thought my 'gynecomastia' wasn't an issue anymore after I lost weight and got fit. I had gone to see a plastic surgeon who initally said I needed surgery but when I went back there a year later after sorting my body , I was fat at the end of the day, she said surgery was definately not needed and I should get on with my life.My GP said the same.

I felt great I was going swimming, even running bare chested. No one ever said anything and after losing the weight and hitting the gym people stopped looking at my chest but at my face arms and shoulders I thought I had cracked it. I even had a few girls wolf whistle me in the summer when my top was off.Girls treat me totally different now and it feels great. Well on monday my confidence was shattered. I think many here have had that sick feeling. I met this girl in a bar and due to me being rather drunk I didn't get a good look at her . But when she took me home and I saw her after sobering up a bit she was very overweight and ugly. I wanted to leave but I know what it is like for people to judge you about your appearance so I stayed big mistake.

She turned rather nasty and made a few comments. At first I didn't really make the connection I was so confident in myself. .She said while in bed 'you know because you are so slim and have such a cute face you could make a passable girl'. She made a few other comments like I have nice eyelashes. In the morning as I was leaving and picking my clothes off the floor she says 'looking for your bra mate?' . I was horrified. I actually look extremely fit now. A few people in the gym have made encouraging comments. One even asked if I had thought about competing in an amateur body building contest. I could have said many things to her, a girl who hates her body so much she wore a t-shirt the entire night. But I didn't I just got up and left.

Iam now seeing my doctor tomorrow to tell him I want to be referred back to the surgeon.This shit never ends. At least I suppose I haven't tried surgery yet..... But still this sucks.A lot.

Offline banana

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Getting a physical appearance insult from some fatass shouldn't affect you.... but I can see how it would put you down. Why not post pictures or something so we can cheer you up :P

Seriously though she is just some fat b*tch . Forget about her

Offline Fat-Elvis

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Is the shape in your chest due to soft tissue (gland/fat) or pecs?

Offline Worrier

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Is the shape in your chest due to soft tissue (gland/fat) or pecs?

Well I think I have pecs. I used to have alot of soft jiggly  tissue there lol but luckily for me most of it went. One side is still slightly bigger than the other but it really wasn't bothering me. My chest is much more square shaped and my shoulders are much more noticeable than my chest.

I have seen a few guys with pecs before get the boob comment but still not what you want to hear when you have done this all before.

Offline Worrier

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Bro let me get this straight, tons of people are telling you u look great, ie u should compete in a bodybuilding contest.... you look great, girls whistling at u, correct?  So one fat ugly mistake who is obviously insecure in her ownself and her own body belittle you to make herself feel better and you are going to take what she says literally...

Ask yourself this ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR BODY? If your chest is bothering you or you dont like the way it looks then that is the right reason to see a doc but not cause one lame fat chick tells you to get a bra.... Not trying to be a prick bro just tryingto make you realize there are a lot of people out there that just belittle others in order to make themselves feel better.... good luck with whatever you do bro and let us know wha the doc says

You not being a prick mate.My brother said a similar thing. but in stronger terms. I was totally happy with my body till that cow said that.

Offline Worrier

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I have to echo what others are saying - you get wolf whistles all summer long, but you get drunk one night, go to bed with a wartpig who is quite possibly uglier inside than out, and you weight those comments more than everything else from all summer?!? Why are you attaching so much value to the comment of a hideous witch? I can guarantee you one thing: you are probably the only person on this planet who cares what this worthless person thinks. She is not better than you, look at the differences. I can see just how much work you put into yourself to make yourself a better person - & this benefits not just you but also the women who have the privilege to know you - versus this coont who takes no interest in her appearance & personality. Her opinion, far from being factual, is actually the cruel comment of a person who has chosen to inflict the world with not just her hideous looks but hideous personality. There are a lot of those, but the fact of the matter is it doesn't matter what they think, because they have nothing to contribute to the world.

All I can tell you is another surgery will not solve your very weak self-confidence issue. Learn a lesson, do not get so drunk and mix with pigs. Change your damn name! "Worrier" = you will try to live up to that name.

Your are right I do have very low self confidence. I do suffer a bit with BDD. There is in fact a really nice  girl I really like who works at the swimming pool as a lifeguard who has seen me just in my trunks and she started talking to me quite a bit when she saw me using the showers and now we often chat. I was actually going to ask her out but after this I am rethinking. That is how low my confidence is. You know when I disliked my appearance I didn't hate on other men , it gave me motivation to see blokes who were in better shape than me and aim for that. I never got surgery before because I told my PS I would like to see what I could do myself as she said it was almost all fat. And after a year I went back and she said I look great and don't need it. She also said it is very rare for someone to be able to do that. She said it was like I gave myself lipo ;D

cody sockeye

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Those kinds of experiences reallllllllly hurt a lot, and no one but fellow gyno sufferers would understand that. When a man's masculinity is looked down upon and belittled because of a physical deformity, of course it's gonna hurt. And when it's something a man cannot fix by his own doing, it makes you feel helpless. Just a few little, seemingly harmless comments could eat at you for days. I've overheard some people talking about me. I've had other people come right up to my face and make fun of me. Your initial reaction would be to tell them off, but from my experience, I'm too hurt by the comment to think of anything to say. Usually, I just run away with my tail between my legs.

^^^That's mainly for all the people telling you that you should have gave her a piece of your mind, but if you're not like me and you actually can pull yourself together quick enough to tell her off, then all the more power to ya. I sure as hell wish I could do that  :-\

Offline enthusiastic

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It's funny how comments that even someone that is RUDE says make a difference in your psyche.

Ignore it.   SERIOUSLY just ignore it.

People who are ashamed of themselves frequently find insulting others makes them feel better.

My plant manager said something like "at least I don't have man boobs".  To which I repled....  At least I have hair and I'm not a giant a$$hole everyone here hates!

That worked.

Remember the source.   Chase the girl you like.  I've had lots of girlfriends and one even told me: "I never ever ever thought about your chest as anythying but normal!"

That is the truth.  Women have these amazing blinders that are affected by emotions.  If they like you, you could look like a hyena and they dont' care.   

Hairy guys get girls.
Bald guys get girls.

Guys with moobs get girls.  I'm here to tell you that it does happen.

Wear a rubber.

Offline manic91m9

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yer i wouldnt think anything of it eh. we cant give you advice on if u have anything to worry about without pics really but that said i think she was possibly trying to flirt with u (not very effectively lol) and probably felt unfemminine (being a whale and all) and wanted to feel level. anyway shes a cow darn that. root the chick at the pool :)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 03:30:26 AM by manic91m9 »


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I get where your coming from ... getting positive comments all summer and then suddenly a negative one. It's a different remark, and just when you thought you were over gyne, it comes straight back in to your mentality.

Fair play. As long as you go to the doc because you want to get rid of the gyne just so you know your gyne free and not because some ugly turd takes the mick out of you then thats fine! go for it! many of us have. By the sounds of it your gyne should be easily rectified as well.

Offline Worrier

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Right just been to the docs. I explained what happened and my GP said Plastics wouldn't touch me with a ten foot barge pole..........That if he sent me it would be a waste of time.   He said since he saw me last my chest if anything looks better and if you develop you chest you get 'pecs'.

He told me to forget about it and never see that girl again as she obviously is a bitter person who made a very horriible comment.Perhaps because she knew you were not interested and she was looking for a flaw.  .I'm still a bit upset but I respect him as he has been my GP all my life, and because he knows I am sensitive about my appearance he would sort it if there was anything wrong.


Offline lenewyorkais

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I will tell u this----every gyneco man has a story of bitter tears.  The tears r not only for the self, they r  for seeing man's inhumanity to man, man's capacity for cruelty, up close and personal.  Who could believe that a decent person, a friend sometimes, could relish in making a fellow human so embarassed to death? I once almost collapsed when an acquaintance, out of the blue, unprovoked,  made a "joke" in front of 5-6 other people. Thank God, the others were decent enough not to laugh or smirk---and I would have felt only worse if someone told him off.  Surgery improved my condition by 85%, which is enough, and  I strongly encourage it  for most victims.   


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