I went out in a tank top and bra today to the lobby for a few hours. Of course no one said anything, and most everyone in the building knows I have breasts. Those that don't are finding out.
I go everywhere in my bra, and I always have the projection of an underwire.
Unlike some, I enjoy my breasts and don't mind them being seen.
I can also understand those that wish not to be noticed, I didn't wear one for most of my life because of that as well, even though I really needed one.
We all have to find our 'zone' so to speak, and it's different for each one of us. Some only care about function, others about looking good or sexy in it as well.
It doesn't really matter if I wear a bra or not, my boobs are noticable. So in my personal comfort zone, how sexy I look in a bra is just as important. I need the girls to look really good.
But like Charli says, It's good everyone is happy in their own skin. 😉
Photo of how I went out today.