Author Topic: My story  (Read 2190 times)

Offline Callum2000

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Hello. I'm Callum. I am 23 years old and suffer from Gynecomastia. Its been present ever since I started puberty and its brought me nothing but pain and embarassment. When I was young and in highschool(around 13-14 years old) thats when it started getting worse and noticable. On certain days for Physical Education, my class would go to the swimming pool for classes, of course this meant my chest would be exposed for everyone to see. After that...I got teased daily about this particular thing and it caused me to be come severely paranoid and down about it. Fast forward to present day, I'm 23 and I haven't gotten over what happened in highschool. I haven't been near a swimming pool for around 8 years, I've been abroad on holiday numerous times and have been unable to let it go and just have fun in the water while at the beach or just using the pool at the hotel. I never go out in public wearing a t-shirt as most of the time, the wind makes it hig my body tightly and my chest is very noticable. I am heading to Glasgow today for a Psychology appointment to assess if surgery is needed and for the right reasons. I will try to post pictures later in the phot thread but it might take a lot for me to do that. :)

Offline shaknbake

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Welcome to the forum Callum.  We all know exactly what you are going through, and how you feel here, so don't worry about getting some of the anxiety out in the open.  I lurked on the site for several years before deciding to join, and I'm glad I did.  Everyone here is great, and always willing to help out if you have any questions or concerns, or even just to listen.  I've said to others who have just joined, you are among friends here, welcome!  ;)
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline Callum2000

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I'm glad. :) I had my appoitment and wasn't happy with the result given. The Dr I seen told me I was just over their cut off for BMI. They go by 27 or under, I was 28. I'm going to have a very tough time trying to lose the weight I need to lose....I am actually scared it might to lead to me losing weight through whatever measure I can use.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You will no doubt get lots of advice about what kinds of things to do to get in shape and lose weight etc. I have found it in my best interest to ignore most of that as politely as possible. While I find the gym to be a totally boring experience, I have found that a decent pair of shoes is all I really need to get into good shape. I walk about 3 miles twice a day. You give your age as 23, That is a happy coincidence, you see I was 23 once myself. That would have been a bit over 50 years ago but I can still recall what it was like and some things do not change all that much. 

Seriously, we know where you are because we have been there too. Some of us are still there in spite of the passage of time. Feel free to vent your feelings here.
Grandpa Dan


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