Author Topic: My gynecomastia story in Boston MA  (Read 1842 times)

Offline JJ1224

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I had my surgery done yesterday at 6 AM. The first hour was just a pre opt whereI met several nurses. The nurses asked me several questions about my medical history before hooking up my iv. The feeling of the IV was a bit strange for me because i've never had one hooked up before. When the nurse hooked up the IV it felt like cold water running through my veins and into my entire body.

The doctor then came in and  told me what to expect in the operating room before taking a few pictures and making several markings across my chest.

The nurse then changed the medicine that was going through the iv. It made me feel like I had about 10 beers which had me very relaxed.

The nurses then rolled me down to the operating room. When I entered the operating room they had me crawl from my bed that I came in on and onto another. The doctor instantly put a mask on my face as soon as I rolled onto the bed. He told me to take a few deep breaths, and this is the last thing I can remember before waking up 3 hours later with a compression vest on.

Upon wakening I felt virtually no pain whatsoever but was very numb. The nurse told me that the pain would intensify later after I got home and to be sure to take the pain medication. Still then the pain isn't too bad as its about as equivalent to having a very hard chest workout.

 My doctor didn't use any drains which I'm glad after hearing mixed reviews about them. I took a peek at my chest just now and I noticed that the chest is very flat with mild bruising but no swelling whatsoever. The only real issue I have right now is the vest is very itchy and I think the pain medication makes the itching a bit worse.  Other than that the vest is actually not very bulky and I can wear a T-shirt over it with no problems.

I'm supposed to wear this vest for the next five weeks. My first follow-up appointment is this coming Wednesday. After that appointment I'll at least be able to take off the vest to shower. But other than that I have to wear it at all times. I have a before and after photo but with vest on. I should have a better after photo on Wednesday after my first appointment.

Offline JJ1224

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Before and after so far

Offline MAUC88

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