Author Topic: Consultation with Levick booked 08/10/12 .Now with pics (pre/post)  (Read 13899 times)

Offline jmdc

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Mornin all!

After browsing this forum for what seems like forever i thought i should introduce myself. Im 34 and from the midlands. I am 6'2" and weigh around 180lbs. I've had gynecomastia (mainly puffy nipples) for around 20 yrs. After years of lifting weights and training like a maniac ive only recently in the last 2 years come to the conclusion that they aren't going anywhere without surgery! Admitting that to myself was kinda hard as i'd always believed i could "work them off"! However after years of avoiding certain social situations, wearing dark baggy clothes etc etc... Ive had enough and am taking the plunge with Dr Levick. I only live around 15 mins away from the priory so seems like an obvious choice.
My decision has been based on my own research plus the experiences of several members of this forum!  

Ive got a consultation with Levick on monday. Time cannot pass quickly enough!! I will try and get some pics up when i can (im a bit useless with technology so bear with me lol).
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 07:14:49 AM by jmdc »

Offline srnd2012

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I can relate to your frustration of working out endlessly hoping for a solution.  I'm 29 and will have surgery in a few months.  I'm hopeful for life ahead, but at the same time sad that I didn't make this decision 10 years ago.  Hope you get what you are looking for and welcome!!

Offline jmdc

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Thanks. I know what u mean about the age thing but better late than never bud! Find it hard to imagine life without this condition though. Hopefully this consultation will make me feel more positive. Where ru planning to have surgery?

Offline wingman

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Welcome aboard!

The same story as many here, I certainly know what you've been through. You're heading in the right direction now, it's a devastating reality realizing you cannot "work" the condition away, and that surgery is the only way of correcting it. Things will only be easier now that you understand what you've got to do!

What part of the midlands are you from? I'm near Worcestershire.

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Offline jmdc

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@Wingman, I'm about 15 mins from the priory mate. I work at the QE hospital next door! I believe Levick worked there for some time. Realising surgery is the only answer was depressing at first . However I'm starting to feel really positive having started the ball rolling!  I had no idea how many guys suffered with this condition! How is ur recovery going?

Offline jmdc

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Op booked with Mr Levick for 7/11 !! Super nice guy, made me feel very at ease from the start. For those of you considering Mr Levick for surgery and are uncertain I urge you to book a consultation. I'm feeling very positive about my decision and am now counting down the days!

Offline tpuk

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I had my surgery with Levick the same day 7/11/12.

Just got home, all feels a bit wierd now i've actually done it after all this time........ Levick said he did a gyn surgery earlier in the day which went 'beautiful', so I guess that was you as mine was in the afternoon.

gl gl with everything.

Offline jmdc

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Hi yeah that was me mate! Levick did mention he had someone else for gyne surgery after me. It's all very surreal I have to say! All went really well. The worst part being the removal of the drains I think. How did it go for yourself?

Offline tpuk

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I suppose the anticipation was the worst part. Although I think once I had my consult with Mr Levick (knowing the operation would be the next day) I felt a lot calmer.

I suffer serious anxiety/ attacks so had stopped meds (valium/ beta blockers) that I use sometimes (about twice a week). So it was a relief when he said I could take a valium before the op.

I was also very worried about freaking out at some point; either when the GA was being administered or with something tight around my chest when I awoke - but nothing happened - I was just really dozey.

It was funny when they took my blood pressure, my resting heart rate was <50 lol - so the valium had worked a little too well :)

I was completely out of it after the GA, & slept till 2am, & then was bright as a button & stayed up all night, going to the toilet, drinking tea, watching TV etc etc.

I was dreading the drain removal, it did hurt but it was OK & it was more important for me to have the operation out of the way & have the great feeling that I would be home in my own bed soooon.

I do think he could have dished out a decent painkiller for the drain removal, but that would cause constipation in most people & I guess thats not good if your wearing the pressure dressing.

Hope everything turns out good for us both (and anybody else for that matter :))

gl mate.

Offline jmdc

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tpuk how ru feeling now? Managing to sleep much ? I'm struggling to settle on my back at night and have probably only slept for 6/7 hours since leaving hospital on weds! I'm not sure whether all the fluid on my rhs was drained properly or it's accumulated since I left but I can definitely feel fluid there. Do u have any swelling at all? Think I may give levick a ring on Monday just to check.

Offline jmdc

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Anyone else experienced fluid that they could feel moving around at all? I'm only 3 days post op so I'm not stressing too much but it is slightly concerning.

Offline tpuk

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I have been sleeping ok. It is uncomfortable for sure though. I've  been very dozey during the days & catching 10 mins sleep whenever needed...I hate not being able to run/walk or whatever as thats the way I sort my head out / relieve stress.

The fact that you are not sleeping will obv be adding to your stress.

Its impossible to tell whether or not I have swelling because I am bound up quite (4th since op) I feel noticably less sore.

When the drains were removed, I did fear it causing some bleeding because the right hand side felt kind of attached & like it had to be peeled from where it was lodged... I have not noticed any fluid moving.....if you have fluid it will prob show up as bad bruising when you remove the bandage/dressing 1 week post op - in that case he will probably want to examine you.

I didn't have much fluid drain while I was at the hospital, and cant feel any...hopefully its OK.

I wouldn't worry too much esp as you live close-by - he told me that if there is too much fluid/blood I need to come back - but it would not be an emergency scenario.

Did you have much fluid drain while you were in the hospital?

Offline tpuk

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Keep us updated man. It is a worrying time I guess.

Offline jmdc

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Thanks for the reply bud. Managed to get a decent sleep last night and feeling  :)better for it! The fluid has decreased quite a bit I think so will just hang tight for a couple of days until the bandages come off. Levick said the amount of fluid in the drains was fine so I'm hoping whatever fluid i have will just be reabsorbed under compression over the next few days?!

I can understand your frustration with not being able to get out for a run etc.... Maybe why I'm finding it hard to sleep, due to lack of exercise.

It's sounds like you are doing really well mate. Bet u can't wait to get those bandages off!

Offline tpuk

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Hope its all good for you.

I feel much much better now, almost back to normal - went for a good hours walk & sorted my head out completely.

A mate came around for a cuppa (I didn't say anything about my op.....feels wierd because he has many health probs/ops....... (only my GP, mum and shrink know at this point in time).

I am quite nervous about the removal of the bandage (about the result not the removing), I just really dont know how its gonna be or anything. The woman in the anaesthetic room was the first female to see me with a top off [39 years] levick said my gyn was moderately bad (the few women I have slept with didnt get a chance to look lol) - kinda strange - I just cant imagine not having gyn, and still find it hard to believe it is possible to correct....if it is it really is going to change alot of things.

The idea of going swimming is like a dream to me, or playing tennis again....or down the beach.....whoaaaah ....that would be bliss.

gl man.


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