Author Topic: Getting it off my chest.  (Read 2294 times)

Offline SL-83

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I know this site is filled with all kinds of stories like this but i need to get this all off of my chest in an anonymous environment. I developed gynecomastia around age 12. At this point i had already been depressed and attempted to kill myself do to a turbulent life of poverty and an alcoholic father. At first i paid no mind to it, figured i'd outgrow it. At age 15 it became a problem for me. To hide myself from constant ridicule i began binding my chest with electrical tape. That hurt alot and cut into my flesh on a constant basis but it didn't matter to me. I won't elaborate on how it destroyed my social life, or how my grades dropped due to it. At one point i had lost weight. I was 1 78 pounds but that just made it worse so i put the weight back on. At age 17 i tried to kill myself again by hanging myself in the garage but as fate would have it the beam broke. At age 19 (2 weeks ago infact) i finally told my mom about the problem. She was angry that it took so long to come to her with the problem. I told her how i had to shun my friends, put off girls who showed interest in me and how i had now become a hermit who hides in my room all day everyday. I told her about the tape, about the ridicule and about the suicide attempts. She said she would help me through the process of going to doctors and possibly surgery. Things are looking up a bit for the first time in my life but its not all good. We have very good insurance but i don't think it will cover the surgery. Hopefully a payment plan is possible but i'm not sure. All i know is that if i'm told by the doctors that there is nothing that can be done i will probably end my life permanently. I know some people can live with this problem as i've read here, but unfortunately i'm not strong enough to do that. So sorry for the sob story, i get that it's kind of pathetic, but it feels good to get it off my chest (no pun intended). So thanks for reading.

Offline LookingForward

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dude, unless your Gs are really woman-like (i.e. sagging like sacks which looks really awkward), nothing is really fatal. You didn't have to shun girls becuase normal girls who like you in a romantic way don't care. Today I had to take off my t-shirt in front of my new GF and she didn't even say a thing, she just said I need to lose some weight (I'm a bit overweight). That's it. We had a great time (although I did avoid the missionary position because of the obvious reasons)

Women in general don't rate men based on their looks (unless it's a fashion magazine), it's we (men) who do. If you show confidence (which you are obviously and terribly lacking if you tried to commit suicide in the past) and power - you are the man they desire. No girl desires a wimp with a perfect body. He'll still be a wimp and being a wimp is a MAJOR turn-off. Nothing turns a girl on as much as confidence and display of power and self-respect.

Of course all said above doesn't mean you shouldn't undergo surgery, you should, but it's you who ruins your life, not your Gyno.

Offline gynedowner

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I agree with LookingForward. Having gyne doesn't mean you have to shun women or hide yourself. You have plenty to offer other people than your looks. I tend to get around my gyne by having a sense of humor (though it is kind of dark for obvious reasons). I also build my confidence by taking pride in my ability to be thrifty, get really good jobs, and work hard. I find many of my very flat chested, romantically popular friends envious of ME. I've saved up money for my surgery which is scheduled soon. I look forward to saying goodbye to the gyne part of my life, but I also have come to appreciate the drive to achieve higher that gyne has forced upon me. You can allow yourself to become a victim or you can rise above it and show those flat chested guys that a well sculpted body does not equal a free ride to success. Having surgery will not change your life, only you can do that. Use the pain that this condition has given you and change it into something good. Try working with a charity or find a job where you can help those in need. You'll realize that gyne doesn't stop you from being a great person.


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