Author Topic: My Gyno Story. Surgery at --, Poland  (Read 2290 times)

Offline sesalovdarlo

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I have my surgery booked for the 16th April 2014. I fly out to Berlin tomorrow then mini bus to Poland. Coms have been great so far with the surgeries rep, Jeremy Clark.

My Gyno has only really developed in my 20's (im 28 now) and I have been down to 6% bodyfat (I used to compete in kickboxing) and it was still noticeable. I have put on a bit of weight now and it is even more noticeable. I have never touch AAS, but I do lift 5X a week.

I will update my journal of the coming days, and will be happy to help people considering the surgery or going through the same as I am.


Only my girlfriend knows I'm getting the surgery. Not even my parents know. Everyone thinks im away with work and work thinks im away with my girlfriend.


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Offline sesalovdarlo

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Its now the morning of my journey, its 3am (BST) and I'm just having a coffee before I drive to the airport. At the minute the shit is very real and I'm thinking to myself now, WTF am I doing? going abroad for cosmetic surgery? Really anxious right now. Its a 2hr drive to Manchester airport from where I live. I don't real like eating right now but feel I should.

Offline ms123

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You'll be fine!! Good luck. Keep us updated.

Offline sesalovdarlo

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Day 2

Its Tuesday today, Sat in hotel room. Was kinda expecting a phonecall from Jeremy or --'s travel agent Tomek. Nothing!. So I assume all the pre Op will take place tomorrow morning on the day of the op. Had an issue yesterday finding a dam cash pont *ATM, there is none, not even outside the banks. WTF?? Finally found one and withdrew some polish Zloty. Hotel is ok, the WIFI is hit and miss. Went out to a local stall for Lunch and got some nice chicken, fries and bread with cola, came to 8 Zloty (£1.50), much cheaper than eating room service food in hotel (although it is dam good food in the hotel!). Im bored stiff now, just watching DVD's et on laptop. Waiting for the day to tick over.


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