Author Topic: VA Experiences?  (Read 2459 times)


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As I am now fully under VA care, I was wondering about other folk's experiences with VA medical treatment.

How does the VA deal with gyno? Do they offer surgery?

How do they deal with venous insufficiency? Do they offer surgery when it's needed or do they insist on pantyhose?

I pick up my hearing aids in a few days and have a venous ultrasound scheduled in a few weeks.



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TMB, they do not do gyno surgery,  however my primary care doctor once said she would try to make a case for me because my breast are so big and cause pain. I turned it down because it would be done by a general surgeon and I would end looking worse then I already do!

As for the leg problems,  mine are different so I can't help you there! However as I've said before I wear thigh high black compression hose, I get 4 new pair ever 6 months at no cost to me and I feel better with them on then off, but I do go days without them too!

I get my new hearing aids next Friday the 12th! I'm actually looking forward to getting them! I'm tired of saying "what, speak up I can't hear you!" And I've been doing that since I got out of the Navy. I should have done something before I got out!

I've been happy with "most" of my treatment at the VA, and I've  been going there for a little over 4 years now and had my last 2 surgeries there.

Good luck



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With all the soldiers coming back with awful wounds, the VA doesn't have provide cosmetic surgery? Or is that true only concerning gyno?


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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    • Gynecomastia Surgery
The VA is already over-stretched, as the news headlines will attest.  Gyne is a problem for many men -- but there is still a cost to doing surgery for it.  As much as I do believe that gyne should be covered, I would still rather devote our limited VA funding to helping our guys recover from battlefield injuries.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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I'm with doc Jacobs on this as for helping the young warriors, and as for us old guys, I much rather they help someone like me get hearing aids to hear my grandkids talk to me then to go through the process of getting a flat chest, which I could care less about anyway! At this point in my life the hearing will make a big quality of life Improvement! 


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