Author Topic: "Help" is essential to my inner peace  (Read 1496 times)

Offline gynecomastia6

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Life is a little easier, and not as freighting, when we share our struggles and ask for help. The simple path to asking for help is created by believing it’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to do so.

When we believe we are worthy to receive help, and the love that comes with it, we tap into a quiet, beautiful strength. Asking for help shows our courage to face the problem and then, with a little help, move past it. Thats How I see it now...

I’ll admit that I didn’t like to ask for help because I didn’t want to appear needy. I thought I had all the answers…or could at least figure them out. And honestly, for a lot of things, we can figure them out – but what I’ve learned throughout my life is that there’s a super-power that lays within being humble and vulnerable and just asking for help. It’s so simple, but so powerful for us all. I’m always amazed of the power of a community, especially when prayer comes into play. After all, we are here in the world to help each other, aren’t we? The way I see it is a win/win situation

I am a single and young guy (22), living in Dallas TX. All of my money is allocated to daily living expenses. I do not have the extra money to pay for this surgery that would change my life completely. Even though I work at 2 restaurants, more than 40 hours a week, at the end of the month nothing is left. I need Help, I need your help!

To acknowledge that I do need help at times, and that by asking for help, I honor other people’s capacity and concern for me. By Refusing to ask for help, I feel that im refusing the chance of letting someone be helpful.
Thanks for reading...I hope I can live like a normal guy soon and that my life will change for better!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Mine developed about the age of 12.

I found that I always had the means to do what was really high on my list of priorities. What was odd was that my priorities were always changing. My mother's ailments took up my concern for a time. Then I got married and children came along. the needs of the children became my first priority. Then there was grandchildren and now there are great grandchildren. The really important things always got taken care of though. I guess these masses of excess tissue on my chest were not all that important after all.

Yes, I'm now 74 years old and I still have mine. Who cares?
Grandpa Dan


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