Let me chime in as being a lace bra wearer. On the warm days when the top I am wearing can trap heat, lace is the perfect material. Lightweight, airy, allowing my skin to breath, reducing boob sweat (it's a thing for those of us who have more than most), and is a very good fabric for excellent support. I wear lace all year round because of the great support and containment of the girls. That's one of the reasons you will see lace sewn onto cups under and on the outside of the cup for added support without bulk.
Bottom line is bras are styled for a woman's taste, not ours. So if we want the support and containment we want and need, we have to wear what's available. Fit and comfort outweigh style for me. So if my bra has lace or ribbons or bows or hanging medallions between the cups or flower designs that create the cups, so be it. No one sees my bras but me. I need the support and if that's what it takes to get it for my comfort, so be it too. My most supportive bras look feminine. I wear them not because it looks feminine but because it keeps the girls supported and contained. That's the bottom line for me.