Author Topic: how did i get Gynecomastia?  (Read 5136 times)

Offline red^

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hello guys, this is my firtst post here after finding out about 2mths ago that i had Gynecomastia, well let me give you guys a breif history about myself, i am 34yrs old bout 140lbs, yes i am underweight,it all started about  4mths ago started lifting weigths and got me some weight gain powder BRAND:Exterme XXL, that i started using, i gained like 7lbs in 2mths, then i started to feel a pain under my right nipple, when it happend i thought that i may have damaged a muscle lifting too heavy, but there was defenately a pain under my right nipple, i did exrays and all sorts off stuff, when one off the doctors told me it was a lump under my nipple, so i had it removed and to test for cancer, the results were a piece off fatty tissue and they called it Gynecomastia. My question to u guys are how did i get Gynecomastia? i never had anthing like that and dont know what trigerred it, the doctor told me to stay away from high protein stuff it mayhave caused it, but i dont believe him to be honest so i need osme help here. can some point me in the right direction? thanks hope to hear from someone soon :)

Offline jackmac

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let me be the first one to welcome to you to the site. also there is not source or root for this.

i am not a doc nor had my surgery done yet. so i suggest u go watch this movie very very very carefully and hope it will answer your questions.

from this vid i got lot of info and learn lot as well. there is a professional doc talking so u can understand.

if this don't help than i guess u just need to do some google. "cause of gynecomastia" stuff like that.

Offline red^

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well, first off all thanks for responding, but could it be by any slim chance that my weight gain powder somehow caused a hormone imbalance in my body that could have lead to gynecomastia?

Offline Mr_Nip

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well, first off all thanks for responding, but could it be by any slim chance that my weight gain powder somehow caused a hormone imbalance in my body that could have lead to gynecomastia?

I don't know specifics about that product, but it is possible for some products to contribute to gyne.  I believe that some people may be more succeptible to that risk than others if they already have slight hormone imbalances.

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Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Hi Red,

It does seem a strange coincidence doesn’t it?  You taking that supplement and then a short while later developing gynecomastia.  I would think that the person to address the question of whether there might be a link is “Hypo-is-here”.  He is a regular visitor to these boards and hopefully he will pick up on your thread. If he doesn’t then I would suggest you send him a Private Message.

I note from the ingredients of Extreme XXl, that it contains Creatine Monohydrate (around 825 mgs) and I seem to recall that a question has been asked in the past if there is a link between Creatine and gynecomastia.  It was suggested that if this substance allows the user to gain muscle very quickly in the pectoral area then it might actually highlight an existing condition of gynecomastia, i.e. the new larger pectoral muscle will push out any existing gland and make it more prominent.

Keep us posted on any information you get?
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline red^

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ah, ok thanks guys for all your input i realy do apprecite it, think i'll get "Hypo-is-here" to give me his opinion thanks again :)

Offline norfar1

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that crap probably did cause it. sometimes they put weird stuff in supplements so that you'll get results.

NOW! and twinlabs are reputable companies.

stick to vitamins and minerals and you will reduce your chances of this occruing again.

Offline red^

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yea its a pity that i am not certain what caused it, the thing is i really want to continue lifting weights and unfortunately i cant do it without suppliments, so i need to find out what was contained in that weight gainer, the strange thing is that i never lifted weights in my life , and as soon as i started taking the supliments and working out this appeared, i also got to let you guys know that it was  Fatty tissue like stuff that was removed from under my nipple [right side] and when i expalined to the guys at the gym how much off the suppliments i was taking they said it was too much i was taking although it said 4 scoops on the box, i was taking 2 scopos which maybe was too much carbs for my system, my point is maybe i was just taking too much, i  am really need to find out what caused this, dont want to have to stop taking suppliments :(

Offline buffetkid

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Trying to understand the causes of gynecomastia.

If your overweight, you can have either gynecomastia or most likely pseudogynecomastia right?

Can the use of steriods cause pseudogynecomastia or will it definitely grow a gland?


Offline turningacorner

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lifting weights in itself causes a natural rise in the bodies levels of testosterone. This is to promote muscle repair and growth as the muscles adapt to the new excercises you are making them do. There are also regulators of testosterone, and one way of regulating levels when high is to turn it to female hormone estrogen. I think the sudden weight gain caused more testosterone to be turned into estrogen, and the sudden weight lifting increased testosterone, which basically caused a larger than usual amount of female hormone which resulted in a small spurt of growth of breast tissue, which clearly struggled to develop and caused you alot of pain.

I'm no doctor though, this explanation is somewhat logical to me. However I don;t know the full story, perhaps your testicles have been damaged or something?!

Could be shitloads of things.

Offline jamo123

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Red why cant you continue lifting without supplements?


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