Author Topic: Testosterone treatments  (Read 1104 times)


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Many years ago I got into bicycle riding competitions. 100 mile rides and the sort. 
I became good friends with another bike rider that happened to be a sports doctor, needless to say I started seeing him. 
I was having a problem building muscle mass and exercise combined with protein shakes just weren't doing it. 
My new doctor checked by testosterone levels and I was very low for the average male. He put me on testosterone, and I stayed on it for two years. My treatments ended upon his passing, and my new physician didn't see the need to continue. 
I saw incredible changes while on testosterone including facial hair where I had previously had none. My muscle mass increased massively as well, as did my bone structure. 
I was very happy at the time for having the opportunity to be on testosterone, but hindsight being 20/20, I wish I never had. 
My body was fine just the way it was, It didn't need help.
The scrawny curvy most feminine me was the 'me' God has intended for me to be. 🤔


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Testosterone treatments did leave me sterile for some years, but it resolved itself. Apparently because I have children. 😉

I guess I wasn't too nice to be around either back then. It really effected my moods too. 

It was a very bad decision. One I still regret today. 🤔

Offline taxmapper

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Just another walk in the park Kazatsky. 

Advertising and medical kickbacks, and promotions go long ways to convince people to do things. 
Anyone remember Vioxx? 

This again goes to how modern advertising works and the influence it has, especially when the people pushing it are highly ignorant in their own right, but fixated on what they have thinking they are good to go and make gazillions of dollars with it. 

its sick, but par for the course as it were. 

We cant regret what happened really, just deal with it and work through the emotional aspects.   
I am glad I didn't fall for the whole "Low T" thing because I long ago saw that stuff as a sales gimmick. 
I remember the Cambridge Diet that damage it did to so many people and when I had my first dealing with understanding MSG, the pushback by industry on the allergic aspect told me everything I needed to know. 
The whole Opioid thing was just another version of that. 

I also perused building muscle mass and working out, and when I build my traps to a large size but the rest of my body didn't follow I figured something else was happening. 
The fact that I have yet to get a single female pregnant tells me volumes. 

Offline gynepaul

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I’ll offer an alternate viewpoint on testosterone treatment. About five years ago, in my mid-60s, I noticed some breast growth on my left side. I went to my doctor to have it checked out and he ran a hormone panel blood test. The results showed that I had a severe testosterone deficiency. My doctor ordered a mammogram, which ruled out breast cancer, but confirmed gynecomastia. 

My doc prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), first starting with testosterone gel. That didn’t work very well so we moved on to testosterone cream, which also didn’t work very well. I eventually started weekly injections, which were successful in getting me up to the mid level range for testosterone for a man my age.

Prior to going on TRT, I was experiencing a lot of fatigue which I had attributed to just getting older. My doctor also checked my bone density, and I was found to have osteopenia, bordering on osteoporosis. I was also experiencing ED, which I also attributed to my getting older.

Now that I’ve been on TRT for about five years, my gynecomastia is still there, but has either stopped progressing or slowed significantly. I am in the acceptance camp as far as the gynecomastia. I have no intention of seeking surgery to get rid of it. If it continues slow growth, I’ll except that as well, but I’m not actively seeking to make my breasts any bigger than they are now.

In addition to stopping/slowing the gyno, my chronic fatigue is mostly gone, and my osteopenia has stabilized. My ED is still a problem, but my Viagra usage is providing much better results then before getting on TRT.  Overall, I feel much better being on TRT.  I get it that others may have different experiences, but just wanted to share my experiences from a different viewpoint.


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I’ll offer an alternate viewpoint on testosterone treatment. About five years ago, in my mid-60s, I noticed some breast growth on my left side. I went to my doctor to have it checked out and he ran a hormone panel blood test. The results showed that I had a severe testosterone deficiency. My doctor ordered a mammogram, which ruled out breast cancer, but confirmed gynecomastia. 

My doc prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), first starting with testosterone gel. That didn’t work very well so we moved on to testosterone cream, which also didn’t work very well. I eventually started weekly injections, which were successful in getting me up to the mid level range for testosterone for a man my age.

Prior to going on TRT, I was experiencing a lot of fatigue which I had attributed to just getting older. My doctor also checked my bone density, and I was found to have osteopenia, bordering on osteoporosis. I was also experiencing ED, which I also attributed to my getting older.

Now that I’ve been on TRT for about five years, my gynecomastia is still there, but has either stopped progressing or slowed significantly. I am in the acceptance camp as far as the gynecomastia. I have no intention of seeking surgery to get rid of it. If it continues slow growth, I’ll except that as well, but I’m not actively seeking to make my breasts any bigger than they are now.

In addition to stopping/slowing the gyno, my chronic fatigue is mostly gone, and my osteopenia has stabilized. My ED is still a problem, but my Viagra usage is providing much better results then before getting on TRT.  Overall, I feel much better being on TRT.  I get it that others may have different experiences, but just wanted to share my experiences from a different viewpoint.
Glad it worked out for you. 👍
I don't know where my levels were, been too many years ago (I was about 20ish). I just know the doctor said I was low.
He was a 'sports doctor', so I think he brought my levels way up. I built lots of muscle fast.
It did work!
Being sterile for awhile wasn't what I expected, but it did resolve.
In my case, I think I should not have proceeded, but I did. I was really too young to be on it.

I know my doctor now is watching my hormone levels, they haven't said anything. I guess I'm doing okay. 🤔


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By balls seem to be shrinking away of their own volition 
Removal is not an issue  I have ever considered. 
If faced with a life and death choice  I know which pair that I own would go and not just because it is a minor procedure and leaves no visible scarring

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Had this discussion with someone not too long ago. 
I already had one side removed because it never descended in the first place. 

So I have lived the majority of my life with one testi. 

If it came to that, I would prob. go full on sis and just go all the way. 


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