Author Topic: The story of my life  (Read 6260 times)

Offline Prufrock

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Hi everyone!

I am so happy to have found this site!!  I just want to share some thoughts because for 25 years I have pretty much thought that I was alone with my problem, which apparently also has a name: gynecomastia.

Ever since I was a child I have been bothered by my unproportionally large breasts. I have had comments from my grandma, my stepfather, friends, sister etc, that have sincerly hurt me and obstructed my development into happy, normal, selfconfident young man.

One of my most horrible memories is from when I was 8-9 yrs. I was was getting my hair cut in my dad's apartement. Of course, I had to sit in my bare underware. Some of his cousins were completely mocking me, fondled my breast as I was sitting on the chair, laughing out lound and ridiculed me.

Another incident that affected me severly was when I was 12. Me and my then best "friend" went swimming in a popular lake home in Sweden. I was reluctant to taking off my shirt, but it was a warm, sunny day and I like swimming! So I took the courage to go into the water, with no shirt...My friend said: "My God, you look like a girl". Emotionally, I was devastated. As we walked into the water, some guys from the bridge started to wolfwhistle to me, indicating that I was  I girl. From that day I decided never to show my self publicly without something covering  my chest.

At 13, I came acoss an article about a  40 year-old man who had made a surgery, removing his breasts. I thought that is something I should do. But I thought it was something completely unattainable for me, almost as unthinkable as making myself into a woman. At that time, plastyic surgery was considered something for celebrities, vain people or maniacs. So, regrettably, I gave up that thought.  

When I was 20, I thought I perhaps have Klienfelter's syndrome. So I went to the doctor. He said that there's no way I have that syndrome but he agreed that I hade "somewhat large breasts" . However, he thought they would disappear by push-ups. Encouraged by the idea that intensified training might take the breasts away, I started to go to the gym. But no matter how much I trained, the fat in my breast would not go away.  

Now, I am 25 and I am in my final year in Law School. And I still train and I still have breasts. They have become somewhat smaller, but there's no denying that there is something unnatural about them.  

A few days ago, I was really depressed...I surfed the net and found this page!! How LUCKY I became, relaising that the breasts CAN be removed!! I saw pictures on this page of people who have had ops and looked exactely as me before the op and exactly as I want to look after the op.

I went to the doctor today, he referred me to the suregery. On Monday I will book time for a check-up.
I have also contacted several private plastic suregery clincs about info. I will most certainly have a surgery. It is expensive, but not overwhelmingly.  

Now, I feel hope and joy!!! I feel that my deepest dream is about to become true. I have something to live for. I am 25, still quite young, though I regret having spolied my childhood, my teenage years, my adolesence with having these breats. I have always felt insecure, humiliated, embarrassed, inferior. Not like a real man. Taking off my shirt in front of a girl is one of my biggest dreads. Still, I got 5 more years before I turn 30 - really old (?)

My God, this summer I might actually, for the first time in my life, be able to go to the beach with nothing covering my chest....I might feel truly normal. And HAPPY!!

« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 05:05:48 PM by Prufrock »

Offline Kevin

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I am happy for you. This website has helped me overcome my fear of surgery.  

Surgery with Dr. Lasa - Ph 5/21/2005 (Liposuction only) My Pictures

Offline headheldhigh01

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congrats, it's an eye-opening discovery.  

try to get somebody who's experienced at gyne surgeries specifically instead of just someone who says they "can do it."  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Prufrock

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Thanks for your support guys!

There was no appointment time until January, so I guess I'll just have to wait  till then :-/

« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 04:01:53 PM by Prufrock »

Offline jc71

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Hey, you've waited this long, January will be here soon.  Isn't it a great feeling to know what it is. I suppose you have to know what it is before you can take corrective action. Hopefully you will achieve your goal of going to the beach with those beautiful Swedish blond women.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 04:36:09 PM by jc71 »

Offline Prufrock

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Hi everyone!

I haven't been on the site for a while, but here are some updates on my gynecomastia...And, o boy, do I have news :)

I never had time to meet the doc in the US. So when I got back home to Sweden I contacted a private doctor. I got an appointment for surgery in April at the cost of $3,500+transportation. Having been working and saving throughout my studies I had the money and I was prepared to spend (invest) it on this.

However, I decided to tell my family. And my mother, who works in a hospital and is very supportive, just like my whole family, advised me to see a doctor in the public hospital first before making this surgery.

The reason I didn't go to a public doctor in the first place was that I went to one a few years ago and I got bad response ("just train", you know...) in addition to having to wait for a long time. So, I figured that if I will ever get my gyno away I have to go to the private sector.

Listening to my mother (as you should always do ;)) I went to a public doctor. She was very kind and understanding, although she said my breasts were not remarkably large. But if I had psychological issues about the breasts she would refer me to a surgery. So she did.

I got an appointment today, I went there - and to my great joy and happiness, the doctor agreed to make an operation!!! And there was time already next Wednesday, less than a week!!! Swedish public healthcare is otherwise known for very long waiting lists - months, even years - so I consider myself very lucky. Having service like this makes it worth while paying 30% tax!

The checkup today cost $12,  staying the night after the op will cost $10 and the operation itself will be completely free. The first thing I gotta do know is to cancel the surgery with the private doctor(their checkup cost $45).

25 years of shame, inferiority, lonlieness, suicidal feelings are all over. I will be reborn at 25. I will start life all over again. Start dating girls, go to beaches, wear no shirt in summer - be like the free and happy teenager I never was.

I will graduate from Law School this summer with a Masters of Law and a new chest.

Thank you God.  
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 02:15:03 PM by Prufrock »

Offline jc71

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Man, I've got to move to Sweden. Good story Prufrock, I hope everything works out well for you.

Offline the_dragon

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Tjena Prufrock,  Jag är en 26-årig kille från Göteborg. Jag ska snart träffa en endokrinolog på sjukhuset o hoppas att de ska betala för operationen.  Men jag är lite skeptisk till att de skulle bevilja det. Var bor du? Hade du några trick som gjorde att de gick med på det?
tack o hej

Offline JoeBug

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jag är verkligen glad för att jag hitta den här sidan...

Jag har också gyno fick det i puberteten tror jag.

Jag har funderat på operation jättelänge men jag har aldrig diskuterat problemet med någon doktor, är lite feg det känns pinsamt och jag har inte ens råd till eventuell operation...

men som jag uppfatta det fick du genomgå operationen gratis? det skulle va en dröm för mig!

jag har slitit i flera år i gymmet och tränat, blivit någorlunda vältränad men jag tänker endå inte hänga med mina polare till stranden i sommar... gyno sucks!

Jag skulle också gärna vilja ha lite tips, jag bor typ en bit utanför Göteborg.

jag är 20 år.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 01:12:48 PM by JoeBug »

Offline jc71

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I agree Dragon and JoeBug, Prufrock has a very smart mom.

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Bah, chop you're cousins headz off! i hate little kids when they always make fun and poke fun at my moobs. So what do i do? i chop their heads! I've got a Wall of Shame for those kids! ANd i do field goals with their heads!

Do the same for yourself. Carry a katana sheath and a magic flying guillotine at all times! and watch their parents chasing after you with their Big SUVs and they crush you under their tires!

God, these kids don't think that guys with boobs can be tough? i'll cut all their heads off!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 03:33:54 PM by Bubby_the_Tour_G »
Fatal Flying Guillotine providing free surgery for people with Gynecomastia, just ask Dr. Ti Tu Fat

Offline saile

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I live in sweden too, i discussed the issue with my doc who sent me to a psychiatrist to have her examine my situation and write a report of it. After that was done, over a procedure of several months, sigh, I went back to my doc who sent the psych's report to the pub healthcare plastic surgeon who promptly dissed the request saying they do only treat accute problems, I mean wtf, do I need to be suicidal to get anywhere? being honest sucks, I don't recommend it to anyone.

Now I've got no idea what to do, obviously it is possible to get a free op here as prufrock did, just dunno how. My doc says he's done everything he can now and has pointed me to private healthcare. Also, I don't know of any docs in scandinavia or even europe who has extensive experience with gyno surgeries. Can't this site by any chance add a list of surgeons covering scandinavia too? or even all of europe.

Offline saile

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a few addons:

But if I had psychological issues about the breasts she would refer me to a surgery. So she did.  
What hospital/doc did she refer u to?

I got an appointment today, I went there - and to my great joy and happiness, the doctor agreed to make an operation!!!

was the doctor experienced with such surgeries?

and I guess u had your op now, so how did it go? :)

Offline Blarneystoner

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these boards help so many ppl out, if it hadn't been for them, I would have still been doing pushups telling myself it would go away.
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!


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