Author Topic: Men in Bras  (Read 10753 times)


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I'm with you hammer. I put on my 36H bra everyday because I have to. I rather spend 75-100$ on something besides a new bra. Like you, I'm not having surgery. I just try to make the girls look and feel the best I can and that's accomplished with a good quality, well fitted bra.


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Ive gotten much better at wearing mine everyday and it does beat having the rash under my breast! As I've said time and time again, I have no problem with wearing a bra, it's just the tightness of the band! I told my doctor and she said, the ladies hate that too as well, lol.


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The band never bothered me. And as a matter of fact, I prefer underwire bras to soft cup bras. What I hated most about wearing a bra was slipping straps. It used to drive me nuts having to slide my straps back onto my shoulder. Then I went for a fitting and told them some of the issues that I was having.  She showed me a leotard back bra (u-shaped). After that, problem solved.
Glad to hear that your wearing a bra more often. 

Offline Athena12@

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I wish I could take part of it Hammer but "Life's a bitch and then you die".  I
I'll just have to hope they have not stopped growing.  But how the hell do you know when they have stabilized?
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.


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I wish I could take part of it Hammer but "Life's a bitch and then you die".  I
I'll just have to hope they have not stopped growing.  But how the hell do you know when they have stabilized?

Usually when they stop hurting.


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agreed with hammer, when mine began growing/budding whatever it's called. It got very sore and tender like not nearly as bad as others make it to be but nonetheless if poked or pushed it gave me that sharp pain like ouch. Then after a few weeks it went away and they never grew again once the pain went away. Fast forward 3 years and some months they got sore again. I work out often and rarely my chest as I don't want to make it more apparent but began doing so and figured it was just soreness from that, It has been sore for about 2 months now off and on some days more of a dull soreness other days even crossing my arms feels like bee stings. I have went from maybe half filling an A cup to now spilling out of my a cups and filling most of the new 36B's i have ordered. It is nerve wrecking but at least our bodies are kind enough that when they betray us and grow breasts they at least give us hints when and when it hasn't stopped. I believe the rule of thumb is 12-18 months of stability allots one to believe it has truly stablilized. 

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Steven I understand what you are going through.  I have searched the web and found nothing of value.  I have been a 36 A/b four over two years now and I want to know if they will start growing again.  But I can find nothing on the web and my doctors will not touch them like I have leprosy. My dermatologist has it too but all he said is I have to see a plastic surgeon,  I was not happy with that answer, since I have NO desire o get rid of my MOOBS.  I have been fitted several time but they never actually measure the bust line just below and above the breast.
I have had a discussion or two about my gynecomastia  with the wife.  She brought it up the first time after I had finished mowing the yard and I was wearing only a T shirt.  When I came inside she looked at me and said I needed a bra.  We shopped for sports bras but I hated them and we settle on a pull over light weight bra that she liked,  We have also shopped for bra together several times and she enjoyed it.  But now she tells me she is ashamed of me for wearing a bra and that it bothers her if she see my back straps.  
I decided to let her be bothered the I occasional show my straps in public and get on with my live!  I am 69 years old so what do I care what people think.


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at least you have a wife who showed support for wearing support, my wife showed it but when i stopped wearing them cause the soreness faded and growth had halted i saw no  use for them, given I was only an a cup maybe with no real definition just volume if that makes sense....they were squishy and soft and could fill a small bra but now pendulous and projecting to justify one so i didn't wear one anymore. We got married, moved and she asked verbatim if the bras and stuff are done and done..i said yes, she checked my drawers and saw they were gone and that was that. A year later they are growing still and the pain and sorness is there in full effect and now when i sit i can feel the crease of my under bust and when i lift my arms up my breasts don't go away like they used to and now they just sit there and are pretty obvious. So I have come to wear bras again, however my wife hates when i flip flop thigns and with a bra she gets pissed pretty easily not im going to divorce you or anything but unless they grow to be full b or c cups i am going to just keep it under the radar.

I hope your wife comes to terms with things. At 31 I no longer give a damn myself but do care about those around me more than i do myself, just the humility in me so i do often ponder how it would effect them if I did just start wearing bras and said deal with it. If your wife has switched her gears I feel it is probably due to what i find and believe firmly in, and that is, that women are very approving of things, until they are actually confronted with it. My wife I'm sure if I told her i'd like to wear comfort and sports bras nothing frilly and lacy push up or padded jsut something for containment she'd be frustrated but understand as she has said before that she understands if it causes discomfort just let her know before she hugs me and feels it and long as its neutral colors and not feminine in design....however, if she ptu my underwear up and opened a drawer and saw my bras i assure you there would be a lengthy discussion.
Comforting the idea is much different than confronting the reality for a lot of women and spouses i think. I wish I had a spouse that was so approving and encouraging like the other dudes in here have but a hyper feminined, 28 year old wife who is a conservative christian i don't see it happening until we're about 50 lol

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Steve don't feel to bad the other day my wife said she was embarrassed and ashamed that I wear a bra.  That hurt pretty bad and she said she could see my bra lines at the back which she didn't like either.  That is when my self protection mode kicked in and I said I was sorry about that but it wasn't going to change anything.  I think she was just in one of her bitchy moods and at my age I don't care and I am the only one who will stand up for myself so I did,  As for you wife being a full blown Christian she should know that GOD works in mysterious ways and she should not question what he has done to you.  But as a full blooded 28 year old female she has her own ideas of how the world should be and you can do little to change that.  She was brought up that women have boobs and men don't and if you do there is something wrong with you.
That idea can not be future from the truth.  We did not ask for this but for what ever reason thousands of us have them from AA to GGs.  I understand what you mean about the breast sagging on you chest,  Mine will do the same thing and on hot days it can get very sweaty under three and uncomfortable under there, so you need support.
As for the frilly bras I have several and have matching bras with the wife, I know I bought them!  I was at Dillard;s once and found a very sexy bra on sale and showed it to the wife when I got home.  The first words out of her mouth was "Did you shop for me"'  The next day I went back and LUCKILY I found the same bra in her size and a different color.  This is the woman who is ashamed of me.
On the other hand I am glad to hear the girls are growing again,  I wish mine would.  I would love to be a full 38B on both sides but as the have said they are sisters not twins, unless you pay for tthem.


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I'm sorry men! I asked my wife (Debbie) if at anytime she ever felt like you describe how your wife's feel, and she said "absolutely not"! She also said that your wifes just need to open their eyes as men do have breast! We are all born with the tissues and at some time in their lives somethings can triger growth of that breast tissue! The crap that is put in food and water, medications, medical reasons and sometimes you can't even find out why as some of the people who have been on the forum, such as, tomuchboob aka bummed, and boommer as examples.

We too are Christians, and we believe in being born again and so on, but there is nothing in the Bible that says a man can't give comfort to large breast just as a woman can, after all are we not created equal? Ya, ya ya, I know the part in  Deuteronomy about the wearing of clothes of the oppposite sex. That has nothing to do with this, as all you are doing is supporting enlarged breast, and after all, isn't that what a bra is made to do?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 08:52:21 AM by hammer »

Offline Athena12@

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Hammer you are exactly correct!  I have found it strange that many times when I go up stairs to get dressed she will find an excuse to come up and seek a pick at what I am putting on.  She stopped doing it about two weeks ago, I guess she just knows I am going to put on feminine underwear under my shirt and pants.  She know everything I own and has seen me in almost all of them and there is no surprise for her any more.  I don't care either way since I am going to wear what I want to.  Thank you and your wife for the support.

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I think the stuff in the bible about not wearing clothing of the opposite sex is referencing dressing to deceive others about your gender.


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I think the stuff in the bible about not wearing clothing of the opposite sex is referencing dressing to deceive others about your gender.

As an ordained minister that is how I understand it!


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That's how I read it as well. 
Bras and panties weren't available when these words were written. I can get by for the day without either. However, my day is a lot more comfortable when I'm wearing both. Like support hose, made for women. They are also great for keeping varicose veins in check and keep my legs from aching when on my feet for a 12 hour shift. 
It's obvious that I wear a bra. It's no secret to anyone with functioning eyes. A girl that I work with and my doctor suggested that I try wearing support pantyhose. I did and it made my life better. I have also been told that if I shaved my legs, my pantyhose will stay in place better. But I'm good with tugging them up. No big deal.

Offline Athena12@

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Aaboywithgirls, I am with you!  I have ben wearing bras lately because of need and panties a long time before that be because of desire.  I also wore garter belts and nylons along with panties hose with girdle, to keep the, up because I don't have women's hips.  Now I have to wear support thigh highs because of bad veins in my legs.  I am going to have a small vein in my right leg destroyed be RFA when my time in the line comes up, maybe next month. B that will not stop me but that from wearing what I like.  So I am with you all the way.
I have also found slip shorts also called petie slips that can be worn under pants and I wear those too.  Sears seems to be the only place to but them and mostly on line.


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