The 20/30 30/40 is the amount of compression the hose provide, I wear 20/30, and I'm provided 4 new pair every 6 months, but with proper care they will last longer.
Doctors do advise wearing support, not prescribed. I have heard of some of the men here on the forum having the same advice that I received from my doctor, but I think it comes from female doctors more often then male doctors.
What you were doing with the breakup with your ex was going through greaving and your wife should understand that. You made a statement that you did not mean while greaving and not knowing and understanding what was going on in your life.
As for your thoughts on Christian bias, I couldn't agree more! We no longer belong to any main steam churchs at all! We still tithe as we believe very strongly in that, but we look in our community and beyond at what is needed and do that! We worship in our way, and not in the way of any main steam church.
I don't believe in same sex marriage, but I also believe in love thy neighbor, I also believe it isn't up to me to judge as well, however, I will not perform a same sex marriage. I believe that abortion is murder. But once again it's not up to me to judge.
I think you get the idea, and you would be surprise how many people don't believe that Jesus turn the water into wine for the wedding at Cana, because Jesus wouldn't drink! Well, I do believe, and I personally like "hard wine" or as some call it, E & J Brandy!
I know that we got a bit off topic, but what the heck. Some of this might even be educational, lol!