Author Topic: any bad experiences while wearing a bra?  (Read 13448 times)


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 I don't know what kind of compression hose (tights) you use, but I was prescribed the $100.00 thigh highs for circulation and water retention at least ten years ago. Having insurance I pay 20%. I hate them! If I use my adjustable bed during the day keeping my legs up I can keep them off! I would rather run around in a bra without a shirt then have to always wear them! After several years of learning to control the fluid build up, I usually only loss control and need the hose for a few days to a week after deer hunting. I don't know how anyone could wear them daily!

Offline Bman41

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Sounds like what I wear to keep visibility absolute min.  I have a sports bra (compression) and a slightly snug tank top that I wear over it, fine in winter, but a bit warm in summer.  You can't see a thing thru my shirt.

If anyone has noticed no one has said anything. The comfort level I feel trumps visibility, but I am not taking many chances. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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I believe this is the first reference to compression hose that I've seen here.

I woke up in the cardiac cath lab with a couple of new stents and thigh high support hose that were so tight it must have taken three people to pull them on.

I now wear the inexpensive support hose that I get through a catalog.
Only knee high for regular wear but thigh high if my wife and I travel as sitting for extended times in terminals and planes is about the worst thing a person can do in terms of circulation in the legs. If some support is worn regularly, I don't have to resort to the hose that are killer tight. Women's are cheaper than men's and since I get black anyhow no-one would know the difference.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 05:41:21 PM by Paa_Paw »
Grandpa Dan


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Do the inexpensive ones do a good job, where do you order them from and do they last? I really should wear them when we travel as well, and do not get a chance to put my feet up.

As you know, it darn near takes a come-along to put the expensive ones on, and are no fun to have on all day. They do, do what they are suppose to do though, I guess it is better then the alternative!

Offline Paa_Paw

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The site does not like to be a source of gratis advertising so I've sent you a personal message.

Offline Bman41

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A friend of mine (30's) at work had a 12 hr plane flight he was on and got a clot and he didn't know that is what it was, thought it was a muscle cramp.  But after 2 weeks it didn't go away, ended up being hospitalized, don't mess with them. 

What does the compression hose do?  Just limit the blood being "stuck" below the waist?


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They prevent blood clots, keep blood flowing up, and for me my legs will retain water and swell up several times their normal size if I can not keep them elevated. I take a blood pressure pill that is half water pill too. That is it helps prevent the water retention.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Bman, your friend was lucky. Had the clot moved throught the heart, the next stop would have been called a pulmonary embolism and that can be a life threatening situation.

Offline Bman41

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Yup, he knows, he spent a few days or so in the hospital to make sure he was safe.  Had to be on blood thinners for a while too.  If you ever take a long plane flight, walk often!  Scary close call.

Bman, your friend was lucky. Had the clot moved throught the heart, the next stop would have been called a pulmonary embolism and that can be a life threatening situation.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I am on a regimen of Plavix and Aspirin. That with the hose and walking about whenever I get the chance is essential. This is not just a concern  of us older guys.

Offline Chicago

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Well, reading about how bad a blood clot can be just from sitting too long, I certainly can drop wearing a bra a few items down the worry list!


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Your right, not just for old guys! you read every day about young people dying from heart problems. Some seem to be fit as a can be! I was 37 when I had my heart problem, even went into v-tack! To this day 16+ years later we don't know what happen. I too take an aspirin a day 325mg, plus other meds and of course the wonderful support hose when needed.

My wife always says, when you've got your health you have everything! She is so right, and when I start to feel sorry for myself, I look at how well off I have it. I know some that are so much worse, and I think of the kids at St. Judes and I count my blessings!

Offline Paa_Paw

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i was lucky, Went in for an annual checkup and my Dr. found the circulation problems which have been successfully dealt with over time. That makes me one of a small number of people who have stented arteries but never had a heart attack. Thanks to modern medicine, I get around as well as some guys half my age. I'm 74 and still enjoy a hike in the local mountains.


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Paa_Paw you are lucky! And blessed to be able to do the hiking! That is the one big thing I miss, is going on walks with my wife. We use to camp a lot and go on walks while camping or at home, but I have neuropathy, (sp?) in the feet real bad from the diabetes. This makes walking any distance vary hard. It also makes exercising real tough, and that brings be back to swimming.

As discussed before I would love to swim again! It is a great way to exercise, but after hearing what happen to Del, and I can only imagine the looks or comments that one will get. Yes I know that one could join a nudist club if one wanted to, but I would just want to go into a pool. I have looked at one piece swim wear and the uni-tart style looks like it would be the most fitting, but they are very expensive for plus size.


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