Author Topic: In a bad place  (Read 3041 times)

Offline digital2014

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Hi all,

I'm 27 years old. About 18 months ago I started to get a strange feeling in my nipples and noticed swelling. About a year later after blood tests and a scan it was confirmed that I had a 'small amount of gynacomastia'. I went through a long period where I felt no sensation and I thought I could live with the change to my body shape. About 3 weeks ago the feeling came back and the gyne has got worse.

I've not no idea why it kicked in again but it has. This has left me feeling extremely depressed with little to no self esteem left. I'm usually an extremely confident and social person. I'm finding I don't want to be in groups. I find any social interaction extremely hard and I am constantly thinking about the gyne. I wonder if people can see it, I'm looking out for the way people are looking at me. I often can't concentrate on conversations and I am feeling very removed from my family and friends as a result. I have a very supportive partner but I'm worried the negative way I'm behaving at the moment will affect our relationship.

I realize that I need to have surgery to have this removed so I can get back to feeling normal. I don't know where to begin in choosing a surgeon.Or how long the process of finding one, having the surgery and healing takes. I guess I need to do some reading on here...  I'm also worried that it could possibly come back if I had the surgery. Is the surgery a full and final solution?  

This is nasty stuff and I'm feeling very low. I had to call in sick today because I couldn't face work. Any tips on how to move forward with getting rid of this would be very useful.

Many thanks,

Offline Fischboob

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Let me be the first to say that gynecomastia makes everyone feel like crap.  I am not going to tell you yours is not bad as everyone deals with it differently.  But if you were normal up until a year or so I doubt it has gotten so out of control that other people notice.  WE notice because it is something that many of us have suffered with privately (before forums) for years.  I am 32 and have bee suffering with this curse for the past 23 years.  I have 4 weeks until my surgery.  
It sucks no doubt and people that have not experienced it will never understand how detrimental it can be to someone's metal state.  Without pictures its hard to judge if your's something that YOU notice or that everyone else does too but either way it bothers you and thats what matters.  
You have limited options....learn to accept it or have surgery.  Even if they find the cause they cannot make it go away.  I have learned that over the years.  There is no amount of weight loss, cardio, or weight lifting that can make it go away.  I was a fool for many years.  I have practically always be dieting hoping that one day I would wake up and it would be gone. 
If you are serious about it start googling plastic surgeons in your area...look at their website and see if they have performed the surgery before.  Then look at their before and after pics.  If they did a good job then go have a consult.  
Unfortunately the hard truth is accept or surgery.   

Offline Paa_Paw

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Allow me to respectfully disagree.  I am from a generation that did not have access to the safe and effective surgical methods now available. 
While I can't say I was ever fond of my breasts, I realized long ago that the condition is really quite common. So much so that it is well withing the range of normal for most of us. A condition that is found in nearly 1/3 of the male population is not abnormal. Embarrassing? Yes, but not abnormal. 
The widespread desire to get surgery to correct something that is within normal range seems a bit strange to me.  At the same time, I do appreciate the desire to blend in.  So I find no fault in either the man who wants surgery or the man who chooses simply to ignore or live with the condition. 
The originator of this site was a man who sought only to provide information and comfort to people like himself who had this embarrassing condition.  
Welcome.  We are all here for essentially the same reason so you are among friends.
Grandpa Dan

Offline TigerPaws

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Hi all,

I'm 27 years old. About 18 months ago I started to get a strange feeling in my nipples and noticed swelling. About a year later after blood tests and a scan it was confirmed that I had a 'small amount of gynacomastia'. I went through a long period where I felt no sensation and I thought I could live with the change to my body shape. About 3 weeks ago the feeling came back and the gyne has got worse.

I've not no idea why it kicked in again but it has. This has left me feeling extremely depressed with little to no self esteem left. I'm usually an extremely confident and social person. I'm finding I don't want to be in groups. I find any social interaction extremely hard and I am constantly thinking about the gyne. I wonder if people can see it, I'm looking out for the way people are looking at me. I often can't concentrate on conversations and I am feeling very removed from my family and friends as a result. I have a very supportive partner but I'm worried the negative way I'm behaving at the moment will affect our relationship.

I realize that I need to have surgery to have this removed so I can get back to feeling normal. I don't know where to begin in choosing a surgeon.Or how long the process of finding one, having the surgery and healing takes. I guess I need to do some reading on here...  I'm also worried that it could possibly come back if I had the surgery. Is the surgery a full and final solution?  

This is nasty stuff and I'm feeling very low. I had to call in sick today because I couldn't face work. Any tips on how to move forward with getting rid of this would be very useful.

Many thanks,
While I am not expert it sounds like you have hormone induced Gynecomastia, you should really see and Endocrinologist to have your hormone levels checked. You may have an issue for which you are as yet unaware of.

A "strange" feeling in or directly under your nipples, especially if it is both can be an indication that the hormone receptors (we all have them) are being excited by something. Estrogen, Progesterone or Prolactin are the primary breast development hormones.

The causes are numerous which is why you need to have some blood work preformed, I would suggest that you get an appointment with an Endocrinologist the next time you begin to have these strange feelings. You want to catch anything in your blood when your system has the highest concentration(s) of the hormones present as they will fluctuate. 

Beyond that, learn to like who and what your are, develop some self confidence.

Offline Mujassad

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The good news is that other people won't notice it easily,
the bad news is that you will always think everyone notices it immediately.
Gyno is as much a mental issue as it is a physical issue. All of us that have been there and still are know gyno takes up a big part of your life, it diminishes your quality of living. I had the surgery back in 2014 and I think it was the best decision I have made in my life. I now enjoy going for a swim and showing off my body. The shame is gone. I was lucky enough to have the surgery for as little as €700 but I would say it is worth at least €2000 if not more. If you can't get it at €2000 in your country, look for ways to have it done abroad. 


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