Author Topic: Best decision I ever made  (Read 3663 times)

Offline StevenSwindow

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Hi guys

I am a 28 year old male from the UK and haven't written on an Internet forum since I was a 14 year old obsessed with Final Fantasy with my online chums many many summers ago.

I came to this one because I had endured years of embarrassment at the hands of my not so secret secret of man boobs. Those closest to me claimed never to have noticed them but to me they were clear as day and down the years I have had countless looks / comments on the football pitch / people patting them in a jokey way etc . I would laugh it off and play it down but it always cut deep and it hurt me further that those closest to me couldn't see what I had on my chest, claiming I had an unfounded insecurity and maybe even a psychological disorder concerning my chest.

This really upset me as it had the effect of making me feel trapped by the condition, with my partner trying to be kind claiming I didn't have anything wrong actually making me feel locked into a mental headspace that I would never be able to escape the way my chest made me feel.

Coming to this forum gave me the confidence to see that I had a legitimate medical condition and that there was nothing wrong with having it. People were so open and forthcoming about it that reading so many of people's stories really normalised something that I thought was my private afflication, and this gave me the confidence to take the same position I take throughout every aspect of my life : if I am not happy with a part of my life then I take back control over it by taking action.

My partner wasn't particularly supportive of my decision , she found it hard to deal with and thought I was crazy to spend around £4K on something 'cosmetic' that she couldn't see. She struggled to understand this and we had the odd arguement and as a result she confided to her close friends what was going on which i wasn't happy with given how utterly private this whole thing was for me. On reflection I can understand that she couldn't feel what I felt every time I looked in the mirror so it must have been hard for her to understand where the motivation was coming from for me to undergo the surgery.

The surgery came and went, I had it the Friday morning , with both nipples being cut open and I was back in work (in an office fortunately) on the Monday (albeit with plenty of painkillers and not much sleep).

I got through the recovery fine, it really isn't bad . It's like after you pull your hamstring and having to walk around hobbling and achey for a few weeks , so it's uncomfortable but nothing more. Sometimes I couldn't sleep that well at first but it's a small price to pay .

We are 6 months on now and it was a great decision to make, I am actually quite proud of myself for taking action and getting something sorted out that had caused me trouble for so long.

If anyone is waivering on deciding about the surgery, I would say just imagine yourself one year from now no longer having chest insecurities because you got it sorted and you can take pride in your body. You could suffer for years more or take action and get it done.

You really won't regret it if you have the cash and you want it bad enough make it happen.



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Congrats on a successful outcome to your surgery. No doubt your story is going to resonate with many who feel the same kind of embarrassment you felt, and will inspire others to make the effort to correct their gyno.

Yes, it can be hard for our loved ones / partners / family to understand how something that they think is insignificant can cause a great deal of psychological pain.  Question - does your partner recognize a positive change in your outlook, your disposition, your self- esteem?  I strongly suspect so, and that she may now understand a little more why you felt it so necessary.

Offline leosud

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God made me with a female chest, that's life, I live with and I make sure to live very well with and to derive pleasure, pride !!!!!
It's my opinion

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I'm glad to hear that your surgery was successful and you are happy with your appearance.  It's not uncommon for loved ones, family, or friends to not understand why this condition bothers you if it's a mild case.  But if you're feeling better about yourself now, you did the right thing.  Surgery is not for everyone, as you can see from the previous post, but it can do wonders for a man's self-esteem.  Congratulations.
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline jhick2

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God made me with a female chest, that's life, I live with and I make sure to live very well with and to derive pleasure, pride !!!!!
It's my opinion

No on asked for your opinion- go to posts seeking support for living with, rather than spamming those that made the choice to live without. "God" made you that way? "God" also made people with all sorts of curable conditions that make life unlivable - I suppose they should all suffer because it was gods will. In addition to your logic being stupid, not all gyno is even natural- a lot of it has to do with hormonal imbalances that are created through life choices, environment, food intake, etc - a product of our unnatural civilization. If you were that proud, you wouldn't be on this forum. Good for OP for making this choice and having a happier life as a result! 


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Congratulations on an outcome that you're pleased with. If I were younger, I'd probably do the same.  But I'm not, so I didn't, but your situation is different.  For you, obviously you're certain you did the right thing, and it's  no-one else's place to tell you otherwise.


  • Guest
God made me with a female chest, that's life, I live with and I make sure to live very well with and to derive pleasure, pride !!!!!
It's my opinion

No on asked for your opinion- go to posts seeking support for living with, rather than spamming those that made the choice to live without. "God" made you that way? "God" also made people with all sorts of curable conditions that make life unlivable - I suppose they should all suffer because it was gods will. In addition to your logic being stupid, not all gyno is even natural- a lot of it has to do with hormonal imbalances that are created through life choices, environment, food intake, etc - a product of our unnatural civilization. If you were that proud, you wouldn't be on this forum. Good for OP for making this choice and having a happier life as a result!

Acceptance isn't for everyone nor is surgery!  Some can not have surgery due to health issues or financial reasons, but that does not mean we shouldn't support our brothers who get surgery,  and pray that their surgeries are very successful as well, as all surgeries do have risks. I also feel just as strongly that those who have surgery can support those who choose to accept as it isn't easy at time either! After all we all came to this forum for the same reason originally. Because we have gynecomastia!

Offline Bantam

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Hi guys

I am a 28 year old male from the UK and haven't written on an Internet forum since I was a 14 year old obsessed with Final Fantasy with my online chums many many summers ago.

I came to this one because I had endured years of embarrassment at the hands of my not so secret secret of man boobs. Those closest to me claimed never to have noticed them but to me they were clear as day and down the years I have had countless looks / comments on the football pitch / people patting them in a jokey way etc . I would laugh it off and play it down but it always cut deep and it hurt me further that those closest to me couldn't see what I had on my chest, claiming I had an unfounded insecurity and maybe even a psychological disorder concerning my chest.

This really upset me as it had the effect of making me feel trapped by the condition, with my partner trying to be kind claiming I didn't have anything wrong actually making me feel locked into a mental headspace that I would never be able to escape the way my chest made me feel.

Coming to this forum gave me the confidence to see that I had a legitimate medical condition and that there was nothing wrong with having it. People were so open and forthcoming about it that reading so many of people's stories really normalised something that I thought was my private afflication, and this gave me the confidence to take the same position I take throughout every aspect of my life : if I am not happy with a part of my life then I take back control over it by taking action.

My partner wasn't particularly supportive of my decision , she found it hard to deal with and thought I was crazy to spend around £4K on something 'cosmetic' that she couldn't see. She struggled to understand this and we had the odd arguement and as a result she confided to her close friends what was going on which i wasn't happy with given how utterly private this whole thing was for me. On reflection I can understand that she couldn't feel what I felt every time I looked in the mirror so it must have been hard for her to understand where the motivation was coming from for me to undergo the surgery.

The surgery came and went, I had it the Friday morning , with both nipples being cut open and I was back in work (in an office fortunately) on the Monday (albeit with plenty of painkillers and not much sleep).

I got through the recovery fine, it really isn't bad . It's like after you pull your hamstring and having to walk around hobbling and achey for a few weeks , so it's uncomfortable but nothing more. Sometimes I couldn't sleep that well at first but it's a small price to pay .

We are 6 months on now and it was a great decision to make, I am actually quite proud of myself for taking action and getting something sorted out that had caused me trouble for so long.

If anyone is waivering on deciding about the surgery, I would say just imagine yourself one year from now no longer having chest insecurities because you got it sorted and you can take pride in your body. You could suffer for years more or take action and get it done.

You really won't regret it if you have the cash and you want it bad enough make it happen.


Hi Steven, 

Firstly congratulations on your successfull surgery! I hope you are now happy with how you look. Please may I ask who your surgery was performed by and costs involved. I am in the process of looking for a Dr to get rid of my Gynecomastia and would love some advice from someone that has been through what I intend to go through very soon. Thanks in advance! 


Offline Carra100

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Hi Steven.

Great to read your story, I am in pretty much the same position (even down to our name, Final Fantasy and partner telling her friends lol). 
I am Isle of Man based and wanting to have a couple of consultations in the UK, probably North West for travel purposes but will travel further on a good recommendation, can I ask what surgeon/hospital you had surgery please mate?


Offline Getthejobdone

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Just read your post. I am one day post surgery and I feel like you already. It is a marvellous feeling and one that I'll never regret. To the other Steve, I'm not a million miles from you, I'll pm you details of the surgeon I used. You can decide from there..

Offline Jaku

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Congratulations Steven.  I can imagine how you must feel.  I too had family members who never recognized what I saw, and what I knew was not like every other boy.  Hats off to you for making a tough decision, one that has paid off well for you with emotional uplift, and obvious confidence.  


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