Author Topic: For those with very mild gynecomastia.  (Read 18177 times)

Offline BoundlessZero

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Good day! This is my first post on this forum, though I've been reading some of your posts for some time now and I've got to thank you all for sharing a bit of your lives. It has been inspiring and helpful to know not just that we are not alone, but that I am connected in some way to good people like the members of this board.

I never registered here because I never felt like I had anything to say that someone hadn't said before, until now!

And that is that I may have found an effective alternative to all of the miracle-solutions people are searching for, although I'm afraid it's only useful in the mildest of cases. However, since I know how embarassing even a mild case of gynecomastia can be (I myself am lucky enough only to have puffy nipples, but to the extent that I've been called on manboobs and the like many times) I decided I may as well tell everyone else about this for the sake of those like me.

Assuming you have a mild case of gynecomastia such that your nipples are the only noticeably effected part of your chest (or such that without puffy nipples, you'd feel a hell of a lot more comfortable/confident in a shirt that fits like it ought to) I suggest depressing your nipple and applying a small amount of super-glue to it. It seems to be working for me. Now, mind you, I'm only mildly effected with puffy nipples (if I get really cold, my chest just looks buff)  anyway, and am by no means suggesting that this is some miracle solution to gynecomastia.

On that note, I'd like to address a previous concern some others have had with regards to using super-glue on your skin. After deciding to make this post, I thought I should look and see if anyone else had made a post like it, and I found one in which people dispelled the idea of using super-glue with the notion that using super glue on your skin is dangerous and that there may be some toxins in the glue that your skin could absorb, thus producing far more significant health problems than gynecomastia.

Now, I'm not a toxicologist, but I do know that 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate super-glue was approved in 1998 by the FDA as a means of closing wounds (primarily because 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate isn't as irritating to the skin as other compounds). In Vietnam, super-glue was used to seal wounds and stop bleeding, which saved many soldiers lives. More recently, super-glue has been the essential component of liquid skin bonds (which might work better for the purpose I've suggested, I don't know).
So until I keel over from getting a little super-glue on me, bollocks to not using it. Mild-skin-irritation is a hell of a lot better than puffy-****ing-nipples when there's a pretty girl at the beach.

If you guys want to, you know, hazard an opinion or try it yourselves, it's not like I'm going to stop you.

Offline keelo

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I have a mild case that haunts me. How does your method look without a shirt on?

im not uncomfortable with a shirt on at all....i really dont think u can notice it

Offline headheldhigh01

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i mentioned that use on the prior thread, but anybody who's ever gotten it on their fingers know's it's nothing to mess with, because it dehydrates and kind of dissolves the skin.  i have doubts here.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline BoundlessZero

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At best, it doesn't look much different from being cold without a shirt on. Depending on how much glue you've applied (i.e. if you've applied too much) the glue may start to crack, which makes you look kind of like you're peeling. It's your call, but in my case, even that is an improvement.

I'm a guitarist and I walk barefooted a lot. Super-glue is particularly good for helping cracked, dry skin to heal, as in calluses. I'm not aware of much evidence for or against the beneficial effects of super-glue on human skin save for my own personal experience, but I've yet to experience anything particularly negative. If you find any, I'd be more than willing to hear about it.

Offline samgyne28

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Interesting idea.
How long are the results.. I mean does the glue where off easily.  Or do I have to shower. Does it work if yuou go swimming?
Any tips, feedback highly appreciated.

Offline BoundlessZero

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Since I shower daily, I clean the glue off daily as well. Left untouched, the glue should by its nature become brittle and break away from your skin. At the very longest, I doubt it would be effective any more than two days. Water alone does relatively little to break the glue down, so swimming is fine. However, I'd be careful of too much exposure to the sun (I'm Scottish, and Scottish skin doesn't tan well anyway, so I'm wary of the potentially harmful combination of too much sun and super-glue).

And might I add as a bit of good advice, everything in moderation. This isn't a daily thing for me. For example, yesterday I wore a double-shirt that flattens my chest pretty well anyway, so there was certainly no need for this method. Today I used it because I wore a thin, tight fitting white t-shirt. It looked like it was made for me.

Also, in my own experience, the confidence that being able to show your chest off in public can give you  is nothing at all compared to just being cool with yourself. Winning other people over is easy compared to winning yourself. That's the real goal; this is just something to help you reach it.

Offline nonini

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Super Glue is poisonous I believe so I wouldnt recommend this

Offline headheldhigh01

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If you find any, I'd be more than willing to hear about it.

just observation, never like how fast it ate and dissolved into my skin, you can see the skin level go down.  with a foot it would matter less because you have so much callus and dry dead skin down there.  

Offline BoundlessZero

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Headheldhigh01 is undeniably right; the skin on feet and (guitarists') fingertips is a lot thicker than the skin on your chest. I'd be wary if you experience anything particularly painful.

Anyway, I believe I've blown my own idea out of the water. When someone who suggests it loses faith in it, an idea doesn't quite have the substance it began with, does it? That is, I've all but resolved to not use the whole super-glue thing anymore, except perhaps in the most ideal conditions, which are so sparingly allotted me as to go without mention. Regardless of whatever potential health risks it poses, of which I am confident  there are few, it is simply too impermanent a means to an end.  

There may be a smarter, better way to deal with gynecomastia, but this is not it.

Offline brian85

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i wake board and surf and my feet get mullered dayly!! i and most ppl in the sport use super glue on the feet to apply a kinda extra protective layer of skin. in six years it hasnt done me any harm, my friend who is a drummer also uses it on his hands for the same effect.
i find no need to remove it manualy as its usually all gone in a matter of a day, threw my body sweating it free.

it is true that it is used in field opperations, infact it was invented for that purpose dueing would war 2 i believe.

anyways ide like to say it wrks in this case, only iam lucky not to have puffy nipples.

Offline jimmz

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I tried it on the weekend out on a boat and it worked well, gave me much more confidence and I could enjoy the day - only problem was it was flaking off after an hour due to the activities of the day


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