Author Topic: Out and About  (Read 4818 times)

Offline JoniDee

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Just as an encouragement to y'all. This morning, I went to my dentist for my dental checkup and cleaning dressed this way, unashamedly projecting for the first time. I was in the chair for 45 minutes and neither the female hygienist nor the dentist gave me a quizzical look...nor did anyone else in the very busy office filled with women staffers. :-)

Offline Evolver

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Nice! :)

You look great JD. You should be proud of yourself.

Offline Johndoe1

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Just as an encouragement to y'all. This morning, I went to my dentist for my dental checkup and cleaning dressed this way, unashamedly projecting for the first time. I was in the chair for 45 minutes and neither the female hygienist nor the dentist gave me a quizzical look...nor did anyone else in the very busy office filled with women staffers. :-)
I see nothing wrong with that look. You look fine. I have noticed that most women don't pay much attention if you don't give them reason, such as making it obvious. It's clear you are are being yourself and not trying to draw attention. What shoes did you wear with this? That makes a difference too.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline JoniDee

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Just as an encouragement to y'all. This morning, I went to my dentist for my dental checkup and cleaning dressed this way, unashamedly projecting for the first time. I was in the chair for 45 minutes and neither the female hygienist nor the dentist gave me a quizzical look...nor did anyone else in the very busy office filled with women staffers. :-)

I see nothing wrong with that look. You look fine. I have noticed that most women don't pay much attention if you don't give them reason, such as making it obvious. It's clear you are are being yourself and not trying to draw attention. What shoes did you wear with this? That makes a difference too.
Thank you, Evolver & Johndoe1. Answering Johndoe1: I wore a pair of clean black running shoes, which worked well with my top and bottom.


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Good for you JoniDee.  You look great. 
  If you dress smart and sharp, not throwing it in their face, and exude the air of confidence you do, things will be just fine. Thanks for sharing it is encouraging to many here.

Offline Johndoe1

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Thank you, Evolver & Johndoe1. Answering Johndoe1: I wore a pair of clean black running shoes, which worked well with my top and bottom.


There you go. I have found shoes can bring a response in connection with what else your wearing.  None descript running shoes tones things down.

Glad you enjoyed your outfit!

Online taxmapper

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Once I got over it myself, it is an easy thing to do. 
Great step. 

Offline Moobzie

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This guy in the white shirt was "out and about", so to speak, in Idaho during the booking of the quadruple murder suspect.
I've noticed more men with gyno lately - maybe because I'm more aware of / sensitive to the condition.

The other pic (black shirt) is me, was out and about - no negative reactions, most people seem not even to notice.


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Hey Joni 🥰

You look comfortable and confident! That exactly why we all started wearing bras in the first place. 

Beyond the bra, however, your hour glass figure is undeniable. I experienced the same as estrogen did it's thing to my body since puberty. 

There is really no need to dress like a sack of potatoes when there a clothing departments and clothing stores that a dedicated for people who have a feminine figure. 

Good for you Joni for dressing your shape!



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Good for you! I occasionally go out wearing a bra but I feel like the world is staring at and condemning me. I know it's not so but it shows my inhibition about presenting  them outwardly. 

Offline RAPC

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I went to my last dental appointment 2 weeks ago in my bra and T-shirt.


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I went out in a tank top and bra today to the lobby for a few hours. Of course no one said anything, and most everyone in the building knows I have breasts. Those that don't are finding out. 
I go everywhere in my bra, and I always have the projection of an underwire. 
Unlike some, I enjoy my breasts and don't mind them being seen. 

I can also understand those that wish not to be noticed, I didn't wear one for most of my life because of that as well, even though I really needed one. 

We all have to find our 'zone' so to speak, and it's different for each one of us. Some only care about function, others about looking good or sexy in it as well. 

It doesn't really matter if I wear a bra or not, my boobs are noticable. So in my personal comfort zone, how sexy I look in a bra is just as important. I need the girls to look really good. 

But like Charli says, It's good everyone is happy in their own skin. 😉

Photo of how I went out today.


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There is really no need to dress like a sack of potatoes when there a clothing departments and clothing stores that a dedicated for people who have a feminine figure.
Yes, I agree 100%
It took me quite some time to bring myself to shop across the isle, but everything fits so much better and I don't have to make my own. 😉


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This guy in the white shirt was "out and about", so to speak, in Idaho during the booking of the quadruple murder suspect.
I've noticed more men with gyno lately - maybe because I'm more aware of / sensitive to the condition.

The other pic (black shirt) is me, was out and about - no negative reactions, most people seem not even to notice.
I noticed two gentlemen today here in the building with gyno. One was at least a B cup? Maybe?
Neither one of them looked like they had support on, but they looked like they needed it. 

When you have gyno, you start noticing things like that. 

You look great in that outfit! 😉

Online taxmapper

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I am now seeing it more and more, few with any support. 
But I have also seen a lot more women noticing my chest and giving off, the "your turn" look. 


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